Franschhoek – South Africa, August 30th 2007

The rising sun warmed Mila’s back as she ran along the white sandy beach. It was so peaceful. There were only a few other people on the beach. A couple of hartlaub gulls flew in search of the morning catch when she passed them. She felt the changing terrain, every step different, lighter or heavier. The sand gave beneath her feet in the same way she felt something give in her heart. Nothing is as constant as change. One moment she was in Israel, licking her wounds, trying to remember who she was while attempting to live a normal life. Next thing she knew, she was running along the Atlantic Ocean, racing the sun.

Upon their return from Victoria Falls the previous day, Mila had apologized to Alexander for her sudden abstraction, hoping he wouldn’t misunderstand her. She told him that she needed time alone, and of course, he offered her space without imposing his presence on her.

The scenes of Alexander’s life came to her mind and her heart broke again. Perhaps Alexander wasn’t Masae’s monster pet as she believed him to be. Time had allowed her to witness delicate moments in his life that a woman in search of freedom would surely use to maneuver her escape. But emotional manipulation was Masae’s strategy; Mila would never harm him.

Mila considered that the price Alexander had paid for having a brilliant mind had been way too high and the blows suffered for it were too many. Geniuses are not born, they are made! She remembered his father repeating this as he bruised the boy’s face and soul. Alexander fulfilled his father’s wishes, under the belief that knowledge was gained with blood, never mind he was naturally gifted. So much so that the blood of his past threatened to stain his present. The chains of his father’s ambition left him in the clutches of another insatiable monster, Masae Norfolk. She had seen him be tough and assertive when working with Masae; he’d appeared to be as soulless as Masae…but now he was another person altogether.

Should I forgive him for turning me into a lab rat? Should I tell him what I saw in his past? Mila pondered, taking off her running shoes and preparing to jump into the water as a white pelican dove and fished its catch. A couple of crown cormorants cried above her. She gazed at them, following their playful flight. No; doing so would give away my secret ability. I’m not sure I should take that risk yet.

Mila wondered what had become of Alexander’s mother. Where was she? What little she saw of that woman’s love had opened a window to the caring person she was getting to know. That was the power of love to heal all wounds. She submerged into the water and swam, aware of her breathing, alternating strokes and kicks while capturing her thoughts and emotions and turning them into submission. Salty water wet her tongue from time to time.

This would be a good moment to go into my own past, Time! I need answers without intermediaries. How does this work? Mila pushed herself, seeking to force the light into being. I’m wanting this with all my heart. Time, please, where are your lights? She recalled the feeling of trembling and surrendering to the experience. She swam, her eyes sealed, letting go. Yet nothing happened. Despite her efforts and desire, she didn’t move a second backward or forward. Both previous trips had been spontaneous, Mila thought, without force or sweat on her part. Perhaps Time was selective with its moments or perhaps her mind was too busy with one thought: Alexander.

Love heals all wounds and pardons all wrongs, the phrase echoed on Mila’s mind making her open her eyes. She was close to the shore now, a few more strokes… She sensed her familiarity with those words, but couldn’t remember the source. She rummaged inside her brain while coming out of the water, but found nothing.

Alexander was sitting at the table when Mila walked into the hotel’s dining room. He stood, extending a welcoming hand towards her. Mila took his hand and without hesitation left a good morning kiss on his cheek.

Alexander moved her chair courteously. Once both sat down, a waiter nimbly served them breakfast from the tray he carried.

“Did you sleep well?” Alexander asked, taking in the moment, and considering he could have a lifetime of breakfasts by her side.

“Sleep evades me, as you know, but I did have a good night, thank you. And you?” Mila answered, meeting his gaze and appreciating the spark in his eyes when looking at her.

“I would like to say yes, but I couldn’t sleep after getting a message from Masae,” Alexander replied, and without further preamble he informed Mila of the latest Norfolk development. “She wants us in London—as of yesterday, of course.”

“Why didn’t she send the message to me, too?”

“To make her point.”

“She knows we are together.”

“That’s right.” Alexander covered Mila’s hand with his and squeezed it gently while looking into her eyes. “I don’t know if you would agree with me, but we are still here and she is in London and I don’t think she’s sent her thugs to retrieve us or we would already be on the jet,” Alexander said, letting go of her hand and returning to his espresso. “Which means we still have a couple of days, but I leave it up to you to decide. Should we jump on the plane right away or enjoy this momentary freedom?”

“How brave you have become Alexander Lyashenko!” Mila winked at him, sipping her cappuccino.

“Brave or desperate. We could interpret it in many ways.” He shrugged and offered her a side smile.

“Two more days won’t make a dent in her world-dominion schedule, will it?” said Mila with a bitter grin as she spread jam on her beskuit. They had two of what could be normal life for some. “But before we agree to forget about Masae—why does she want us both back in London? Is it because we’re together?”

“No. It’s about Pharma-NorTech’s participation in a gala dinner and exhibit in biotechnology in Washington, D.C. Do you remember she mentioned it to us a few months ago?”

“I don’t remember. I guess I didn’t pay attention.” Mila shrugged nonchalantly.

“It’s an extremely important gathering of many luminaries in the scientific realm, CEOs of top pharmaceutical multinationals, and most importantly, military bio-divisions interested in the protection of their countries.” Alexander concluded with a nod and a sigh.

“Do you mean there will be bioweaponry buyers?” Mila connected the dots, gazing out of the window, the boats swaying by a gentle breeze under a perfect blue sky and wrapped in sunshine. How incongruous it was to be talking of lab-made death for sale.

“Right. Knowing Masae, she’s got the buyers already lined up.” Alexander rubbed his chin, staring at nothing in particular. “In a world in turmoil and unrest…fear loosens the wallet, as she usually says. He turned back to her and to the present.

“And so, we are invited to represent Pharma-NorTech and Masae,” Mila asserted, sipping her coffee while wondering why suddenly Masae was letting Alexander out of the laboratory and sharing him with the world? Was it a publicity campaign for her merging clandestine business into legal opportunities?

“Correct. I’m representing Pharma-NorTech and presenting the nanotechnology we’ve developed for the pharmaceutical field, but…” His face became somber. “She is sending you as the face of her empire. You are the one who will be striking the deals.”

Mila nodded, it wasn’t news to her. She placed her hand on Alexander’s arm, wanting to change the subject, to dream together of another life. She wanted to ask him if he ever wanted to break free, but she withdrew her hand, taking a deep breath as if readying herself to go through unpleasant orders.

Alexander took her hand back and kissed it gently. “Masae might be sending us to represent her business and neither of us can deflect her orders at the moment.” He smiled, finding a renewed strength to pursue their freedom. He would tell her all he knew… “That said, I am glad that we are going together. Now what do you say we go for a stroll? There is much to talk about.”