Sun Sign Taurus

April 20 to May 20

Ruling planet: Venus

Glyph: Image

Symbol: The Bull

Gender: Feminine

Element: Earth

Quality: Fixed


Taurean Looks

The Taurean body shape is either quite heavily overweight or really slim and there rarely seems to be a middle ground, but even the thin type can put on weight if their lifestyle changes from active to sedentary. The larger Taurean has a large tummy and heavy thighs but it is rare for any Taurean to have a large or prominent backside. Neither type is tall. The eyes are large and attractive, the hair is thick and often with a low hairline. For some reason many Taurean men grow beards and many females pile on cosmetics—it is almost as though they feel a need to hide their faces behind something.

Main Characteristics

Taureans are real family people who love nothing better than to be at home doing things with or for their families. They are steady, reliable and conscientious, but they don't like to be rushed or pushed around. They are renowned for their obstinacy and also their complacency but when roused they can move mountains. Taureans have a highly developed sense of taste and a love of beauty in all its forms.

General Character

Taureans are conventional, preferring a stable home life, a normal job, hobbies and interests that are within normal limits. If they are comfortable with religion, they will attend religious services on a fairly regular basis and some can become deeply involved in a spiritual or even a cult interest. Taureans succeed in their careers due to staying put and getting on with the job, and some have real executive ability. These people are extremely shrewd, and some are excellent business people, but most seem to prefer a safe and predictable middle-ranking position where their responsible attitude and thoroughness is appreciated. Taureans are intelligent and well read, and they often have a great deal of knowledge about their chosen subject, but they are unlikely to become academics. They often belie their intelligence and knowledge because they don't display it or put on airs and graces.

Taureans are typical middle-class people who work to pay off a mortgage, put their children through school, enjoy meals out with friends and holidays or going to shows and musical events. Some of these subjects are extremely artistic and they will use this artistry in a career or a hobby. They have “safe” hands, which means that they use tools with confidence, make things with their hands and hardly ever drop anything. They are dexterous and careful. Taureans hate being rushed, preferring to give themselves time to get everything done in good time. They are usually extremely sociable and they love to go out and to chat and gossip with friends.

Some Taureans are so obsessed with a particular hobby that they turn every conversation around to it and bore everyone to death, but most are pretty average in their attitude to the things that interest them. Taurean faults can include gluttony, stinginess, laziness and a lack of interest in others. However, most are humorous, sociable, good to their families, quiet and kind.

Taurean Careers

Taurean careers usually include making something or doing something creative and also dealing with the public. This is the sign of the construction engineer, house-builder, woodworker, hairdresser, cake maker, dress designer, make-up artist, gardener or those who have a career in any other practical field. Most are animal lovers and some choose to work in this field, while on a larger scale, farming and animal husbandry are common Taurean jobs. Another Taurean interest is finance. These people are both shrewd and careful with regard to money-matters and they often find work in careers like banking, where they take care of people's money, and some can make money from investments. Some work as bookkeepers or accountants.

Many Taureans have great speaking voices, and many are also talented singers. They can be drawn to acting and dancing as well as singing. Consider the talent of Taurean singer and dancer Cher, or in a previous generation, Fred Astaire. They are not usually sporty or into gymnastics because it is the rhythm and music that attracts them. One odd thing is that many Taureans seem to go into Gemini-type careers such as telephone work, working in call centers or organizing teams of workers to go out and fix things, but they will express their creative or musical talent in their hobbies. Taureans make reliable employees but they don't live to work. These people view their career as part of their lives rather than the main issue.

Oddly enough, Taureans can find their way into jobs that would apply more to the signs of Aries or Scorpio, such as police work or careers in the armed forces.

Taurus and Money

Taureans don't usually start out rich and it may take them quite a while to build up any form of security. If they go into business for themselves, they may not make much money, because few of them are true entrepreneurs, and they don't have the energy or the hunting instincts of a good salesperson. They do better by staying in a job and getting a pension at the end of it. Taureans make shrewd investments, hold on to what they have, and gradually build up a good financial base ending their lives in some measure of comfort. Some Taureans are not too proud to live off a wealthier partner. They are not interested in gambling and they rarely spend real money on gadgets or unnecessary items, because they prefer to save up or wait for something worth having. They will only lay out for “extras” once the basic household bills have been covered and there is some spare money in the bank for emergencies. If hard times come, they work hard to get back on their feet.

Taurus Relationships

Taureans are true family people and they don't usually go in for affairs and adventures, but despite this, some are surprisingly flirtatious. If they are happy in their first marriage they stick to their partner for life, but if this doesn't work out they usually marry again sooner or later because they are sociable and they don't enjoy too much of their own company. Taureans remain close to their children and they make an effort to meet up with their adult offspring as often as possible even when their children live on the other side of the world. These people are loving and reliable partners who are for the most part calm and reasonable to live with. Their obstinacy can make them difficult, and sometimes they are so close-minded that they can't see any other way of doing things but their own. If it comes to a divorce, they will get so caught up in fighting over money or trying to impoverish their ex-partner that they do more damage to their families and themselves than they realize.

They take care of older relatives and they enjoy keeping in touch with other relatives. Many Taureans become experts at using the Internet to keep in touch with more distant relations. Their friendships rarely take precedence over their families.

Home Life

If there is one thing Taureans love it is their homes, and they will make the most humble of homes into a palace. Their homes are filled with comfortable furniture, art and pleasing objects. Taurean houses are likely to be tidy but there is often a collection of junk hidden away in the loft or the garage. A well appointed kitchen is a must, because Taureans of both sexes like to cook and to entertain, but while they will buy good general equipment, they don't waste money needlessly on fancy gadgets. Another important factor for these subjects is a garden. Taureans are not apartment dwellers, they like to see a bit of land around their home and they are clever cultivators, often growing food for the table as well as flowers and attractive trees.

Taurus Health

Taurus is a particularly healthy sign and many Taureans live for a very long time. They don't drink too much and as long as they don't smoke or sit around too much they are usually pretty fit. Look at Queen Elizabeth. She comes from a long- lived family and will doubtless live an exceptionally long life herself. In true Taurean fashion, she will probably hang on to her job and position even when she is long past doing any real work. Another example is Pope John Paul, who worked for many years despite his age and infirmities. The Taurus sore spot is the throat and neck and the lower jaw. Most wear spectacles and some develop problems with the eyes. Most subjects have a sweet tooth, and even if they start out slim, they need to watch their weight later.

A Few Stray Facts

Even an apparently unconventional Taurean will usually end up living a conventional life. I have one young friend who is gay, but she is living in a happy relationship with a really lovely young woman. They are buying their flat and their great love is their two dogs, which they refer to as their “children.”

Taureans enjoy traveling in comfort and they dislike roughing it, so cruises and good hotels appeal to them, rather than camping or backpacking.

You won't find this mentioned in any astrology book, but Taureans are natural counselors, so if you have a problem that you need to talk over with a wise, sympathetic and trustworthy friend, call a Taurus. However, once you have done this, don't keep going back for more, because they can get bored.

Taurus Decans

The first decan is also Taurus, but the second is Virgo and the third is Capricorn. Read through the brief descriptions below and then turn to the chapters on Virgo and Capricorn for more.

1st Decan, Taurus

Pure Taurus. The chief problem is obstinacy and fixed opinions or an inability to change or to go with the flow. Taurean blessings are a kind heart and artistic or creative talent. These sensible and reliable subjects rarely do anything truly stupid. Family, friends and even household pets are of supreme importance to them. They are thorough and responsible but they cannot be rushed.

2nd Decan, Virgo

The Virgo influence adds intellect and a more academic mind than the other types. There may be an interest in research or analysis. This can also make the Taurean fussy about food, the appearance of his home or the way he works. The Virgoan slant makes this type more self-critical and self-sacrificial than the others.

3rd Decan, Capricorn

The Capricorn influence adds a fondness for family life and a close attachment to the parents. This type is more ambitious than the others, which, combined with thoroughness, caution over financial matters and a good business mind, can make them extremely successful. They are inclined to take offense easily and to be fussy about minor matters.

Taurus Dwaads

The first dwaad is Taurus, so no change here. For all other dwaads, read the chapter on the sign in question and also the brief description given below to see what adjustments or additions are made to the original sign.

Sign What is added
Taurus Pure Taurus.
Gemini Quickness of mind, an inclination to worry, versatility, friendliness.
Cancer Love of home and family, love of travel and the sea, business acumen.
Leo Generosity, high personal standards, love of luxury and of children.
Virgo Intellect, thoroughness, love of research. Can be critical or self-critical.
Libra Love of luxury, friendliness, laziness. Desire for justice.
Scorpio Interest in military, medical or police type matters, can be resentful.
Sagittarius Humor, restlessness, technical skill, adventurousness, need for freedom.
Capricorn Ambition, love of family, caution with money, business acumen.
Aquarius Originality, humor, independence, friendliness, obstinacy.
Pisces Love of art and music, spirituality, travel, interest in spirituality.
Aries Courage, adventurousness, outgoing personality, love of music.