Planetary Connections

You will notice that a particular planet rules each sun sign. For the sake of convenience, astrologers also call the Sun and Moon planets. Before the invention of the telescope, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn could be seen by the naked eye, so these, (along with the Sun and Moon), were the rulers of the zodiac signs. Each planet ruled two signs, apart from the Sun and Moon, which had one each to themselves. In time, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto took over some of the signs, and now Chiron may be posed to take over yet another. Here are both the modern and ancient planetary rulers.

Sign Modern Rulers Ancient Rulers
Aries Mars Mars
Taurus Venus Venus
Gemini Mercury Mercury
Cancer Moon Moon
Leo Sun Sun
Virgo Mercury/Chiron Mercury
Libra Venus Venus
Scorpio Pluto Mars
Sagittarius Jupiter Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn Saturn
Aquarius Uranus Saturn
Pisces Neptune Jupiter

The Planets and the Decans & Dwaads

Just as a planet rules each sign, so does it rule each decan and dwaad. The following very brief explanation will give you some idea of the energies of each of the planets, but if you want more information, it would be best to invest in several good books on planets and astrology, to take a course, join an astrology group, to buy astrology software and to search the Internet for information.


Mars was the ancient Roman god of war, hence the assertive and martial nature that is added to any sign when an Aries decan or dwaad is in operation. Sometimes this adds an idealistic touch or an interest in politics.


The lovely goddess of love, values and valuables adds possessiveness, materialism, laziness, artistry, and a love of luxury and beauty to any Taurus decan or dwaad.


The messenger planet, Mercury, adds a search for knowledge, a need for variety and the ability to communicate, write or get around the neighborhood to any Gemini decan or dwaad.


The emotional Moon adds feeling, intuition and love for home and family to any Cancer decan or dwaad. Also common sense and caution, especially with regard to money matters.


The regal Sun adds a touch of grandeur, high standards and a tendency toward arrogance to any Leo decan or dwaad. Sometimes charisma and a love of drama occur.


The fussy, medically minded, methodical Mercury adds an interest in health, analysis, order and a desire to work hard to any Virgo decan or dwaad. This can add a touch of neurosis.


The beauteous love planet, Venus, adds mystique and feminine charisma as well as indecisiveness and sexiness to any Libra decan or dwaad. This can make the person somewhat unrealistic.


The investigative nature of Mars or Pluto adds intrigue, secretiveness, tenacity and determination to any Scorpio decan or dwaad. It can also add resentment or a touch of cruelty.


Jupiter, the seeker after justice, adds fairness, broadmindedness, honesty, spirituality and an interest in legal matters, education and travel to any Sagittarian decan or dwaad.


Businesslike Saturn adds common sense, ambition and a capacity for dealing with details to any Capricorn decan or dwaad. It can have a dampening or depressing influence.


The organized but unusual Saturn or Uranus adds an excellent intellect and an inventive mentality to any Aquarius decan or dwaad. This also adds a touch of eccentricity.


The mystical Jupiter or Neptune adds spirituality and compassion to any Pisces decan or dwaad. This can add a touch of chaos or disorganization.