Sun Sign Libra

September 23 to October 22

Ruling planet: Venus

Glyph: Image

Symbol: The Scales

Gender: Masculine

Element: Air

Quality: Cardinal


Libran Looks

This is one of the best looking signs of the zodiac and many Librans have really lovely eyes, skin, and hair. When they are smiling, their faces light up, but when they are angry, it is as though the sun has gone in. Most Librans are medium height and with a soft appearance that can become a little rounded later in life. They are vain about their looks, so they usually try to keep in shape. They also spend time and money on their hair and bodies and they always dress in an attractive and up-to-date manner.

Main Characteristics

Librans like being among people but some can be apt to talk “at” people and some are far too opinionated in a rather silly way. Others are intelligent and great at listening as well as talking. Librans are not particularly hard workers but they can get by as a result of falling into a job that suits them or finding a wealthy marriage partner. In theory, Librans hate injustice and if they can find the energy to do so, they can fight for a cause. Librans find it easy to attract the opposite sex and they are sexy and sensual. Some are extremely gentle and apt to give way or walk away when pushed, others stand their ground and can be extremely argumentative and aggressive.

General Character

Librans can be quite confusing because they come in so many different varieties. When one considers the facts, their sign is ruled by Venus, which is the most feminine of planets, but it is masculine and cardinal, and their symbol— the Scales—is the only inanimate object in the whole zodiac. No wonder they are sometimes muddled and indecisive, though many Librans make their minds up perfectly well as long as they are not rushed into doing so. Most Librans want to be liked, so they sometimes say what the other person wants to hear. Others prefer to disagree with everything that others say, almost on principle. In short, some are extremely soft and sweet, while others are extremely hard and sour.

Some Librans work hard, others are lazy. Some can think on their feet and others need time before they can get their act together. Most are successful in their careers. Sometimes it is charm that takes them to the top, while in other cases it is hard work and talent and in yet others, it is the ability to pick excellent partners and subordinates. Their chief fault is a lack of reality and a tendency to live in a dream world. Some are so idealistic that they lose touch with reality. Most Librans are kindhearted and generous with their time and their sympathy; they will put themselves out for others, but there are those who can't be bothered. In short, Librans vary.

All Librans have excellent taste and a real sense of style, so they always look great. Many are refined and slightly upper class in behavior, so they rarely act in a coarse or unpleasant manner. Librans have a strange form of in-built self-preservation that keeps them out of harm's way much of the time. Most also mean well and really do want to make others happy. Most are generous and good-hearted.

Libran Careers

Many Librans talk for a living. This can lead them into legal work, where their communication skills, smooth, urbane appearance and delivery, their fine minds and intrinsic sense of justice make them skilled and successful. Some work as agents or arbitrators, while others negotiate wonderful business deals. Those who choose more practical fields can be found in the fashion or cosmetics industry, sometimes manufacturing or selling these or working as make-up artists. Many drift into jobs connected with music, the fashion trade and anything related to the arts. Many are quite handy, so they will find work as carpenters or electricians, but they soon move up in an organization so that they can direct the work of others rather than having to do it themselves. They can be surprisingly lucky in their working life. Despite their charm, Librans don't make good salesmen, due perhaps to a lack of any real killer instinct or any real desire to compete.

Librans and Their Money Are Soon Parted

Librans need to be high earners or they need to be married to one because they really know how to spend money. These subjects have excellent taste and an unerring eye for the best, and this makes them high maintenance marriage partners. They love eating in the nicest restaurants, belonging to the best clubs and taking vacations in glitzy hotels and locations. Despite their profligacy (or perhaps because of it), most Librans prepare for the future and they try to put money aside in pensions or savings schemes so that they won't end up short of the necessities of life.

The Libran Home

The unerring taste, refinement and style of this sign ensure that the Libran home is likely to be elegant and tasteful. Some are interested in having land and a nice garden, but all need a spacious home. They often prefer to buy a slightly run-down house, onto which they can stamp their own individuality and where they can amuse themselves by creating something beautiful. Librans like peace and quiet, so while they are always happy to have company and to entertain, they don't encourage people to drop in unannounced or to hang around the place using it as a free hotel. They need a room or place that they can call their own so that they can retreat, watch sports on the television, read a book and recharge their batteries.

Libra Relationships

This sign of the zodiac is supposed to be especially attuned to relationships and to looking for perfect love, but is it? I have known Librans who stay in the same relationship for years, those who move to a new lover every few years and yet others who lose out in matters of the heart and become embittered. Many are happy to live alone, with just the occasional foray out in the world. Some of them marry and then are congenitally unable to be faithful to a partner, despite the fact that they love their spouse. Some have a partner who acts as a kind of mother figure. I remember one man, who was married for many years and unfaithful throughout the marriage, telling me that, when a girlfriend left him, he didn't feel too cut up about it because he always had his wife at home to turn to and to mother him until he got over it. What does appear to be a frequent element is for Librans to feel incomplete without a partner, not necessarily that they are suited to the partnership life.

Librans love their children, but not to the point where they sacrifice too much of their own freedom or put themselves last. There is a slight coldness attached to this sign that detaches them from others in some strange way. Some have a strong sex-drive, sexual curiosity and the need for excitement gets them into scrapes but some don't have any real feelings. Some are extremely argumentative and critical, but others are kindness itself.


Librans are either sick to the point of being handicapped or as strong as horses. Some make a fuss when they are ill; others just get on with it. The weak spots are the kidneys, bladder and pancreas, which means that some suffer from things like cystitis, kidney problems or diabetes, which in turn can lead to kidney failure. Some have chronic spinal or nerve damage, which affects their walking.

A Few Stray Facts

Librans enjoy being members of sports clubs, but they prefer the social aspects of these rather than the sports themselves. They do love to dance though, so this is probably their best form of exercise.

Librans love listening to music, and some play an instrument.

Male Librans love to discuss abstract facts and to talk about ideas; they find conversations about feelings and personal lives boring, though females are happy to discuss personal matters as well as abstracts.

All the Librans I have come across are good self-taught cooks and most can decorate a home with ease.

Librans have a graceful and neat way of carrying themselves and they always try to look good.

Libra Decans

The first decan is also Libra, but the second is Aquarius and the third Gemini. Read through the brief descriptions below and then turn to the chapters on Aquarius and Gemini.

1st Decan, Libra

Pure Libra. This adds to all the classic Libran characteristics of intelligence and a sense of justice. These subjects see every side of an argument, which can make it hard for them to come to a decision. They need their surroundings at work and at home to be clean, tidy and attractive, sometimes shoveling papers and clutter out of sight into cupboards, so that they can't find them when they need to! Relationships and friendships are extremely important to them, but they are quite happy to compartmentalize them. There is a sharp intuition, allowing these people to sum up others instantly.

2nd Decan, Aquarius

There is a slightly offbeat side to these Librans, because the Aquarian influence adds a touch of eccentricity and originality. It also adds a strong sense of justice and an idealistic attitude that is sometimes out of touch with reality. This influence brings a wonderful sense of humor, deep intelligence and wisdom, but it can lead to a lack of common sense. These subjects are more steadfast in relationships than the other two, and while they can happily live alone, they prefer to have a partner.

3rd Decan, Gemini

This adds humor and a very quick mind, which is more businesslike than either of the other two decan types. There is far more attachment to partnerships in this case, and if one goes wrong, this Libran won't find it as easy to walk away and forget about it as the other two types can. The Gemini influence can add restlessness, a desire for job variety, or a changeable work history. These people are the best communicators of the three decan types. These subjects may suffer from lower spine problems that affect their legs.

Libra Dwaads

The first dwaad is also Libra, so no change here. For all other dwaads, read the chapter on the sign in question and also the brief descriptions below to see what adjustments are made to the original sign.

Sign What is added
Libra Pure Libra.
Scorpio Deeper feelings, deep thought, intuition and talent for investigation.
Sagittarius A sense of humor, a desire for the good life, idealism.
Capricorn Business sense, better control of money, dry sense of humor, verbosity.
Aquarius Originality, eccentricity, good communication skills, unrealistic attitude.
Pisces A mystical streak, interest in the arts and music, need for personal space.
Aries Go-ahead attitude, tough-mindedness, leadership qualities.
Taurus Artistic talent, love of music, creativity. Could be self indulgent.
Gemini Nervousness, intelligence, intellectual curiosity, friendliness.
Cancer Love of home and family, business ability, caution in money matters.
Leo Love of luxury, sense of grandeur, generosity, love of family.
Virgo Intellect, ability to think deeply, interest in offbeat subjects.