
Some People’s Children received invaluable feedback from its early readers. Much gratitude to Paul Butler, the late, great Mark Collins, Elisabeth de Mariaffi, Lisa Moore, Christa Pauwels, Michelle Porter, Tamara Reynish, Deirdre Snook, Tracey Waddleton, Grant Weir, and my writing group, The Naked Parade Writing Collective. Thanks especially to Ed Kavanagh for his guidance and mentorship.

I snagged the idea for Jamie’s eyelash trimming from Jason Sellers and the mention of the miners taken by faeries from Gail Hussey Weir’s The Miners of Wabana. Thank you both for your inspiration.

Editor Kate Kennedy’s expertise made this a better book. Thank you so much, Kate.

Thanks to the team at Breakwater for their passion for Newfoundland and Labrador stories. What a bunch. I am so very lucky to live in a community that accepts, supports, and inspires me.

Thanks to my family and friends for their love and patience, and to my partner, Jon, for being friggin’ awesome.