Ultimately, the best operating model is one that is owned and accepted by the teams.
—Thomas Blood
The three-day digital products and services specification process (Chapter 11, “Specifying J&S Food’s Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product”) of J&S Food's agile operational model is now validated, followed by the smart shopping bag architecture design process, which ended three days later.
In a validation meeting, as the leader of the task force you once again have the responsibility to validate J&S Food's new agile operating model process: the digital products and services design.
Throughout this process, the stake was the application of agile principles in terms of work organization, people interactions, decision-making, and problem-solving, as well as that of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) of identifying packages likely to be implemented as microservices.
The leaders of the digital business model deployment (Albany) and of the smart shopping bag development (Princeton) teams are now going to co-present the feedback report.
Let's pay attention to the message the Albany and Princeton team leaders deliver to the task force.
Evaluation of J&S Food's new digital products and services design process in actual business conditions is the primary purpose of this phase. Figure 12.1 shows the highlights that will be discussed in the validation meeting.
Figure 12.1: The digital product design phase in J&S Food's digital transformation journey
As illustrated in Figure 12.1, these highlights include the agile operational model's confirmation as the foundation of the company's work organization, the smart shopping bag's package architecture, and the set of competencies acquired by the company during this phase.
Let's take a look at the feedback report that the Princeton store's product development team issued to the task force.
The first message of the report is clear: J&S Food's staff has definitely adopted the agile operational model as well as the underlying infrastructure and tools.
Albany's team leader starts by announcing the good news:
Albany's team leader explained the following:
Figure 12.2 illustrates J&S Food's digital products and services organization.
Figure 12.2: J&S Food's new digital products and services development organization
As illustrated in Figure 12.2, the new J&S Food's IT organization is structured around two distinct entities immersed in the company's agile operating model: the business applications development department and the digital products and services development department.
The Princeton's team leader justifies this division as follows:
In fact, the primary reason for this division is that applications and digital services target different populations: internal business users for applications and customers for the digital product development.
Digital products and services development has a direct impact on J&S Food's revenues—it requires additional methodologies, such as understanding customer insights, developing user experience, and business case development.
The Princeton's team declares the following:
Table 12.1 outlines the roles and responsibilities of Princeton's team in the smart shopping bag design process.
Table 12.1: Roles and Responsibilities in the Smart Shopping Bag Design Process
Product owner | Online marketing | Initiates digital products and services projects. Leads digital products and services specifications. Provides digital products and services testing scenarios. |
Scrum master | Information technology (IT) | Acts as a project management office (PMO) representative. Facilitates communication between the business side and IT. Facilitates digital product development effort from specification and development to deployment. |
Software developers | Information technology (IT) | Contributes to the digital products and services specification as well as to the architectural design effort. Develops the software enabling the digital products and services, tests it, and contributes to the CICD pipeline configuration. |
Software testers | Information technology (IT) | Works with the software developers, IT operations, and business users on designing testing scenarios. Configures the build and acceptance testing stages of the CICD pipeline. Monitors automated build and acceptance testing processes. |
IT operations | Information technology (IT) | Works with the product owner and Scrum master as well as with software development, software testing, and business users on the deployment strategy. Contributes to the acceptance test stage of the CICD pipeline. Configures the production stage of the CICD pipeline. |
Business users | Marketing, sales, other business units | Contributes to the configuration of build and acceptance testing stages of the CICD pipeline. Monitors the acceptance tests in collaboration with the software developers and software testers. |
In perfect sync with Princeton's team leader, Albany's project leader announces another piece of good news:
Albany's team leader explains the digital products and services design process in J&S Food's agile operational model as follows:
Princeton's team leader provides further details as follows:
Albany team's leader informs the participants that Lucidchart Enterprise was chosen as the best UML tool, and then Princeton's team leader explains how this was determined:
As Table 12.2 shows, J&S Food's staff from both the business and IT sides praised the benefits of the company's new agile operational model.
As Figure 12.3 shows, a large majority of J&S Food staff is satisfied with the new working environment.
Eighty-eight percent of the staff involved in the smart shopping bag architectural design process are fully satisfied with the company's new agile operating model, 8 percent have mixed feelings about it, while only 4 percent are unsatisfied with it.
Table 12.2: J&S Food's Satisfaction with the Agile Operational Model
Business side | Team spirit and collaborative mindset increase the team's productivity. | The workshops involving staff from the business and IT sides accelerate the overall design process. | Team and collaborative mindsets as well as the architecture workshops involving staff from both the business and IT sides help to achieve quality design. |
IT side | Architectural design patterns and tools increase the team's productivity. | The various visual tools used impact the overall time to market. | Same as above. |
Figure 12.3: J&S Food's staff satisfaction with the new operational model
Overall, the involved staff prefer the agile digital business work environment because of the processes provided, best practices, methodologies, and tools that increased productivity, sped up processes, and guaranteed better deliverable quality.
The implemented agile operational model, with all of its underlying methodologies and tools, has equipped J&S Food with the ideal digital products and services development platform. That's the message that Princeton's team leader, a passionate mind, is trying to convey to the audience.
Princeton team's leader next explains the following:
Figure 12.4: The smart shopping bag component diagram (designed with Lucidchart Enterprise)
The Princeton team leader now elaborates on the smart shopping bag component diagram as follows:
The Princeton team leader then states the following:
The in-store customer package represents the AWS container hosting the microservices that support all processing related to the in-store customer, smart shopping bag, and smart mobile device objects.
Table 12.3 outlines the in-store customer package constituents as well as their role in the overall architecture.
Table 12.3: Description of the In-Store Customer Package's Constituents
In-store customer | This class implements the microservices related to the business entity in-store customer. |
Smart shopping bag service | Implements the microservices related the business entity smart shopping service. |
Smart mobile device | Implements the microservices related to the business entity smart mobile device. |
Interface | This interface class implements the API gateway and event-driven mechanisms that give access to the microservices implemented by the classes that form the in-store customer package. |
The shopping session package represents the AWS container hosting the microservices that support all processing related to the shopping session and smart shopping bag application objects.
Table 12.4 outlines the shopping session package constituents as well as their role in the overall architecture.
Table 12.4: Description of the Shopping Session Package Constituents
Shopping session | Implements the microservices related the business entity smart shopping session |
Smart shopping bag application | Implements the microservices related to the business entity smart shopping bag application |
Interface | This interface class implements the API gateway and event-driven mechanisms that give access to the microservices implemented by the classes that form the shopping session package |
The smart shopping bag package represents the AWS container hosting the microservices that support all processing related to the smart shopping bag application, the RFID reader, and product RFID tag objects.
Table 12.5 outlines the smart shopping bag package constituents as well as their role in the overall architecture.
Table 12.5: Description of the Smart Shopping Bag Package Constituents
Smart shopping bag | This class implements the microservices related to the business entity smart shopping bag. |
RFID reader | Implements the microservices related the business entity RFID reader. |
Product RFID tag | Implements the microservices related to the business entity product RFID tag. |
Interface | This interface class implements the API gateway and event-driven mechanisms that give access to the microservices implemented by the classes that form the smart shopping bag package. |
In this design phase of the smart shopping bag's architecture, J&S Food's staff acquired the following skills:
Designing digital products and services in an organizational change management context within a disruptive industry is not easy—it's challenging! It takes training the concerned staff in record time, enforcing the agile operational and organizational requirements, and identifying areas of improvements.
The example illustrated in this chapter confirms that setting up a task force to lead the change and assigning the operational responsibility of the change deployment to enthusiastic and motivated people is the right thing to do.
In this chapter, you learned about the benefits of productivity, responsiveness, and quality that an organization can derive from implementing an agile operating model. You also learned that setting up an organization dedicated to the development of digital products and services is an option likely to accelerate your staff's learning curve.
Finally, you learned how the object-oriented approach through UML as implemented by J&S Food allows them to design a microservices architecture quickly.
In the follow-up task force meeting described in the next chapter, you will learn how Amazon SageMaker is used to support J&S Food's digital food experience and how combining the prototyping approach and AWS Amplify platform helped the Princeton team develop the microservices and software underlying the smart shopping bag digital product in record time.