Decans and Dwaads


Each sign of the zodiac is divided into three decans, and each of these comprises one third of a sign. The calendar chapter (chapter 4) that follows shows the complete beginner how to find your sun sign decan from the date of birth, and it shows the practiced astrologer how to find it by degree.

The tables that you will find in this book cover both systems, and both are extremely easy to understand and to use. Once you have worked out which decan “sub-rules” your sign, look for the relevant chapter for your sun sign and then the one for your decan and read both.

For example, if you are a Libran with the Sun in the Gemini decan, read the chapter for Libra first, then the section at the end for the Gemini decan and finally turn to the chapter on Gemini as a sun sign for an even fuller interpretation.

The table on page 17 shows the attributes for each sign beginning with the natural first sign of Aries. The first decan in any sign is always a duplicate or repeat of that sign, so that, for example, the decans for Aries are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.


Some Notes for Astrologers

The information that follows may appear complex to a beginner, but relax— it isn't essential, but it will interest students of astrology.

An Example: George W. Bush

The following example shows you the picture for one sign of the zodiac, using the degree system.


If we look at George W. Bush, we see that he was born on the 6th of July, 1946 and his Sun position is 13 degrees 47 minutes of Cancer, so his Cancerian sun sign is subruled by the Scorpio decan. If President Bush were reading my book, I would suggest that he read the chapters for Cancer plus the Scorpio decan, and then Scorpio.

The Planets

Every zodiac sign is associated with a planet, and astrologers use their knowledge of the planets in association with the decans. The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and the planetoid Chiron, were discovered only within the last three centuries.

Sign Planet
Aries Mars
Taurus Venus
Gemini Mercury
Cancer The Moon
Leo The Sun
Virgo Mercury (some astrologers also use Chiron)
Libra Venus
Scorpio Pluto (and in olden times, Mars)
Sagittarius Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius Uranus (and in olden times, Saturn)
Pisces Neptune (and in olden times, Jupiter)

Those who understand the energies of the planets will soon see how they influence the decans. For instance Mercury adds quickness, humor, healing talent and a touch of magic when the Gemini decan is in operation.


The word dwaad (pronounced like hard) comes from Indian astrology, and it is one of the many mathematical divisions that are now more commonly used in Asian and Vedic astrology than by westerners, and it is one of the few that is easy to plot and to understand. You will discover how to look up your dwaad in the calendar chapters that follow this one.

Just as the decans divide each sign of the zodiac into three segments, the dwaads divide each sign into twelve segments. The first dwaad is a repeat of the original sign, with the other eleven following on in sequence. If we take the sign of Scorpio as an example, the first dwaad is Scorpio; the second is Sagittarius and so on through all twelve signs, ending with Libra. If you look at the circular chart that follows, you will see the pattern. You can trace the dwaads yourself, by picking out your own Sign and then working round the wheel in an counter-clockwise direction until you end up at the sign that precedes your own.


Once you get used to the system, you will discover that each decan starts with a dwaad of the same sign. If you look at the following example for the sign of Taurus, you will soon see what I mean. When you become accustomed to using the system, you will find it easy to work out the decans and dwaads in your head.

Working out your dwaads . . . counter-clockwise

Example: Sun Sign—Taurus

First decan: Taurus (dwaads: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo)

Second decan: Virgo (dwaads: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)

Third decan: Capricorn (dwaads: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries)

Read the instructions in the following chapter for using the calendar tables and you will soon see which is your sun sign dwaad. It is easy. If you have any doubt about which of two dwaads you come under, read both. If you are an astrologer but you don't have an accurate birth time to work from, or if you need to double check, you can refer to the table that uses dates rather than degrees for help. If all else fails, find the two dwaads that are closest and read both.

Genders, Elements, Qualities, and Planets

Only the first dwaad will be a repeat of the sign with its original gender, element and quality, but the other eleven could have any combination because the whole zodiac is used. Thus a person born under one sun sign may be subruled by a dwaad that has a different gender, element and quality and which is ruled by a totally different type of planet.

A person born right at the start of a sign where the decan and dwaad are the same as the sign itself should be pretty typical of his sign. However, even then the position of nearby planets, the ascendant, the Moon and other features on a chart will still exert a variety of different influences.

Summing Up

Some Notes for Astrologers

Twins may or may not have their Sun in different dwaads but there is a very strong chance that their Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven will differ.

A person's sun sign, Rising sign or Moon sign can easily turn up in a relative's chart as a decan or dwaad sign. In my case, my sun sign is Leo sub-ruled by the Aries decan, and the Taurus dwaad, while my father's sun sign was Aries in the Leo decan and his Moon was in Taurus. I can't tell you about my mother's chart, as I don't have an accurate date of birth for her.

If you are not absolutely certain of the correct position of an Ascendant, checking out the decans and dwaads can help. You can double-check by looking at the Midheaven to see if the sign, decan and dwaad match the person's aims, objectives, goals, ambitions and career choices.

And Finally . . .

You will find interpretations for every sun sign and its decans in this book.