Robert A. Stein,
Executive Director, American Bar Association
The American Bar Association is the nation’s premier source of legal information. With more than 400,000 members, representing every specialty and every type of legal practice, the ABA is in a unique position to deliver accurate, up-to-date, unbiased legal information to its members, to the media, and to the general public. The ABA website——is an unrivaled database in the legal field.
This book is a good example of how you can benefit from the ABA’s network of hundreds of thousands of lawyers.
The ABA Guide to Health Care Law was written with the aid of ABA members from all over the country. Many members of our Health Law Section served as reviewers of the manuscript. The Health Law Section is one of the newest and fastest growing of the ABA’s sections. The input of its members was especially valuable because they are experts in their topic and have had considerable experience in dealing every day with health law. They reviewed draft chapters, offering clarifications, suggesting additional topics that would be helpful to readers, and polishing the manuscript to make it even better.
Other ABA members reviewing the manuscript brought a rich range of experience to the project. They included professors of law and of public health, experts on medical ethics, and specialists in the legal problems of the elderly.
Finally, the ABA’s Standing Committee on Public Education provided oversight for this project. This committee and its excellent staff contribute the perspective of experts in communicating about the law.
Thanks to all of the lawyers who worked on this book, you can be sure that the information it includes is
Public education and public service are two of the most important goals of the American Bar Association. This book shows how the ABA takes an active role in providing the public with information it can use.
The American Bar Association is the largest voluntary association in the world. Besides its commitment to public education, the ABA provides programs to assist lawyers and judges in their work, and initiatives to improve the legal system for the public, including promoting fast, affordable alternatives to lawsuits, such as mediation, arbitration, conciliation, and small claims courts. Through ABA support for lawyer referral programs and pro bono services (where lawyers donate their time), people like you have been able to find the best lawyer for each particular case and have received quality legal help within each budget.
Robert A. Stein is the Executive Director of the American Bar Association. He was formerly dean of the University of Minnesota Law School.