In most books it is impossible for a scholar to single out one source which towers above all others. In this case, however, it is not only possible; it is essential. The Official Biography of Winston Spencer Churchill, which has been in preparation, under the supervision of the Chartwell Trust, for eighteen years, is the definitive work on his life. Indeed, some documents, including those in the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle, are closed to other researchers until the official biography is complete.

Thus far the work—which has reached the year 1939—comprises eighteen volumes totaling 20,827 pages. And World War II is yet to come. At this writing, Martin Gilbert, the official biographer, has just completed a manuscript covering the years 1939 to 1941. It is, he says, as long as this volume of mine. In its entirety, the official work is grouped into five biographical volumes and thirteen companion volumes. The biographical works have been issued under five major headings:

Volume I: Youth, 1874–1900, by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1966.

Volume II: Young Statesman, 1901–1914, by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1967.

Volume III: The Challenge of War, 1914–1916, by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1971.

Volume IV: The Stricken World, 1916–1922, by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1975.

Volume V: The Prophet of Truth, 1922–1939, by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1977.

The companion volumes, 16,359 pages, are similarly grouped and consist of reproduced documents:

Companion Volume I, Part 1, 1874–1896, edited by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1967.

Companion Volume I, Part 2, 1896–1900, edited by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1967.

Companion Volume II, Part 1, 1901–1907, edited by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1969.

Companion Volume II, Part 2, 1907–1911, edited by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1969.

Companion Volume II, Part 3, 1911–1914, edited by Randolph S. Churchill. Boston, 1969.

Companion Volume III, Part 1, July 1914–April 1915, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1973.

Companion Volume III, Part 2, May 1915–December 1916, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1973.

Companion Volume IV, Part 1, January 1917–June 1919, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1978.

Companion Volume IV, Part 2, July 1919–March 1921, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1978.

Companion Volume IV, Part 3, April 1921–November 1922, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1978.

Companion Volume V, Part 1, The Exchequer Years, 1922–1929, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1981.

Companion Volume V, Part 2, The Wilderness Years, 1929–1935, edited by Martin Gilbert. Boston, 1981.

Companion Volume V, Part 3, 1936–1939, edited by Martin Gilbert. Forthcoming.

The liveliest biographer of Winston Churchill is Winston Churchill. He led a fascinating life, he knew it, and he exploited it. Like most journalists, he told his choicest stories over and over. He wrote no fewer than nine versions of his dramatic escape from the Boer prisoner-of-war camp in 1899. One, “How I Escaped from the Boers,” was published in the Johannesburg Standard and Diggers’ News on December 23, 1899. Three others appeared in the Morning Post, on December 27 and 28, 1899, and January 24, 1900. Later came “How I Escaped from Pretoria” (War Pictures, March 3, 1900), “My Escape from the Boers” (Strand, December 1923 and January 1924), “My Escape from Pretoria” (News of the World, February 10, 1935), “How I Escaped” (Sunday Chronicle, January 2, 1938), and the version in chapters 21 and 22 of his book A Roving Commission. This last account has appeared in several anthologies, and Churchill lectured on this feat innumerable times. There are no significant discrepancies among the many versions. He told this tale, and others, over and over simply because he had a family—and an expensive life-style—to support.

I. By Winston Spencer Churchill


Amid These Storms: Thoughts and Adventures. New York, 1932. (Published in the United Kingdom as Thoughts and Adventures; London, 1932.)

The Gathering Storm. Vol. I of The Second World War. Boston, 1948.

Great Contemporaries. London, 1937.

Ian Hamilton’s March. London, New York, and Bombay, 1900.

Immortal Jester: A Treasury of the Great Good Humor of Sir Winston Churchill. Compiled by Lester Frewen. London, 1973.

India. Speeches and introduction. London, 1931.

Irish Home Rule: A Speech… at Belfast on February 8th, 1912. London, 1912.

Irrepressible Churchill: A Treasury of Winston Churchill’s Wit. Selected and compiled with historical commentary by Kay Halle. New York, 1966.

Liberalism and the Social Problem. London, 1909.

London to Ladysmith: Via Pretoria. London, New York, and Bombay, 1900.

Lord Randolph Churchill. 2 vols. London and New York, 1906.

Maxims and Reflections. Selected by Colin Coote and Denzil Batchelor. London, 1947.

My African Journey. London, 1908.

On Naval Armaments: From a Speech on the Naval Estimate in the House of Commons, March 26, 1913. London, 1913.

Painting as a Pastime. London, 1948.

The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan. 2 vols. London, New York, and Bombay, 1899.

A Roving Commission: My Early Life. New York, 1930. (Published in the United Kingdom as My Early Life; London, 1930.)

Savrola: A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania. Reprinted New York, 1956.

Step by Step: 1936–1939. Articles. London, 1939.

The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War. London, New York, and Bombay, 1898.

The Wit of Sir Winston. Edited by Adam Sykes and Icia Sproat. London, 1965.

The World Crisis, Vol. I (1911–1914). New York, 1923.

The World Crisis, Vol. II (1915). New York, 1923.

The World Crisis, Vol. III (1916–1918, part I). New York, 1927.

The World Crisis, Vol. IV (1916–1918, part 2). New York, 1927.

The World Crisis: The Aftermath (1918–1928). New York, 1929.

The World Crisis, Vol. V: The Eastern Front. New York, 1931.

Young Winston’s Wars: The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, War Correspondent, 1897–1900. Edited by Frederick Woods. New York, 1972.


“The Abuse of the ‘Dole.’ ” Daily Telegraph, March 26 and 27, 1930.

“The American Mind and Ours.” Strand, August 1931.

“Antwerp: The Story of Its Siege and Fall.” Sunday Pictorial, November 9, 1916.

“Arthur James Balfour.” Strand, April 1931.

“Asquith.” News of the World, February 16, 1936.

“Astor and G. Bernard Shaw.” Sunday Pictorial, August 16, 1931.

“Back to the Spartan Life in Our Public Schools.” Daily Mail, December 1, 1931.

“Back to the Wild Tumult of Peace.” News of the World, March 24, 1935.

“Balfour.” News of the World, March 22, 1936.

“Battle of Sidney Street.” Pall Mall, February 1924.

“Birkenhead.” News of the World, March 1, 1936.

“The Blunder That Beat Germany.” Sunday Chronicle, January 9, 1938.

The Boer War: sixty-six telegrams and thirty-five letters to the Morning Post, dated November 16, 1899, to July 25, 1900.

“B.-P.” Sunday Pictorial, August 30, 1931.

“British Cavalry.” Anglo-Saxon Review, March 1901.

“The British Officer.” Pall Mall Magazine, January 1901.

“Cartoons and Cartoonists.” Strand, June 1931.

“The Case for Singapore.” Sunday Chronicle, March 30, 1924.

“Chamberlain.” News of the World, March 29, 1936.

“Chamberlain.” Pall Mall, February 1930.

“Changing the Political Camp.” News of the World, February 24, 1935.

“Charge!” Sunday Chronicle, December 19, 1937.

“Charge of the Twenty-first Lancers.” News of the World, January 27, 1935.

“Clemenceau.” News of the World, March 15, 1936.

“Clemenceau: The Man and the Tiger.” Strand, December 1930.

“Consistency in Politics.” Pall Mall, July 1927.

“Could Labour Govern the Country?” Illustrated Sunday Herald, November 16, 1919.

“Crucial Events in the Great War.” Thirteen essays in the Daily Telegraph, May 5 to July 15, 1930.

The Cuban Insurrection: five dispatches to the Daily Graphic published in December 1895 and January 1896, and three essays in the Saturday Review, dated February 15, March 7, and August 29, 1896.

“Curzon.” News of the World, March 8, 1936.

“The Dangers Ahead in Europe.” Weekly Dispatch, June 15, 1924.

“The Dardanelles Held the Key to Peace.” News of the World, March 17, 1935.

“A Day with Clemenceau.” Strand, December 1930.

“The Decisive Factor in the Allied Victory.” News of the World, June 13, 1937.

“A Difference with Kitchener.” Cosmopolitan, November 1924.

“Douglas Haig.” Pall Mall, November 1928.

“The Dover Barrage.” Daily Telegraph, November 30, 1931.

“Dreadnoughts at Bay.” Collier’s July 5, 1930.

“The Dream.” Sunday Telegraph, January 31, 1966.

“The Election.” Daily Chronicle, November 6, 1922.

“Election Memories.” Strand, September 1931.

“The Ethics of Foreign Policy.” United Services Magazine, August 1898.

“False Security.” Sunday Chronicle, February 17, 1924.

“Fashoda Incident.” North American Review, December 1898.

“Fifty Years Hence.” Strand, December 1931.

“Fisher.” News of the World, January 19, 1936.

“Foch the Indomitable.” Pall Mall, July 1929.

“Four Crises in the Great War.” Sunday Pictorial, July 9, July 16, July 23, and July 30, 1916.

“French.” News of the World, February 2, 1936.

“Frontier Days in India.” News of the World, January 20, 1935.

“The Future of Mr Lloyd George.” Weekly Dispatch, June 29, 1924.

“The Gentle Art of Losing.” The Times, April 4, 1930.

“George Curzon.” Pall Mall, January 1929.

“The German Splendour.” Cosmopolitan, August 1924.

“Government of the / by the / for the Dole-Drawers.” Daily Mail, June 18, 1931.

“Great Events.” Articles in News of the World, May 30 to July 4, 1937, and October 10 to November 21, 1937.

“Great Men of the Times.” Twelve sketches in News of the World, January 12 to April 5, 1936.

“The Great War by Land and Sea.” Six installments in London Magazine, October 1916 to March 1917.

“Haig.” News of the World, February 9, 1936.

“Haig… the Man They Trusted.” Daily Mail, October 3, 1935.

“A Hand-to-Hand Fight with Desert Fanatics.” Cosmopolitan, December 1924.

“Have We Done with Germany?” Illustrated Sunday Herald, November 23, 1919.

“Herbert Henry Asquith.” Pall Mall, August 1928.

“Hindenburg in War and Peace.” Daily Mail, August 2, 1934.

“Hobbies.” Pall Mall, December 1925.

“Homage to Kipling.” John O’London’s, November 26, 1937.

“The House of Commons and Its Business.” World, July 13, 1909.

“How Antwerp Saved the Channel Ports.” Sunday Pictorial, November 26, 1916.

“How I Escaped.” Sunday Chronicle, January 2, 1938.

“How I Escaped from Pretoria.” War Pictures, March 3, 1900.

“How I Escaped from the Boers.” Standard and Diggers’ News (Johannesburg), December 23, 1899.

“How I Placated Lord Roberts.” Pall Mall, October 1927.

“How the Grand Fleet Went to War.” News of the World, March 10, 1935.

“How We Made the Irish Treaty.” Pictorial Weekly, January 20, 1934.

“If I Were a Boer, I Hope I Should Be Fighting in the Field.” Westminster Gazette, March 18, 1901.

“In an Indian Valley.” Pall Mall, September 1927.

“India: The Coming Clash.” Daily Mail, October 14, 1933.

“India and Dominion Status.” The Times, November 25, 1931.

“The India Bill.” The Times, March 5, 1935.

“India in 1917.” The Times, February 14, 1935.

“India Insistent.” Daily Mail, September 7, 1931.

“The Influenza.” A poem written in 1890 and published for the first time in the Harrovian of December 10, 1940.

“In the Air.” Pall Mall, June 1924.

“The Irish Treaty.” Pall Mall, January 1924.

“Is Parliament Played Out?” Illustrated Sunday Herald, May 30, 1920.

“I Was a Prisoner of War.” Sunday Chronicle, December 26, 1937.

“I Was Conscious Through It All.” Daily Mail, January 5, 1932.

“Jellicoe.” Sunday Chronicle, October 24, 1937.

“Joseph Chamberlain.” Daily Mail, December 1, 1932.

“Kitchener.” News of the World, January 12, 1936.

“Kitchener.” Sunday Chronicle, October 31, 1937.

“Lawrence of Arabia’s Name Will Live!” News of the World, May 26, 1935.

Letter to the Editor concerning the School Display and Gymnasium, signed “Junius Junior.” Harrovian, March 17, 1892.

“Liberalism.” English Life, January 1924.

“Lloyd George.” News of the World, February 16, 1936.

“Lloyd George.” Sunday Pictorial, September 6, 1931.

“Lloyd George’s Memoirs.” Daily Mail, September 7, 1933.

“Lord Birkenhead: The Man and His Career.” Weekly Dispatch, August 31, 1924.

“Lord Kitchener.” The Times, October 16, 1923.

“Lord Oxford as I Knew Him.” Daily Mail, October 18, 1932.

“Lord Roberts.” World’s Work, June 1901; reprinted in Windsor Magazine, July 1901.

“Lord Rosebery.” Pall Mall, October 1929.

“Lord Ypres.” Pall Mall, January 1930.

“Ludendorff at Tannenberg.” Collier’s, May 17, 1930.

“Ludendorff’s ‘All or Nothing.’ ” Daily Telegraph, July 14, 1930.

“Ludendorff’s Last Card.” Collier’s, July 12, 1930.

“Man Overboard.” A short story. Harmsworth Magazine, January 1899.

“Man Power Problem: Wanted—a Policy.” Sunday Pictorial, April 8, 1917.

“The Man Who Saved Paris.” Collier’s, May 31, 1930.

“Mass Effects in Modern Life.” Strand, May 1931.

“The Meaning of Verdun.” Collier’s, November 18, 1916.

“Memoirs of the House of Commons.” Pearson’s Magazine, December 1923–January 1924.

“Men Who Have Influenced or Impressed Me.” Strand, February 1931.

“Mesopotamia and the New Government.” Empire Review, July 1923.

“Methods of Barbarism.” The Times, June 28, 1901.

“Mobilization in 1914.” The Times, April 9, 1936.

“Monarchy vs. Autocracy.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1, 1920.

“Moses.” Sunday Chronicle, November 11, 1931.

“Mr Asquith and Lord Kitchener.” The Times, November 1, 1923.

“Mr H. G. Wells and the British Empire.” Empire Review, November 1923.

“Mr Snowden’s Horoscope.” Weekly Dispatch, August 10, 1924.

“Mr Wells and Bolshevism: A Reply.” Sunday Express, December 5, 1920.

“The Murder Campaign in Ireland.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, June 13, 1920.

“My African Journey.” Strand, March to November 1908.

“Mr Budget Forecast.” Sunday Pictorial, April 19, 1931.

“My Dramatic Days with the Kaiser.” Cosmopolitan, August 1924.

“My Entry into Politics.” News of the World, February 17, 1935.

“My Escape from Pretoria.” News of the World, February 10, 1935.

“My Escape from the Boers.” Strand, December 1923 and January 1924.

“My Happy Days in the West Indies.” Daily Mail, March 23, 1932.

“My New York Adventures.” Daily Mail, January 4, 1932.

“My Spy Story.” Cosmopolitan, September 1934.

“The Mystery of the Marne.” Collier’s, June 14, 1930.

“The 1921 Speech: Meaning of Dominion Status.” The Times, February 16, 1935.

The Northwest Frontier: five telegrams to the Allahabad Pioneer Mail dated September 9 to December 15, 1897; five letters to the Pioneer Mail dated September 24 to November 5, 1897; and fifteen dispatches to the London Daily Telegraph, dated October 6 to December 6, 1897.

“Observations of the United States.” Twelve letters to the Daily Telegraph, November 18, 1929, to February 3, 1930.

“Officers and Gentlemen.” Saturday Evening Post, December 29, 1900.

“On the Flank of the Army.” A short story. Youth’s Companion, December 18, 1902.

“Our Task for Peace in Palestine.” Glasgow Evening News, February 28, 1930.

“Painting as a Pastime.” Strand, December 1921 and January 1922.

“The Palestine Crisis.” Sunday Times, September 22, 1929.

“Panic in the East.” Collier’s, May 3, 1930.

“The ‘Panther’ Affair.” Saturday Review, October 3, 1931.

“Partition Perils in Palestine.” Evening Standard, July 23, 1937.

“The Peril in India.” Daily Mail, November 16, 1929.

“Personal Contacts.” Strand, February 1931.

“Philip Snowden.” Sunday Pictorial, August 2, 1931.

“Plugstreet.” Pall Mall, March 1924.

“The Poison Peril from the East.” Evening News, July 28, 1920.

“The Profound Abyss.” Evening News, March 19, 1920.

“Proposal for a New Political Party.” Living Age, September 13, 1919.

“Ramsay MacDonald.” Sunday Pictorial, July 26, 1931.

“Ramsay MacDonald: The Man and the Politician.” Weekly Dispatch, May 25, 1924.

“The Real Kitchener.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, April 25, 1920.

“The Real Need of the British Navy.” Sunday Pictorial, June 24, 1917.

“The Red Fever.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, January 25, 1920.

“The Red Plot—and After.” Weekly Dispatch, November 2, 1924.

“Reflections on the Strategy of the Allies.” Century, May 1917.

“A Review of T. E. Lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom.” Daily Mail, July 29, 1935.

“The Right to Strike.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, December 7, 1919.

“Rise and Fall of Parties and Politicians.” News of the World, March 31, 1935.

“The Royal Military College, Sandhurst.” Pall Mall Magazine, December 1896.

“Russia: Is It the Turning Point?” Sunday Pictorial, July 8, 1917.

“Savrola: A Military and Political Romance.” Serialization of Churchill’s novel in Macmillan’s Magazine, May to December 1899.

“Shall We All Commit Suicide?” Pall Mall, September 1924.

“Ships Could Have Forced the Dardanelles.” Daily Mail, October 2, 1934.

“Should Strategists Veto the Channel Tunnel?” Weekly Dispatch, July 27, 1924.

“Sidney Street and ‘Peter the Painter.’ ” News of the World, March 3, 1935.

“Singapore: Key to the Pacific.” Pictorial Weekly, March 24, 1934.

“Sir Edward Marsh’s Death: Mr Churchill’s Tribute.” The Times, January 14, 1953.

“Sir Herbert Samuel.” Sunday Pictorial, November 15, 1931.

“Sir John Simon.” Sunday Pictorial, November 8, 1931.

“Sketches of Twelve Key Figures.” Sunday Pictorial, July 26 to November 15, 1931.

“A Smooth Way with the Peers.” Nation, March 9, 1907.

“Socialism and Sham.” Sunday Chronicle, April 6, 1924.

“Socialist Quackery.” Daily Mail, May 8, 1929.

“Some Impressions of the War in South Africa.” Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, July 1901.

“Stark Truths about India.” Daily Mail, December 12, 1930.

“State Insurance.” People’s Journal (Dundee), June 19, 1909.

“Taken Prisoner by the Boers.” News of the World, February 3, 1935.

“The Three Cruisers.” The Times, February 26, 1923.

“Three-Party Confusion.” Sunday Chronicle, March 2, 1924.

“Tragedy of the Torpedoed Lusitania.News of the World, June 6, 1937.

“A Trapped Armored Train.” Cosmopolitan, January 1925.

“Tribute to Lord Birkenhead.” The Times, October 1, 1930.

“Tribute to Rupert Brooke.” The Times, April 26, 1915.

“Trotsky: The Ogre of Europe.” Pall Mall, December 1929.

“The True Story of the Tank.” Sunday Chronicle, January 16, 1938.

“The Truth about ‘Jix.’ ” Sunday Pictorial, August 9, 1931.

“The Truth about the Navy.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, November 9, 1919.

“The Truth about War Debts.” Answers, March 17, 1934.

“Twenty-one Years Ago Today: The Inside Story of the War.” Sunday Chronicle, August 4, 1935.

“The U-Boat War.” Daily Telegraph, November 1931.

“Under Fire.” Sunday Chronicle, December 12, 1937.

“The United States of Europe.” Saturday Evening Post, February 15, 1930.

“The Victim of Sarajevo.” Saturday Review, September 26, 1931.

“The War by Land and Sea.” Collier’s Weekly, September 30, 1916.

“The War on the Nile.” Thirteen letters to the London Morning Post, dated August 31 to October 13, 1898.

“What I Heard and Saw In America.” Daily Telegraph, November 18, 1929, to February 1930.

“When Britain Nearly Starved.” Sunday Chronicle, January 23, 1938.

“When I Risked Court Martial in Search of War.” Cosmopolitan, October 1924.

“When I Was Young.” Strand, December 1924.

“When the Crash Came to the United States.” News of the World, June 20, 1937.

“Who Rules Britain?” John Bull, March 22, 1924.

“Why I Gave Up Flying.” Pall Mall, July 1924.

“Why More Taxes?” John Bull, April 12, 1930.

“Why We Lost.” John Bull, June 15, 1929.

“Will America Fail Us?” Illustrated Sunday Herald, November 30, 1919.

“Will the British Empire Last?” Answers, October 26, 1929.

“With Buller to the Cape.” Pall Mall, November 1927.

“Zionism vs. Bolshevism.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.

II. About Winston Spencer Churchill


Ashley, M. Churchill as Historian. London, 1968.

Bardens, Dennis. Churchill in Parliament. London, 1967.

Bonham Carter, Violet. Winston Churchill: An Intimate Portrait. New York, 1965.

Cawthorne, Graham, ed. The Churchill Legend: An Anthology. London, 1965.

Chaplin, E. D. W., ed. Winston Churchill and Harrow. London, 1941.

Churchill, Randolph, and Helmut Gernsheim, eds. Churchill: His Life in Photographs. New York, 1955.

Churchill, Sarah. A Thread in the Tapestry. New York, 1967.

The Churchill Years: 1874–1965. By the editors of the Viking Press, text by The Times of London, with a foreword by Lord Butler of Saffron Walden. New York, 1965.

Coombs, D. Churchill: His Paintings. Cleveland, 1967.

Cowles, Virginia. Winston Churchill: The Era and the Man. New York, 1953.

D’Abernon, Viscount. Portraits and Appreciations. London, 1930.

Dawson, R. MacGregor. Winston Churchill at the Admiralty, 1911–1915. Toronto, 1940.

Eade, Charles, ed. Churchill by His Contemporaries. London, 1953.

Eden, Guy. Portrait of Churchill. New York, 1945.

Fedden, Robin. Churchill and Chartwell. Westerham, Kent, 1968.

Gardner, Brian. Churchill in Power: As Seen by His Contemporaries. Boston, 1970.

Gibb, Captain A. D. With Winston Churchill at the Front. Glasgow, 1924.

Gilbert, Martin. Churchill’s Political Philosophy. Oxford, 1981.

______. Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years. London, 1981.

Gilbert, Martin, ed. Churchill. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1967.

______. Churchill: A Photographic Portrait. Boston, 1974.

Graubard, Stephen Richards. Burke, Disraeli, and Churchill: The Policies of Perseverance. Cambridge, 1961.

Gretton, Admiral Sir Peter. Former Naval Person: Winston Churchill and the Royal Navy. London, 1968.

Guedalla, Philip. Mr Churchill: A Portrait. London, 1941.

Holliday, Frank F., and P. Sousa Pernes. The Statesman and the Writer. London, 1957.

Howells, R. Simply Churchill. New York, 1965.

Kraus, René. Winston Churchill in the Mirror: His Life in Pictures and Story. New York, 1944.

Longford, Elizabeth. Winston Churchill. Chicago, 1974.

McGowan, Norman. My Years with Churchill. New York, 1958.

Marchant, J., ed. Winston Spencer Churchill: Servant of Crown and Commonwealth. London, 1954.

Moir, Phyllis. I Was Winston Churchill’s Private Secretary. New York, 1941.

Moorehead, Alan. Churchill: A Pictorial Biography. London, 1960.

______. Winston Churchill in Trial and Triumph. Boston, 1955.

Moran, Lord. Churchill, Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran: The Struggle for Survival, 1940-1965. Boston, 1966.

Nel, Elizabeth. Mr. Churchill’s Secretary. New York, 1958.

Nott, Stanley. The Young Churchill: A Biography. New York, 1941.

Observer, ed. Churchill by His Contemporaries: An Observer Appreciation. London, 1965.

Paterson, Tony. A Seat for Life. Dundee, 1980.

Pelling, Henry. Winston Churchill. New York, 1974.

Reid, Percy G. Churchill: Townsman of Westerham. London, 1969.

Rhodes James, Robert. Churchill: A Study in Failure, 1900–1939. New York, 1970.

Scott, Alexander MacCallum. Winston Churchill in Peace and War. London, 1916.

______. Winston Spencer Churchill. London, 1905.

Sencourt, R., ed. Winston Churchill. London, 1940.

Snow, C. P. Variety of Men. New York, 1967.

Stansky, Peter, ed. Churchill: A Profile. New York, 1973.

Taylor, A. J. P. Churchill: Four Faces and the Man. London, 1969.

Taylor, A. J. P., et al. Churchill Revised: A Critical Assessment. New York, 1969.

Thompson, Malcolm. The Life and Times of Winston Churchill. London, 1945.

Thompson, Walter Henry. Assignment: Churchill. New York, 1955.

Urquhart, Fred, ed. WSC: A Cartoon Biography. London, 1955.

Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John, ed. Action This Day: Working with Churchill. New York, 1969.

Young, Kenneth. Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in Friendship and Politics. New York, 1966.


Attlee, Clement. “Churchill on Balance,” in Churchill by His Contemporaries: An Observer Appreciation. London, 1965.

Bacon, R. H. “Tragedy of the Dardanelles: Conflicting Views of Winston Churchill and Lord Fisher.” World’s Work, December 1929.

“Balfour and Churchill.” Commonweal, February 18, 1931.

Beaverbrook, Lord. “Political Battles of the World War: The Fisher-Churchill Row and the Fall of Asquith.” World’s Work, September 1928.

Berlin, Sir Isaiah. “Winston Churchill in 1940,” in Personal Impressions. London, 1980.

“Bravery of Winston Churchill.” Current Literature, March 1900.

“Britain’s Big Trio: Asquith, Lloyd-George, and Winston Churchill.” Current Literature, November 1912.

Buell, R. L. “Winston Churchill’s Criticism of President Hoover.” Current History, June 1929.

“Chamberlain and Churchill.” Outlook, November 19, 1924.

“Churchill in Parliament.” Independent, September 22, 1904.

“Churchill’s Queer Position.” Living Age, January 24, 1914.

Colvin, Ian. “Great Mr. Churchill.” Atlantic, January 3, 17, 24, and February 27, 1925.

Commager, H. S. “Winston Churchill: An Appreciation.” American Mercury, August 1945.

Corbett, James. “Winston Churchill and the Future.” Fortnightly Review, November 1926.

Dedijer, Vladimir. “Participants as Historians.” Times Literary Supplement, May 30, 1968.

Ehrman, John. “Lloyd George and Churchill as War Ministers,” in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. London, 1961.

“England’s Proposal to Germany for a Naval Holiday.” Independent, October 30, 1913.

Gardiner, A. G. “Churchill and Federalism.” Fortnightly Review, November 1912.

______. “Genius without Judgment: Churchill at Fifty,” in Portraits and Portents. New York, 1926.

Hirst, F. W. “Churchillian Finance: The Fifth Budget.” Contemporary Review, June 1929.

Liddell Hart, B. H. “Churchill in War.” Encounter, April 1966.

Lucy, Sir Henry. “Arthur Balfour and Winston Churchill: A Parliamentary Duel.” Nation, March 30, 1916.

______. “Lord Haldane and Winston Churchill.” Nation, December 9, 1915.

______. “Mr Churchill’s Resignation.” Nation, December 2, 1915.

______. “Winston Churchill.” Nation, July 22, 1915.

______. “Winston Churchill at the Admiralty.” Nation, November 19, 1914.

Marshall, D. J. “Winston Churchill: England’s Political Bad Boy.” Living Age, April 8, 1929.

Mayer, Arno J. “The Power Politician and Counterrevolutionary,” in The Critical Spirit, edited by Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Moore, Jr. Boston, 1967.

“Men Who Control the Destiny of Europe: Winston Spencer Churchill.” World’s Work, September 1914.

“Mr Churchill’s Failure to Stop Naval Rivalry.” Literary Digest, November 15, 1913.

Muggeridge, Malcolm. “The Totemization of Sir Winston Churchill,” in Smiling Through the Apocalypse. New York, 1960.

Repington, C. à Court. “Churchillian Strategy.” Blackwood’s, November 1923.

Rowse, A. L. “Churchill Considered Historically.” Encounter, January 1966.

Rusticus Expectans. “Mr Winston Churchill and Democracy.” Westminster Review, January 1906.

Sidebotham, H. “Expert or Strategist: Mr Churchill and the Dardanelles Report.” New Republic, May 5, 1916.

“Signal Defeat.” Outlook, May 2, 1908.

Stead, W. T. “On the Eve of the Irish Home Rule Bill.” Review of Reviews, March 1912.

______. “Winston Churchill’s Offer.” Independent, April 11, 1912.

Strachey, J. St. Loe. “Churchill’s Chance: The British Chancellor and Opportunism.” Independent, June 27, 1925.

Sydenham of Combe. “Mr Churchill as Historian.” Quarterly Review, July 1927.

Weerd, H. A. De. “Winston Churchill: A British War Lord.” Current History, January 1929.

Whittemore, Reed. “Churchill and the Limitations of Myth.” Yale Review, December 1954.

“Winston Churchill, MP, as a Man of Letters.” Bookman, July 1908.

“Winston Churchill and Irish Home Rule.” Outlook, October 26, 1912.

“Winston Churchill’s Approval of Fascism.” Literary Digest, February 26, 1927.

“Winston Churchill’s Versatility.” Blackwood’s, September 1912.

“Winston Churchill’s War on the War Leaders.” Literary Digest, February 26, 1927.

III. About the Churchills


Balsan, Consuelo Vanderbilt. The Glitter and the Gold. New York, 1925.

Blenheim Palace. Woodstock, Oxfordshire, 1979.

Churchill, J. G. S. A Churchill Canvas. Boston, 1961.

Churchill, Peregrine, and Julian Mitchell. Jennie, Lady Randolph Churchill: A Portrait with Letters. London, 1974.

Churchill, Lady Randolph. Small Talks on Big Subjects. London, 1916.

Churchill, Randolph S. Twenty-one Years. London, 1965.

Cornwallis-West, Mrs. George. The Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill. London, 1908.

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