Carol Ann Rinzler is the author of more than 20 books on health and nutrition as well as columns for several newspapers and national magazines.
For my husband, Perry Luntz. Always.
In writing this book, I am indebted to those who took time to share with me their knowledge and expertise. Akiva Cohen of the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine and the Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia; Roger Hartl of Weill Cornell Medical College; and Alex Bekker, Kalman Rubinson, and Donald Wilson of NYU Langone Medical Center-NYU School of Medicine, who each read and commented on portions of this manuscript. Mel Rosenfeld, also of NYU, generously opened for me the door to the extraordinary world of neuroscience.
USDA FSIS Consumer Safety Officer Peter Duryea provided clarity on consumer safety issues. John S. Webster, Director, Public and Governmental Affairs, USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, was an invaluable guide to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Barbara Kloberdanz, Minna Elias, and Jeffrey Kolodny offered their welcome support.
As with previous editions of Nutrition For Dummies, once again, I am grateful to my technical editor Alfred Bushway of the University of Maine’s Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition for his graceful, thorough, and thoughtful editing. The same is true of the skilled and pleasant professionals at Wiley. Acquisitions editor Tracy Boggier shepherded the project from idea to completion. Project editor Tracy Brown Hamilton kept things moving smoothly even through the inevitable crises; and Production Editor Siddique Shaik handled the Composition side of things.
To each of these people, my thanks.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
Acquisitions Editor: Tracy Boggier
Project Editor: Tracy Brown Hamilton
Copy Editor: Jennette ElNaggar
Technical Editor: Alfred Bushway
Art Coordinator: Alicia B. South
Production Editor: Siddique Shaik
Cover Photos: ©bitt24/Shutterstock