1. F**k the spark! Fireworks and instant chemistry are often absent at the beginning of a relationship. Chemistry can build over time.
  2. Context matters. You may not feel the spark with someone, simply because of the environment in which you meet.
  3. The spark is not always a good thing. That feeling of chemistry may actually be anxiety because the person doesn’t make it clear how they feel about you. Sometimes the presence of a spark is more an indication of how charming someone is—or how narcissistic—and less a sign of a shared connection.
  4. If you feel the spark, that doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is viable. Even if it leads you into a long-term relationship, it’s not nearly enough to keep the relationship going; nor is it a sign that you’re meant to be together.
  5. Ditch the spark and go after the slow burn—someone who may not be particularly charming but would make a great long-term partner.