Sun Sign Aries

March 21 to April 19

Ruling planet: Mars

Glyph: Image

Symbol: The Ram

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal


Aries Looks

Most Arians are average height or on the short side but body shapes can vary between chunky, rounded and inclined to gain weight or quite slim with fibrous muscles. The slim type may be sporty and energetic and he often chooses a career that exercises his strength and muscles and keeps him from putting on weight. The chunky type is more likely to be sedentary or desk bound. Most Arians have a prominent backside. The rounded type has small features with flat cheekbones, and in white races, usually fair or reddish hair. The hard-bodied type has regular features with well-defined eyebrows and thick dark hair that grows fairly low on the forehead. Aries men often lose their hair quite early in life, but they do say that bald men are sexy!

Main Characteristics

Arians have a take-charge attitude and they like to be in the center of activity. They are happiest when they are in the lead or at the head of an organization. They work hard and play hard and many have enough energy left over to lead pretty hectic sex lives. Many have an idealistic outlook that leads them to become involved in some form of politics. Most are impetuous, enthusiastic, idealistic, sometimes argumentative, softhearted and kind and occasionally amazingly shortsighted.

General Character

The average Arian is intelligent, quick, friendly, outgoing and talkative. He may be a witty raconteur or a real comedian. Some Arians can be sarcastic and critical. But even when being bitchy—and despite all their verbal ability— Arians don't usually have loud or penetrating voices. Most Arians read widely and they have a good command of language, grammar and spelling. Some are musical or artistic, especially if they have planets in the nearby signs of Pisces and Taurus and many enjoy singing, dancing or sport.

There is a deeper side to the Arian nature, which often leads these subjects into committees, causes and politics. Part of the motivation for this is the desire to be a leader or to be in the limelight, but Arians are also extremely idealistic. Sometimes when the Arian obtains the position that he craves, it goes to his head and he drops the idealism in favor of throwing his weight around.

The masculine Martial energy makes typical Arians competitive, and this is sometimes openly expressed in sports where the Arian's determination to win at all costs takes him to the top. Other Arians put their energies into their working lives. Even when an Arian doesn't appear on the face of things to be particularly competitive, this streak is bound to be present. Sometimes this competitiveness stems from a fear that others wish to usurp his position or to leave him behind. A typical Arian will always search for a position of prominence, eminence, power or influence. Some Arians are openly aggressive while others are cooperative, but most enjoy a challenge. Most are lovable, humorous, kind and quick to sympathize with those who are in trouble. A few are so self-absorbed that they are impossible to live with, but this type is rare, although there is often a streak of self-preservation that makes it difficult for Arians to bend over backwards for others to any great extent.

Arians tend to have strong opinions and they may pigeonhole people in unpleasant ways. Some Arians can't stand people of a different color, race, religion or sexual nature. However, the polar opposite is often the case with the Arians actively enjoying the company of people of many different backgrounds, types and walks of life. Another Arian fault is self-indulgence, which may be expressed in overeating, alcoholism or shopping.

Arian Careers

Arians can be found in large organizations that benefit the public. Teaching comes naturally to them, as does work in the armed forces, the police, hospitals or other large organizations. Many are drawn to engineering, draftsmanship, architecture and motor mechanics. They can handle tough jobs or those that require physical strength, often despite not being particularly tall or tough looking. However, one arena that is extremely attractive to this sign is politics and many top politicians in any political party are to be found under this sign. At one point in time, around 40 per cent of British Members of Parliament were Arians. If not attracted to party politics, the Arian might opt for Trade Union leadership, committees, fund-raising groups and so on. They even find their way onto the committees of spiritualist groups.

Arians are happy in supervisory positions and some can cope with self-employment, as long as this involves dealing with people and getting out and about. There are plenty of Arians in the building and allied trades, also engineering, civil engineering, architecture and other technical trades. Oddly enough, many Arians are excellent psychics and many have a religious, philosophical or spiritual side to their natures. If the Arian can't express himself in his job, he will do so in his hobbies. These subjects usually have some kind of hobby or interest beside work and family life. Even when Arians retire, they will find something to do, and this is usually something that helps others.

Aries and Money

Some Arians are generous while others are tight-fisted. Most Arians manage to earn the money that they want and they will take on extra work if necessary to build up their income. They are not great savers, but most will pay off a mortgage at some point and many ensure that they have a pension to fall back on. Some Arians spend fortunes on the things that interest them. Clothes come high on this list, but vehicles, gadgets, sports or hobby equipment and travel may also attract them.

Home Is Where the Junk Is

Arians love having plenty of everything, so their homes are full of books, gadgets, tools, along with screws, nails, bits of wood and paint that might come in handy some day. Some take on major do-it-yourself jobs and not all have the skill or knowledge to do them properly, and they may leave them half done once the initial enthusiasm wears off. Some are incredibly untidy, but many are neat, clean and house-proud. Most Arians prefer to go out and enjoy life than to sit around in the home, and many work hard outside the home and have plenty of other interests to keep them going when not at work. Some love to spend time gardening, doing craftwork, sewing, cooking or acting as secretary for a charity or organization. Many prefer listening to music or a radio program than sitting around and watching television.

Arian Relationships

These subjects are relaters but they may find it difficult to stay in a marriage. Some go through several relationships, while others try one or two and end up alone. Sometimes this is due to a need for sexual variety and experimentation; sometimes it is simply that the Aries finds it hard to cope with the give and take of marriage. Others are extremely long-suffering and stay in difficult relationships for many years. In some circumstances, the relationship that means the most to them is the one that they have with their children. Arians of both sexes will make considerable sacrifices for their offspring and they try to help them long after they reach adulthood. Aries parents may be domineering, and this can lead to alienation while their children are growing up, but if they learn to cool their tendency to dictate or to lay down rules and regulations, better relations can often be reestablished later on.

Most Arian homes are filled with family members, obscure relatives, friends and neighbors. These people love entertaining and having others around, but sometimes they want to be alone for a while.

Sex is another polar matter, because like the Ram, which is their symbol, many Arians are extremely highly sexed. There are some who sublimate their sexual urges into work or politics. The highly sexed variety can also be extremely experimental or even kinky.


On the whole this is a vigorously healthy sign with the only real problem being headaches. Eyes can be a problem, as can sudden infections. If an Arian falls ill, his life may be in danger until the matter is put right. Problems such as strokes, coronary artery disease and sudden incurable forms of cancer are possibilities, but for the most part this is a remarkably healthy and long-lived sign.

A Few Stray Facts

Unless the subject belongs to a black or brown race, he can't take too much sun. Their fair skin means that they burn badly.

No Arian can travel light. I remember one Arian who booked a very nice hotel for his holidays, but also took his tent and groundsheet along with him. Some enjoy sporting holidays, others enjoy seeing interesting places but very few are interested in lying around on a beach.

If you visit an Arian man, he will ensure that you are sitting comfortably, that you have a cup of tea and piece of cake and even something interesting to read. Once you are nicely settled and looking forward to a good talk, your Aries host will walk out of the room and leave you. If you want his full concentration, have sex with him!

Arians are clever, knowledgeable and often academic but there is an element of silliness about them that can land them in trouble. In some cases they lack a sense of reality, while in others they can't see the forest for the trees. They can lack common sense.

Aries children are extremely lively and they are often underweight, but most make this up in later life. It is hard for Arians to diet, although some enjoy exercise throughout life and that helps.

Aries women like making cakes.

Aries Decans

The first decan is also Aries, but the second is Leo and the third is Sagittarius. Read through the brief descriptions below and then turn to the chapters on Leo and Sagittarius for more.

1st Decan, Aries

Pure Aries. Nothing much fazes these people, and those who seek to put them down or stand in their way are in for a shock. Confidence can suddenly evaporate, and the Arian can punish himself when he feels that he has done something silly, and this is when he needs to turn to sympathetic friends for reassurance. Arians need some active hobby or to be involved in a macho job in order to use up excess energy. They aren't short of intelligence but they may lack common sense.

2nd Decan, Leo

The Leo influence makes the Aries more businesslike and also less apt to get carried away by his own success or to fall for his own propaganda. It adds creativity, generosity and a fondness for children and family life, also a love of luxury and good living. The Leo decan adds tenacity and obstinacy and makes it easier for the Aries to finish what he starts.

3rd Decan, Sagittarius

The Sagittarian influence gives the Arian strong religious or philosophical beliefs and it can lead to great idealism on the one hand, racism or political craziness on the other. Many of these Arians make excellent teachers or lawyers. This placement can also add a great sense of humor. These people need personal freedom and they love to travel or to be involved with foreigners or foreign places.

Aries Dwaads

The first dwaad is Aries, so no change here. For all other dwaads, read the chapter on the sign in question and also the brief description given below to see what adjustments or additions are made to the original sign.

Sign What is added
Aries Pure Aries.
Taurus Obstinacy, thoroughness, sociability, love of beauty and luxury.
Gemini Quickness of mind, nervousness, communication ability and dexterity.
Cancer Love of home and family, business acumen, caution.
Leo Love of grandeur, leadership qualities, generosity, creativity.
Virgo Attention to detail, interest in health or research.
Libra Love of beauty, laziness, sociability, artistic or musical talent
Scorpio Thoroughness, tenacity, resentment, skill and dexterity.
Sagittarius Love of freedom and travel, teaching ability, spirituality, humor.
Capricorn Ambition, ability to work in a large organization, touchiness.
Aquarius Originality, eccentricity, fondness for causes, obstinacy.
Pisces Artistry, lack of common sense, intuition, interest in mysticism.