3 at least £200 per year: Equivalent to $13,000 today.
11 “3 or 4 Families”: Letter to Anna Austen Lefroy, September 9, 1814.
13 “& my Mother has shewn”: Letter to Cassandra Austen, January 8, 1801.
13 “I do not think I was v. much”: Honan, Jane Austen, 95.
15 “The sun was got behind”: Letter to Cassandra Austen, May 5, 1801.
16 deadly in its social fragmentation: Honan, Jane Austen, 171.
17 “There was one gentleman”: Letter to Cassandra Austen, January 8, 1799.
19 “I cannot anyhow continue”: Letter to Cassandra Austen, May 12, 1801.
26 Harris Bigg-Wither’s unmarried sisters: Wither was added to Harris’s name as terms for an additional inheritance from Wither relatives.
32 about £460 a year: Equivalent to $30,000 today.
35 then called Susan, for £10: Equivalent to $650 today.
39 to her sister a few years before: Sunday evening, April 21, 1805.
42 received for the four books . . . £684: Equivalent to $45,000 today.
43 “very like in disposition”: Letter to Cassandra Austen, January 21, 1812.
43 “praised [Sir Walter Scott’s best-seller]”: Letter from Charles Austen from Palermo, May 6, 1815.
44 “the pleasures of vanity”: Letter to Fanny Knight, November 1814.
Abbreviations: MWS: Mary Shelley; PBS: Percy Bysshe Shelley; CC: Claire Clairmont
54 “singing or rather howling”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 263.
55 but she wasn’t unwilling: MWS journal, “I had no fear—rather though I had no active wish—I had a passive satisfaction in death”; Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 265.
56 “but applaud me”: PBS Letter to John Gisborne, June 18, 1822.
57 “How long do you mean”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 300.
58 “I wish I cd break my chains”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 301.
59 “lived too long near LB”: PBS Letter to MWS; Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 264.
60 “I awoke one morning”: Quoted in Thomas Moore, Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, 1830.
66 “Mary wrote it”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 59.
66 “Yes, and to Fanny”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 40; May 21, 1800.
70 “unfolded to the delight”: William Godwin letter to PBS, March 3, 1812.
74 “an arrow from the bow”: Thomas Jefferson Hogg, The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, unfinished manuscript, quoted in Sunstein, Mary Shelley, 72.
76 “wrapt in excitement”: William Godwin Jr., Transfusion, quoted in Sunstein, Mary Shelley, 73.
77 “very early in life”: Maria, quoted in Seymour, Mary Shelley, 85.
78 auspicious after all: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 83.
78 “How beautiful and calm”: PBS, “Revolt of Islam.”
78 “We will have rites”: PBS, “Laon & Cythna.”
79 offered him £1,000: Equivalent to $75,000 today.
83 “very soft society”: PBS to CC, June 9, 1821.
92 “so beautiful”: Holmes, Shelley, 281.
93 “Pray, is Clary with you?”: Holmes, Shelley, 287.
98 give birth to a baby: When he visited the child, he was reported to have written to Lady Melbourne that she “is not an Ape.”
98 “I place my happiness”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 124.
101 “I have called twice on you”: CC letter to Byron, 27, 43, 44.
102 “A man is a man”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 136.
102 “On Saturday”: Sunstein, footnote, Mary Shelley, 428, Murray MS.
103 “Ten minutes”: CC Letter to Jane Williams, 1827.
104 allowance of £1,000: Equivalent to $17,000 today.
107 “I am sorry”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 135.
110 “Now—don’t scold”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 136.
110 his school friend Diodati: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 138.
110 “a beam, now black”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 154.
112 “No person of respectability”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 139.
112 A volcanic eruption: Mount Tambora, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. It was the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history.
112 “approach from the opposite”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 137.
114 “Mary and I will publish”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 144.
115 “I will die unavenged”: Translation by David Ferry.
117 dalliance with Claire: “The next question is the brat mine” he wrote to his lawyer. “I have reason to think so. She had not lived with Shelley during the time of our acquaintance and she had a good deal of that same with me.”
120 “My dreadful fear”: CC letter to Byron, August 28, 1816.
122 her mother had once written: in her novel Maria.
122 “I know not whether”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 114.
124 “I understand from Mamma”: Letter from Fanny Imlay, May 29, 1816.
125 “where she was found”: The Cambrian, October 11, 1816.
126 five shillings and a sixpenny piece: Equivalent to $50 today.
128 “fully overbalances the plainness”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 79.
130 “according to the vulgar”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 180.
130 “another incident allows me”: MWS letter, January 13, 1817.
131 “Three young writers”: December 1, 1816.
131 “a scholar, a gentleman”: Blackwood’s, No. 26.
135 “a thin, patrician-looking”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 196.
137 “Poor little angel”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 192.
138 officially published: As opposed to its initial, unheralded publication on January 1, 2018.
138 “The sun shines bright”: MWS, letter to Marianne and Leigh Hunt, from Lyon, March 22, 1818.
138 “most beautiful oxen”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 204.
139 “dressed her in trousers”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 200.
140 “undress and sit on the rocks”: PBS letter to Thomas Love Peacock, quoted in Holmes, Shelley, 427.
141 “It is true that . . . it shocks”: Holmes, Shelley, 431.
141 “We rode among chestnut woods”: Holmes, Shelley, 427.
142 “oppressed with wretchedness”: MWS letter, August 22, 1822.
144 “Get up at four o’clock”: Holmes, Shelley, 443.
145 “persons of a very ordinary sort”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 215.
146 “Everything on earth has lost”: Seymour, Mary Shelley, 232, 235.
146 “We have now lived 5 years”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 213.
146 earnings so far was £29: about $2,850.
147 “but his appearance was youthful”: Hoobler and Hoobler, The Monsters, 257.
148 “3 still/Clare”: Sunstein, Mary Shelley, 426, footnote 13.
150 “a natural child”: Bieri, Percy Bysshe Shelley, 230.
151 “to a life of ignorance”: CC letter to Byron, March 24, 1821.
151 “Paradise and the Bambino”: Bieri, Percy Bysshe Shelley, 253.
153 “hopelessly lingering”: Holmes, Shelley, 649.
157 “We drive along this delightful bay”: Bieri, Percy Bysshe Shelley, 310.
160 “There was no boat”: MWS Letter to Maria Gisborne, August 22, 1822.
160 “the calamity” . . . “over us”: MWS Letter to Maria Gisborne, August 22, 1822.
161 “her large gray eyes”: Bieri, Percy Bysshe Shelley, 270.
162 Another woman in the shape: Adrienne Rich, “Planetarium.”
166 “Even if you brought me”: From Joan of Arc’s Trial, May 23, 1431, in Jules Quicherat, Procès de Condemnation, et de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc (Paris: Renouard, 1847) [hereafter, Trial].
166 “Be brave, daughter of God”: Trial, March 13 and 17.
167 “You tell me”: Trial, March 13 and 17.
168 “Will they take me out”: Testimony of Massieu in Jules Quicherat, Procès de Condemnation et de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc, vol. 2 (Paris: Renouard, 1847) [hereafter “Quicherat”], pp. 17–18.
169 “I submit”: Testimony of Jean de Mailly, in Quicherat, 3:54–5; Jean Beaupère, in Quicherat, 2:21.
170 “Look how she mocks us”: Testimony of Manchon in Quicherat, 3:146.
171 “You insult me!”: Testimony of Jean de Mailly in Quicherat, 3:55; Andre Marguerie, Quicherat, 3:184; Jean Morel, Quicherat, 3:90.
171 “Look how she laughs at us”: Testimony of du Desert in Quicherat, 2:338.
172 “It’s all right”: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 3:157.
172 an X or an O: Testimony of de Macy, in Quicherat, 3:123; Boisguillaume, in Quicherat, 3, p. 164.
173 “Take her back”: Testimony of Manchon, in Quicherat, 2, p. 14.
178 “And tell your father”: Testimony of Durand Laxalt, Joan’s uncle, in Quicherat, 1:444.
178 “There are plenty”: Trial, article 16; February 27.
178 “I stay in my pants”: Trial, 3/17.
179 “My pants are my protection!”: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 3:154.
181 “Hey you, priests!”: Testimony of Jean Favé, in Quicherat, 2:376.
182 “The king stands badly”: Testimony of Jean Favé, in Quicherat, 2:376.
183 The barber shaved her head: Trial, May 24, 1431.
188 “gold crowns on their heads”: Trial, February 24 and March 1, 1431.
188 “You say Saint Michael”: Trial, March 1, 1431.
188 “Did he come to you naked?”: Trial, May 2, 1431.
192 sent her home for a beating: Testimony of Durand Laxalt, in Quicherat, 1:444.
193 “rather see her drowned”: Trial, March 12, 1431.
193 sentenced to marry: Trial, March 12, 1431. Also, Jules Michelet, Joan of Arc (University of Michigan, 1974), 14.
194 with a bowl, definitive: Le greffier de l’hotel de ville de la Rochelle. Simeon Luce, Jeanne d’Arc à Domrémy, 312.
194 “Better today than tomorrow”: Testimony of Jean de Metz, Joan’s earliest follower, in Quicherat, 2:436. “Citius nunc quam cras, et cras quam post.”
195 “even if I have to wear”: Testimony of Jean de Metz, in Quicherat, 2:436.
195 shoemaker had refused him credit: Joseph Fabre, Procès de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc (Paris: Chez P. Jannet, 1858), 52.
196 a virgin and much armor: Quicherat, 3:82; also 2:447.
196 “deserted or infested with soldiers”: Michelet, Histoire de France, 17.
196 “go, and come what may”: “Va, va, et advienne que pourra . . .” in Pierre Tisset, Procès de Condamnation de Jeanne d’Arc (Paris: Société de Histoire de France, 1970), 52
197 “desire nor carnal motive”: Testimony of Jean de Metz, in Quicherat, 436–7.
199 “In the name of God”: Jean Chartier, Chroniques de Charles VII, Roi de France (Paris: Chez P, Jannet, 1858), 52.
199 “to which she was more faithful”: Luce, La France pendant la guerre de cent ans, p. 50.
200 had to flee more than once: Testimony of Isabellette, a friend from Domrémy. Quicherat, 2:431. In his Chroniques, Juvenal des Ursins tells of soldiers “pillaging, tearing down, setting fire, as they were accustomed to do in Lorraine.”
202 “I didn’t come”: Quicherat, 3:204; Chronique de la Pucelle, in Quicherat, 4:205, 210.
202 virgin, “whole and entire”: Testimony of D’Aulon, in Quicherat, 3:209; testimony of Pasquerel, in Quicherat, 3:102.
203 kissing her feet and even her horse: Testimony of Tupinier, in Quicherat, 3:227.
204 “Few in number but valiant in war”: “Exigui numero, sed bello vivida virtus.” Virgil, Aeneid, quoted in Thomas Basin, Histoire de Charles VII (Paris: Société d’édition “Les Belles Lettres,” 1939), 39.
204 “like a flock of sheep”: “Un tropeau de moutons.” Thomas Basin, Histoire de Charles VII (Paris: Société d’édition “Les Belles Lettres,” 1939), 39
205 “The only ones with you”: Journal du Siège d’Orléans in Quicherat, 4:141; testimony of Louis le Conte, Joan’s page, in Quicherat, 3:68.
206 “You have been”: Testimony of Pasquerel, in Quicherat, 3:109.
206 sank like stones: Testimony of Dunois, in Quicherat, 3:8–9.
206 dipped in watered-down wine: Chroniques d’Antonio Morosini (Paris: Renouard, 1902), 101. “Only two ounces of bread each day, and if she drank wine at all, she put in it three-quarters water.” Letter, Pancrazio Giustiniani.
207 without—undressing: Testimony of Louis le Conte, Joan of Arc’s page, in Quicherat, 3:67.
210 “The fortunes of war”: Testimony of D’Alençon, Quicherat, 3:99.
210 “nothing could resist her”: Chroniques de Perceval de Cagny, 153.
211 “All through fear of her”: Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, translated by Peter Thompson, p. 307.
212 “though you’ve had many heroes”: Testimony Alain Chartier, Fabre, Procès de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc, 2:279–282.
227 “Nul n’est tenu à l’impossible”: Michelet, Joan of Arc, p. 68. “Nul n’est tenu à l’impossible.”
230 “You know I can’t put these on!”: Testimony of Massieu, Quicherat, 2:18.
234 “They told me to be brave”: Trial, May 28, 1431.
235 “We’ve got her!”: Testimony of Isambart, in Quicherat, 2:5; Ladvenu, in Quicherat, 2:8.
235 Several had already fled Rouen: Testimony of Isambart, in Fabre, Procès de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc, 2:98.
235 “Farowelle, my lord!”: Testimony of Ladvenu, Quicherat, 2:8.
236 “Traitors! French dogs!”: Testimony of Jean Favé, Quicherat, 2:376.
236 beaten the child so badly: Turner, History of England, 3:27–8.
238 “Slut! Whore! You lie!”: Testimony of M. D. Tiphaine, Quicherat, 3:48–9; Delachambre, Quicherat, 3: 51–2.
238 “I was baptized a Christian”: Trial, April 18, 1431.
239 “ex-communicant whore!”: Testimony of Boisguillaume, Quicherat, 3:162.
239 “wouldn’t see the sun or the moon”: Testimony of Massieu, Quicherat, 2:16.
246 “Remind her of her promise”: Trial, May 29, 1431.
247 “You may tear my flesh”: Trial, May 9, 1431.
249 “God sends you forgiveness”: Trial, May 28, 1431.
254 “Anything else, anything but that!”: Testimony of Toutmouillé, Quicherat, 2:3.
255 “Consider, gentlemen”: Testimony of Massieu, Quicherat, 3:158.
256 “Bishop, I die through you!”: Testimony of Toutmouillé, Quicherat, 2:4; Ladvenu, Quicherat, 3:168.
256 “Bear it bravely”: Testimony of Toutmouillé, Quicherat, 2:4.
256 “God willing, I’ll be in paradise”: Testimony of Riquier, Quicherat, 3:191.
259 “The streets are filled”: Testimony of de Lenozoles, Quicherat, 3:114.
266 “Johanne, vade in pace”: J. Fabre, Procès de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d’Arc, 2:81.
270 “Forgive me”: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 2:19.
270 “Ah, Rouen, Rouen!”: Testimony of Delachambre, in Quicherat, 3:58.
270 “I forgive you all!”: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 2:19.
271 “Hey, you priests!”: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 2:20.
272 burn anyone alive before: Testimony of Ladvenu, in Quicherat, 2:9.
272 “Her woman’s body”: Le Prétendu, in Quicherat, 4:471.
273 “Just do your job”: Testimony of Isambart, 1450, in Quicherat, 2:6; testimony of Massieu, 1450, in Quicherat, 2:20.
273 “Take her away”: Testimony of Manchon, in Quicherat, 3:202.
275 right next to her skin: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 2:20.
277 “Don’t get burned!”: Testimony of Isambart, in Quicherat, 2:303; also p. 6.
277 “Holy water!”: Testimony of Jean Moreau, bourgeois of Rouen, in Quicherat, 3:194.
277 “A dove!”: Testimony of Isambart, in Quicherat, 2:352.
278 “We have burned a saint!”: Testimony of Cusquel, bourgeois of Rouen, in Quicherat, 3:182.
280 that he had burned a saint: Testimony of Massieu, in Quicherat, 3:160; testimony of Ladvenu in Quicherat, 2:9; testimony of Isambart, in Quicherat, 2:7, 352.