‘The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.’

Thomas Edison, American inventor

It has been many years since the idea for this book came about. The first edition took two years to write, and the revised edition with its subsequent updates has taken three years. In that time, there have been many discoveries, and the most important has been turning this amazing wealth of information into something that a person can understand and believe in.

In Why Am I Sick? I believe that this has finally been achieved. We have a structure and a process for disease. It is no longer just something people suddenly acquire out of the blue, which hits them while walking down the street. Most people intuitively know that something happened to them to cause their illness, but what? Louis Pasteur’s ‘germ theory’ is the basis for how modern medicine treats many diseases. However, the theory that germs cause disease so you need to take antibiotics and add some steroids now and again in order to get well needs to be rethought.

The medical profession was born from this way of thinking and everyone bought into it, because it worked for some diseases, and then the assumption was made that every disease would respond in the same way. You ‘pop’ a pill and get well. What an amazing philosophy! The pharmaceutical industry embraced this 100 percent and has grown into one of the biggest businesses in the world today. Diseases are there to be eradicated, and we have a drug that someone, somewhere, will buy. In fact it worked so well that they and the medical profession were able to persuade governments and the media to believe whatever they were told.

However, we’ve found that pill-popping doesn’t solve every ailment. Cancerous growths, psychological disorders, skin issues, irritable bowels, and strange syndromes such as Parkinson’s disease or MS are supposed to have been ‘cured’ by now, using the magic bullet of ‘dropping’ a pill. All diseases should have been eradicated, or at least that what we’ve been led to believe is possible. But it hasn’t worked.

Instead, we have a massive medical and pharmaceutical industry that has grown so large, so complicated, and so stuck in its own red tape that it has lost its way. Instead of evolving and asking fundamental questions and using science in the way that engineering has, it has carried on thinking in the same old way, refining the same protocols and doing the same thing, hoping that no one notices that what they are doing is not working.

If you challenge the medical profession or the pharmaceutical industry with this, you’ll get nowhere; it’s a closed shop. It is very similar to communism, which theorizes ‘all are equal.’ For a time it worked, in some cultures, but communism didn’t evolve, as people realized there was more to life than the secret police and being told how to think and behave. Eventually ‘the people’ tore communism down in the Soviet Bloc, and something similar is happening in China, too, as the old belief systems haven’t evolved with ‘the people.’ If the medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies don’t heed this message, they will find themselves in the same position, which, in my opinion, would be disastrous, because to change medicine we need the infrastructure, not the outdated beliefs.

Emergency medicine continues to save many lives, and many drugs such as antibiotics and steroids can be crucial in those instances. There are many things that the medical profession does brilliantly, such as reconstructive surgery, healing bones, and caring for premature babies. Medical doctors know a lot, but it’s time for their information to be updated worldwide.

Disease is a process

We need to think creatively and differently in order to educate the medical profession and to change beliefs from ‘disease is an error (of the body)’ and ‘germs cause disease’ into ‘most diseases are due to UDINs (or shocking and stressful events).’ The body has a wonderful order to how and why it creates a disease. The mind and body are connected to each other, and the environment and spirit play a massive part in how and when we react to a disease. Fundamentally, disease is not a thing that is in our way, like a tree blocking the road, which we should cut, burn, or remove in order to go forward.

Just like a journey from A to B, which has a start, middle, and end; and scenery along the way for us to take in, so, too, is a disease a journey with the six stages and the environment all playing their part. Therefore, we need a different approach to solve the problem of disease. We need to step up, take an overview of the whole journey, and see the entire picture. That way we can establish alternative routes, a way to balance or complement our journey.

What I’m leading to is an ‘integrative’ approach to dealing with disease. Advanced Clearing Energetics finally allows us to take an overview of the process of a disease. It finally gives us a road map to follow, as my friend Karin Davidson ( said to me one day. It also gives an elegant system to assist people in healing themselves that uses the heart, the brain, the organs, and the guts. We can clear the imprints, which caused the issue to occur, and then the body does the rest and heals itself. I will explain more about that process in my next book, How Can I Heal? But sometimes it needs assistance by combining the strengths of alternative, complementary, and traditional medicine, as these all have their place in the healing journey. No single therapy is right for everyone; no single intervention will assist in the healing of a disease. There are times when modern medicine works brilliantly, and other times what’s needed is emotional clearing techniques such as EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, complementary medicine such as homeopathy, the brilliant NES system, alternative methods such as Reiki and nutritional changes, and my recent work that is included within Advanced Clearing Energetics. These all add to the overall picture of how we can now help people to get to the end of their journey.

Many of these practitioners will say that their method is the only way, but when we look at a disease from above, then we can see how an integrative approach of alternative, complementary, energetic, and traditional therapies is really the answer.

What is the future of Advanced Clearing Energetics?

The brilliant NES system integrates homeopathy and acupuncture in bottle form, called ‘infoceuticals’ (remedies that have imprinted information in them) to help people heal. Designed by Peter Fraser and Harry Massey, this system uses a quantum-measuring device to examine our human body field. It can determine imbalances in our field, and then using the infoceuticals, it assists the body, via the heart, to reimprint the field with updated information so that we get well. What Peter and Harry have done is astonishing, and the results that people are getting from the NES system are amazing — and further proof that changing biochemistry alone does not cause healing. The remedies have no active ingredients in them, yet our biochemistry changes when they are used.

Peter and I have also developed infoceuticals that work alongside the brain layers; assisting people by bringing up the UDIN moments in minutes rather than what I used to teach, which sometimes took hours. These emotional unblockers assist the brain in opening up the underlying emotional causes of the UDIN. I have been successfully using verbal emotional clearing techniques since 1992, and in that time I have worked with thousands of people. When I use the brain infoceuticals, along with another infoceutical called Liberator, the speed and depth of the clearing is incredible and very fast.

Harry has also developed a machine that can be used by a trained practitioner called the ‘NES miHealth,’ which uses electrical stimulation and a unique broadcast feature to send specific messages to correct the human body field, thereby assisting people in their journey back to wellness.

The NES miHealth combines three proven powerful technologies that have come out of decades of research: NES Matching software, NES Information Imprinting, and Russian Adaptive Electro Stimulation. In essence, you can put this device anywhere on your body, connect to your computer, and see on the screen an animated picture of your body showing highlights of potential problem areas for treatment. Once you have the Human Body-Field scan, you can then either directly treat that area via Informational Electro Stimulation or further refine your area of treatment with the inbuilt specific treatment area locator and use the NES miHealth’s auto-treatment mode to assess when the treatment has taken effect.

Existing research and results behind the technologies are quite staggering, and NES are doing a wealth of research into the effectiveness of the miHealth. They recently had immense success with the Hungarian Olympic team in London 2012, who finished 9th compared to 21st in 2008.

‘The effect of the NES miHealth on both the athletes’ mental and physical wellbeing has been really great. We used the device for rehabilitation, pain relief, rejuvenation, stress relief, and recovery. The sports psychologists and physiotherapists used the NES miHealth as part of their routine treatments with the team — and we’re all convinced that it increased both performance and achievement.’

Agota Lenart, Hungarian sports psychologist

Further NES research can be seen at In 2012, NES-Health and Advanced Clearing Energetics carried out a study to establish the effectiveness of treatment using the brain infoceuticals with clients. The results were very impressive, and we found that with 60 clients there was a significant statistical proven benefit to using the device for finding UDINs and clearing the trapped energy, resulting in clients’ wellness returning. This device has the power to revolutionize the way healthcare is carried out.

NES have also produced NEStrition (NES and Nutrition), where NES information is combined with the best essential vitamins and minerals. The outcome is supplements whose effects are two to four times greater on entering the body’s system and assisting with healing than just taking the supplements themselves ( Randomized Double Blind Clinical trials are being carried out to confirm these findings.

NES Health is truly revolutionary and is being used the world over by qualified practitioners, including many medical doctors. Recently when I was traveling in Australia, I met up with Rose Hayman and Cyril Bourke, and I saw what I think is the future of modern energetic medicine for everyday people. What Cyril and Rose have done is to combine all of this incredible technology and create a place where everyday people can get treatment. They call it the Zap House. Together we are combining Advanced Clearing Energetics with the Zap House work to create one integrated system. A great name, and with their friendly, open, and accessible approach I believe we will see Zap Houses in every corner of the world.

Clearing emotional conflicts with EFT, NLP, and Matrix Reimprinting

When it comes to Emotional Clearing Techniques, these are imperative in dealing with disease; if you don’t clear out the conflict shock and the underlying emotion that caused it in the past, then you risk the conflict reappearing over and over again. There are plenty of techniques out there, but my personal favorites are NLP (the study of human excellence) coupled with Time-Line Therapy® (the system developed by Dr. Tad James to clear deep-seated emotional conflicts and unwanted beliefs about yourself). Most people believe that changing takes a long time and many hours of therapy. Psychologists and counselors believe this. It is not the case; a trained specialist can clear a deep-seated traumatic emotion in minutes. An emotion that people have held all their lives can totally and utterly disappear in the time it takes to make a cup of tea.

Advanced Energetic Clearing actually has a system built into it that clears the imprints that caused the UDINs to occur, using what I have gained from 20 years of research into how people heal themselves. I worked with Charles Matthew and Tracy McBurney, who both use very high vibrations of energy to clear the trapped energy. I was able to discover what these great therapy practitioners were doing, and that is the process I now teach. More about this in my next book, How Can I Heal?

There are other great techniques that use similar principles, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) invented by Gary Craig, referred to as acupuncture without needles. It uses tapping on the end of the meridian lines along with reframing (an NLP technique) to release energy, emotions, and beliefs that are stuck in people. My friend and colleague Karl Dawson has gone one step further; using EFT he has created a technique called Matrix Reimprinting.

Also, Karin Davidson has created Soul Reconnection, a technique that goes back into the womb and clears out underlying patterns which cause a multitude of issues. Karin and myself have recorded DVD sets that show many of these techniques being used alongside each other. Visit for more information.

I love EFT because you can self-tap when you are experiencing a negative emotion; you don’t need a practitioner to do it for you and you can tap in the moment. You may look a little silly, but it’s a small price to pay for the outcome. I personally got rid of the eczema on my left hand using EFT. Although even using EFT, you still need to resolve the major underlying UDIN conflict shock, and that often requires a session with a qualified practitioner in Advanced Clearing Energetics. Following that, EFT self-tapping can solve any tracks/triggers or associations.

There are other emotional clearing techniques, and all of them do similar things to NLP and EFT. Some are derived from EFT, such as TAT and Emotrance. There is also hypnosis, which is a brilliant tool for helping clients to heal. I use hypnosis with many of my clients and teach it, too.

Every illness has a meaning

In Advanced Clearing Energetics, we have a road map that explains so much, a system that can assist any practitioner to easily find the UDIN moment and clear its energetic pattern. We understand that every disease has a meaning, and somehow that seems to make resolving the issue more tolerable, and makes us more inclined to treat our body with kindness and respect, rather than asking a doctor to ‘kill it’ or mask its symptoms with drugs.

Developing Advanced Clearing Energetics has been a long journey, but I’ve learned so much during this time and have completed the promise I made to myself while walking up that hill to school, which was to find out why debilitating diseases happen. I believe I’ve done that, and gone way beyond what I thought I would discover, and if my mother were still alive today, I hope that she would be proud of me, proud of my spreading the word about this incredible information.