Lieutenant Winston S. Churchill, 1896

Churchill among the ruins of the House of Commons

Churchill family genealogy

Lord Randolph Churchill at the time of his marriage

Lord Randolph in his prime

Invitation to a shipboard dance

Mrs. Jerome and her daughters

Jennie as drawn by John Singer Sargent

Blenheim Palace

Jennie in Ireland

Mrs. Everest

Two of Winston’s first letters

Winston at Harrow

Lord Randolph in later years

Jennie and two of her lovers

Lieutenant Winston Churchill in India

Jennie in her prime

Churchill in Cairo, 1898

Pamela Plowden

Churchill in his first campaign for Parliament

The armored-train ambush

From Churchill’s later version of the escape

Reward notice

Churchill addressing the crowd at Durban

Spy cartoon

Joseph Chamberlain

Arthur Balfour

Churchill in 1904

Clementine Hozier

Churchill and David Lloyd George

Winston and Jennie, 1912

Churchill and Kaiser Wilhelm

Churchill at British army maneuvers

Churchill and Lord Fisher

Churchill and Asquith

Churchill in pilot’s gear

A morning ride

F. E. Smith

Churchill at Antwerp

“Winston’s Folly”

Roger Keyes, John de Robeck, and Ian Hamilton

Lieutenant Colonel Churchill, 1916

Churchill in the summer of 1916

Sir Douglas Haig

Churchill in Egypt with T. E. Lawrence

Eamon de Valera and Arthur Griffith

Michael Collins

Churchill and Sir Henry Wilson

Austen Chamberlain, Stanley Baldwin, and Churchill

Churchill playing polo with the Prince of Wales

Churchill with the Duke of Sutherland at Deauville

Winston having fun at the beach

Churchill with Mary at Chartwell

Two views of Chartwell

Churchill building a wall

Churchill building a snowman

Churchill in the garden at Chartwell

Work: In London

Play: At Chartwell

Churchill visits with Charlie Chaplin

Churchill entering the political wilderness

Adolf Hitler

Churchill leaving Lenox Hill Hospital