Congratulations on being part of the Eat to Live family, a rapidly growing army of individuals who embrace a nutritarian lifestyle. This ideal diet-style can both maintain our ideal weight and push the envelope of human longevity. Consuming the healthiest foods on the planet gives the best results: most effective disease reversal, disease protection, longevity enhancement, and the end of dieting.

Eating healthfully also allows us to derive the maximum pleasure and enjoyment out of life. When we eat right, over time, our tastes are modified and we truly enjoy and prefer natural foods. Plus, when we know we are eating for health, we feel emotionally and intellectually secure in our health destiny, which further enhances our appreciation of the food we eat.

I have written this cookbook with the intent of taking the world’s healthiest foods and making them even more delicious. These recipes come from my home to yours.

From my family to yours, I wish you the best of health, and a long and pleasurable life.

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.