I thank the Highest for all in my life is the result of his great compassion, kindness and faithfulness.
I am eternally grateful to my best friend J. Simpkins for his constant encouragement to begin and finish writing this novel and all the future ones. Dear Jack, thank you for your kindness and empathy, without your practical help I wouldn’t have been able to finish.
I thank you Sebastian, my sweet son, the spark in your eyes is the energy that keeps me going.
Dearest Mary Long Zuhr, my third angel, thank you for your generous time, practical and kind support. Thank you for reviewing my dreadful first draft from beginning to end.
Dearest Katie Zdybel and Michael Manahan thank you so much for your patient guidance through this creative, writing journey. I was so blessed by you and your expert support. I know how hard it was to work through those difficult months. You pushed through and helped me to do so as well.
I’d like to express my gratitude for every one that made this book possible through words of encouragement and gifts that would advance my writing. Thank you Frédéric for your kind gift when I was in great need.
I thank Peru, my birth country for the experiences I went through while living there and traveling around the vast country. I’ve traveled from north to south and crossed borders with a backpack and a handful of nuevos soles. Eating in local markets, sleeping in cheap backpacker’s crashing pads. Seeing the land on foot or horseback, moving from one place to the other on pickup trucks exposed to the wind (and dust) but traveling free.
Finally, thank you Dane and John, from ebooklaunch.com for the digital and print cover design and formatting. It’s been a blessing finding you and working with you.