I want to thank Kristin Cochrane at Penguin Random House Canada for asking me to write this book.
I want to thank my editor, Tim Rostron.
I want to thank Amy Black, Susan Burns, Erin Cooper, Valerie Gow, Ward Hawkes, Carla Kean, Terri Nimmo, Scott Sellers, Melanie Tutino, and everyone at Penguin Random House Canada who had a hand in this project.
I want to acknowledge Northrop Frye C.C., Malcolm Gladwell C.M., Marshall McLuhan C.C., and Margaret Atwood C.C. for their genius.
I want to acknowledge Andrew H. Malcolm for his fantastic book The Canadians.
I want to acknowledge Douglas Coupland O.C., O.B.C. for being a great Canadian and for his fabulous Souvenir of Canada books.
I want to thank Mel Berger.
I want to thank Jerry Levitan for his tireless support.
I want to thank Major-General Sir Isaac Brock for defending Canada at the Battle of Queenston Heights during the War of 1812.
I want to thank hockey.
I want to thank Glenn Cochrane, CFTO-TV News, for reminding us that wherever we go, we’re never too far from a coupla lovely ladies.
I want to thank Paul Henderson C.M. for “The Goal.” And I want to thank Phil Esposito O.C. for “The Speech.”
I want to thank Canada. Well done.
I want to thank Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, as well as the rest of the Canadian Armed Forces, for their service and their sacrifice.
I want to thank Mr. Gross and Mr. Maclean, my Television course teachers at Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute, for believing.
I want to thank Andrew Alexander and Sally Cochrane for hiring me at Second City.
I want to thank Christopher Ward for his friendship and guidance.
I want to thank Canada House in London.
I want to thank Pierre Elliott Trudeau for believing that Canada would be the Next Great Nation and for making Justin Trudeau.
I want to thank Justin Trudeau for carrying the torch.
I want to thank Dan Aykroyd C.M. for his genius and his generosity.
I want to thank Lorne Michaels C.M. for being the Canadian Godfather.
I want to thank Barry Cohen for the cover photo and his friendship.
I want to thank Andrew Hollingworth and Mackenzie Cyr for their expert assistance.
I want to thank Gavin de Becker for his insight and for being the funniest civilian in the world.
I want to thank Rob Cohen for being as Canadian as possible under the circumstances.
I want to thank my fantastic manager, Jason Weinberg, for having my back.
I want to thank David Mackenzie for being my best friend and for lending me some of his hilarious observations about Canada.
I want to thank my brother Peter Myers for being so smart, so funny, and so Canadian.
I want to thank my brother Paul Myers for also being smart and funny, and for his contributions to this book.
I want to thank my parents, Eric and Bunny Myers.
I want to thank my children, Spike, Sunday, and Paulina, for becoming future Canadians.
Above all, I would like to thank my wife, Kelly. I love you, Kelly.