The Lover, A Ballad

The Lover, A Ballad*


At length by so much importunity pressed,

Take (Molly) at once the inside of my breast,

This stupid indifference so often you blame

Is not owing to nature, to fear, or to shame,

I am not as cold as a virgin in lead,

Nor is Sunday’s sermon so strong in my head,

I know but too well how time flies along,

That we live but few years and yet fewer are young.


But I hate to be cheated, and never will buy

Long years of repentance for moments of joy. [10]

Oh was there a man (but where shall I find

Good sense, and good nature so equally joined?)

Would value his pleasure, contribute to mine,

Not meanly would boast, nor lewdly design,

Not over severe, yet not stupidly vain,

For I would have the power though not give the pain.