Part II
Digitizing the Business Model Using AWS

The digitization of the business model using AWS is based on a five-step process including understanding the industry's disruption impacts on the business, rethinking the business model to digital, designing the virtual private cloud (VPC) architecture and migrating IT to the AWS cloud, implementing DevOps as the digital products and services development platform, and deploying the digital business model across the company.

Part II, consisting of Chapters 59, builds on the case of Julienne and Simone (J&S) Food company, which is challenged by its competitors—Instacart, Amazon Fresh, Walmart Pickup, Thrive Market, Fresh Direct—to illustrate systematically the business digital transformation process using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Chapter 5, “The J&S Food Digital Transformation Project,” introduces the J&S Food's case, its origins, organization, growth periods, and current challenges. It then details the stages that led to the company's digital transformation plan including the digital food industry analysis, business impacts analysis, and digital business strategy development.

Chapters 6, “Rethinking J&S Food's Business,” explains step-by-step the business model transformation to digital and introduces the digital business value chain framework that facilitates and accelerates business models configuration to digital.

Chapter 7, “Digitizing J&S Food's Business Model Using AWS—Implementing the VPC,” presents, step-by-step, the AWS migration process. Important tasks and related tools and methodologies such as AWS migration strategy definition, specification of the AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and implementation of the VPC are methodically illustrated.

Chapter 8, “Implementing J&S Food's DevOps Platform Using AWS PaaS,” describes the process for implementing DevOps in an AWS computing environment. It offers a DevOps implementation framework for AWS that facilitates CICD pipelines deployment along with that of agile software development activities underpinning the digital business value chain.

Chapter 9, “Developing J&S Food's Innovation as a Service Platform Using AWS,” discusses the design and the deployment of a software engineering methodology for innovation development at J&S Food's. This methodology builds on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and on the AWS Amplify framework to implement modern applications based on microservices architecture.