2 Peter

Grow in the Knowledge of Christ

Central Teaching

Believers should grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ in order to stay true to the historic Christian faith and respond appropriately to false teaching.

Memory Verses


Both 1 and 2 Peter claim to have been written by the apostle Peter (1 Pet. 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:1). Because of stylistic differences between the two letters, the authorship of 2 Peter has been debated since ancient times. Yet the author claims to have been on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus (2 Pet. 1:16–18) and to have written a previous letter (3:1); what’s more, he refers to Paul as “our dear brother” (3:15) and expects to die soon (1:14). Taken together, these claims point to the apostle Peter as the legitimate author of this letter.

Like Jude, 2 Peter was written as a response to the threat of false teaching. The primary heresy involved denying Christ’s return and advocating immoral living and rejection of truth. Second Peter was written shortly before Peter’s death, sometime between AD 64 and 68.




Peter assures his readers that they have everything they need for life and godliness through their knowledge of God. Through God’s calling and promises, believers can grow more like Christ, increasing in their knowledge of the Lord. Because Peter senses that his death is near, he feels a heavy responsibility to remind his readers of the basic truths of the faith—things they already know but need to live out consistently. He reminds them that Jesus will return, a reality the false teachers deny, and stresses that Jesus will return as Judge of those who deny God’s truth and pervert the faith into an excuse for godless living. The Lord is faithful and will keep his promise to return. In the meantime, God delays his judgment because he is patient, not wanting people to perish but desiring everyone to repent. When the day of the Lord does arrive, it will come suddenly and surprisingly, like a thief in the night (3:10). The present earth and heavens will be destroyed by fire, making way for the creation of the new heavens and the new earth.


Interesting Features


The end of 2 Peter and the beginning of 1 John in Codex Alexandrinus, an important early manuscript of the New Testament


Second Peter reminds us that knowledge is important in the Christian life. For instance, every few years some group sets a date when they claim Christ will return. Those who know the Scriptures won’t be misled by such predictions because Jesus clearly taught that such speculation is not our responsibility. Second Peter specifically explains that Christ is delaying his return so that even more people may be brought to salvation. Believers should look forward to the day of the Lord and can even speed its coming (3:12). In the meantime, God’s people should not be carried away by theological errors but should live godly lives so as to be found blameless when Christ comes.