The Unequal Fetters

The Unequal Fetters*

Could we stop the time that’s flying

   Or recall it when ’tis past,

Put far off the day of dying

   Or make youth for ever last,

To love would then be worth our cost.

But since we must lose those graces

   Which at first your hearts have won

And you seek for in new faces

   When our spring of life is done,

It would but urge our ruin on. [10]

Free as Nature’s first intention

   Was to make us, I’ll be found,

Nor by subtle Man’s invention

   Yield to be in fetters bound

By one that walks a freer round.

Marriage does but slightly tie men

   Whilst close prisoners we remain,

They the larger slaves of Hymen

   Still are begging love again

At the full length of all their chain. [20]