#4: Pussy Costs
T ake a girl out to dinner. Treat her to the movies. Buy her flowers. Pick her up from her place and drive her to his. All of these things require money. A man will do all of these things, one of these things, or none of these things depending on how much he’s impressed by a woman. Women tell me that “guys today” don’t date, or they date cheaply. They claim that this is not a reflection of their value as women; it’s proof that men of the 21st century lack respect for the dating game. I call bullshit. Pussy is recession proof. Pussy’s value doesn’t fluctuate on the NASDAQ. Every day a new vagina breaks a price record. So why is your stock flat? Pussy hasn’t become free in the last 20 years it’s become cheap, it’s become discounted, and it’s being given away by women who think men are hard to find and need to be fucked ASAP. It’s been manipulated by men who’ve convinced girls to buy into this idea that to be independent means to accept going Dutch or submit to Come Over & Chill dates. Your pussy isn’t a man’s only option, there will always be girls who give it up faster with a lot less effort, but despite what other females are doing, YOUR PUSSY should always remain a luxury item .
Your pussy costs and every man is willing to come out of pocket in one way or another to get your pussy. This is a fact. You can look at your past relationships and point out that no man has ever really felt the need to spend or treat in order to win you over…but you fucked him anyway. Maybe there were men who simply tried a little, didn’t get anything, and vanished…but when they came back, you fucked them anyway. You control whom you have sex with, and you dictate who has done enough. Stop pointing to those men who blow you off when they don’t fuck you after a month as proof that you have zero value in today’s market. Those men are window shoppers. Either they never really wanted your product, or they weren’t in a position to afford your product, so they browsed and then exited through the gift shop. These males aren’t a reflection of your worth; you will not be everyone’s cup of tea nor in everyone’s price range so to speak. Tiffany’s doesn’t redo its front display every time some broke motherfucker walks by and looks, but doesn’t buy. Throughout this journey, you must keep your value! You shouldn’t try to switch up things that are proven to work if one or two guys don’t buy into your allure.
The same way Napster fucked up the music industry, simple-minded women who allow men to manipulate them with this, “Oh, I don’t believe in dating” rhetoric have fucked up the dating industry for all highly valued women. There will be those who will pass you up because even at dinner and a movie price, you come off as too expensive-- fuck those lames they aren’t who you should be talking to in the first place. Men with real money will always be willing to pay full price, so your goal in life, even outside of these tactics, should never be to give yourself away to the cutest guy, it should always be to be shown respect and treated with full value. No matter how cute he is, how nice he is, or what story he has to tell, you do not Groupon your pussy because a man doesn’t want to pay full price !
I remind you; I’m not talking about the act of prostituting yourself for dates . The aim is to get value for your time and your time only. After a man has sampled your pussy, no matter how good it is, he’s not going to be that enamored where he can’t afford to walk away. However, if you get him to see you as extraordinary, sexy, and fun, that’s something he’ll always want to invest in because most girls are mediocre, stressful, and boring. The cost of getting to know you in the first place should be set at a certain limit, this serves as a fortress wall that will keep broke men, stingy ballers, and con artists out of your face. It’s an unwritten rule that the first conversation is free, but the second one costs, stick to that.
Setting Your Price
How much is your pussy worth? Your answer should be, “priceless,” or you’ve already failed. You don’t need a man financially; you may want one, but you don’t need him. You’re a grown ass woman capable of finding a job, earning money, and buying what she wants on her own. At no point in this process should you ever fall into desperation and feel that you should sell your pussy for a fixed price because you have rent due, a lingering bill, or an emergency. This is Ho Tactics , not Prostitute Practice . You are priceless, act like it, and that power will get you anything you want without ever having to spread your legs. I will delve into seduction techniques later, but I have to remind those simple-minded women reading that this has nothing to do with prostituting yourself, but positioning yourself as an object of worship and desire. How much does your pussy cost? That’s a better question. Remember, worth and cost are entirely different concepts. While your pussy appraisal is priceless, you have to give those bidding the appearance that you aren’t out of their reach .
If I wanted to take you out on a date, what’s acceptable? I’m talking real life, acceptable, not Twitter/Facebook putting on a front acceptable. If I were to call and ask to hang out next Friday, I imagine you would say, “Okay, wherever you want to go is cool with me.” That humble and downright sweet response puts the power in my hands. I’m going to take you to IHOP, for a $27 meal for two (tip not included because cheap dudes don’t tip), followed by a trip back to my house to watch some Netflix. Even if you don’t fuck me that night, I’m sure I will fuck you within the next two weeks, and I will never go over that $27 again. As a man, I’ve determined the price of your pussy as if it’s an EBay auction with no other interested bidders. You are now my EBay bitch and you don’t even know it. Most women who go on a date with a handsome guy who has good conversation and an excellent choice in Netflix movies will give up the pussy without raising that price or demanding anything more than what they get. Why? Because that’s what “nice” girls do, they don’t ask for shit; they quietly take what they’re given and are thankful they’re not home alone. Maybe you have other guys taking you out or trying to take you out, but we all know that women who begin to over-like one guy are turned off by multiple suitors because they have tunnel vision. That makes this an EBay auction with only one serious bidder. By the end of the month you’ve gone on one real date, two eat in dates, and have auctioned your pussy off for a grand total of $81 or less. Your pussy may be priceless in your head, but you just sold it for $81. Now are you following me?
What’s a girl to do, ask for a $200 date the first time out? Recommend going on a yacht cruise to show him you’re a fancy bitch? No! You have to stop thinking in extremes of black and white. No matter if you want a sponsor, a boyfriend, or just a gift buying trick, you have to start with the same foundation—the sample . Your personality, sex appeal, and conversation are like a shot of top shelf Tequila. It gets a man’s blood flowing and puts a smile on his face. The shot of your personality is free, and thus the first date is free. It’s a sample, a way to break the ice and show him how different you are from other women. You can go to IHOP, Red Lobster, or Ruth’s Chris; doesn’t matter as long as your sample is potent.
You do not go home with him. I repeat; you never go home with him or let him come home with you. You’re like those little perfume samples that they pass out at Nordstrom’s. That fool can rub that scent on him and wear that memory until it washes off, but that bottle costs too much for him to afford at this point. You set your price as priceless on the first date by not giving into your lust. If you can’t fight your lust, then I assume you sped through the last chapter on Dick Discipline. If the first date aka “the sample” goes well then you will use the second date to set your price in a way that shows him what level of woman he’s pursuing. Here are some things to keep in mind on date two:
You Are What You Eat
If you recommend cheap places, you establish that you’re basic. You let him play the man and take you out on the first date to a place he established. Maybe he took you somewhere nice maybe he didn’t. What’s important is that you impressed him enough for a second date. Now you start to set the rules by showing him what’s expected going forward. Go for elegance, not expense. Yelp is your best friend from now on. Look for spots operated by well-known chefs, which have romantic settings. Sexy food, sexy wait staff, sexy date. Everything should scream sex! Wine, small portions, ambient lighting-- you’re that kind of girl. There will be no drive thru windows or ordering pizza if he wants to get to know you .
You Need To Be Showcased
You’re not a Reebok broad, so why are you going on Reebok dates? Fuck going bowling, you need to establish that you’re the type of girl that dresses like a goddess and needs to be taken places where he can show you off to envious men. For non-dinner dates, you should look into live music shows or the theater. Not a fake Tyler Perry gospel “play” that’s hosted in the local YMCA, but a real theater that has an elegant vibe. The idea is to be able to wear that sexy red dress, show off your heel game, and do your hair in a way that’s different from the last time he may have seen it. It’s also important to go places where other men will be watching you. Playing on a man’s jealousy makes you even more desirable.
Dogs Get Doggy Treats
You must reward men for good behavior. Going forward, you won’t have to ask for things if you take this time to train him to do good by you. He took you out to a nice dinner and treated you to a bottle of wine. Give him a deep passionate kiss. Good boy . He took you out on a unique and romantic date. Play with his dick on the car ride home. Good boy . Basic bitches would reward this behavior with pussy or a blowjob, you don’t! You give him simple treats that mean little to you, but get him excited at the thought of having you fully.
The key is to not let him lure you into having a nightcap. A man who gets worked up doesn’t want the night to end. He will ask to keep hanging out, try to order more food or drinks, whatever—but you must be perceptive. Leave him wanting more by ending the date at a reasonable time. Make sure the last image he sees of you is one where he’s hard up after a kiss or worked up after a little fondling. This unattainable desire sends a man into a frenzy, and you are guaranteed to get a call that night and the next morning. His actions during the following week will continue to escalate in hopes that the pussy is around the corner. With each new act of affection, give him a small treat, but never your pussy. This is how you train that dog and set your house rules. Pretty hurts and pussy costs, so why get all dressed up, waxed up, and made up to go sit in some guy’s house? These things establish your value without him ever seeing your pussy. After the second date, he may not want to go out anymore, he’ll be through with games, and ready to get you alone. Don’t feel pressured. Continue your course as if you don’t care if he stops talking to you, this lets him know that you have other options. This is the final stage of knowing your pussy’s value…
Limited Supply
When I was dating, I used my apathy as a weapon to get more free pussy than rescue day at Petco. Don’t get me wrong, I did care about some of these females. There were girls I liked a lot, others I crushed on hard, and there were even girls who had me thinking it was love. My focus wasn’t a relationship; it was seeing how fast I could sleep with them. Let’s face it, a man’s intent is sex first and then explore the bond second. When certain girls wouldn’t want to come over, or they didn’t want to rush the sex, I behaved myself as if it didn’t bother me. This was all a front. When you’re immature, the want for new pussy can’t be denied, you want what you want, and you’re willing to risk what could be a good relationship if you don’t get that new pussy on your timeframe. In accordance to my horny nature, I went to war with these women, in a way they never truly understood, but in a way that I will now share.
I was semi in love with this girl; we were good friends in terms of talking about life, feelings, blah blah blah. She didn’t want to have sex, she needed more time, so I stopped calling her. I would make up excuses as to where I had to go, and how I wouldn’t be able to talk. To prove that I was still into her, I would check in, but only for a minute or two, and then get off the phone before she was ready. This pissed her off, but it didn’t say, “he’s not into you,” it was more of a “you’re losing him, you better think of something to get him back.” Of course, it was a ploy on my part. When someone takes away their attention, human beings react the same way; they try to experiment with ways to get it back. One girl cursed me out and acted like a brat. Another one tried to talk to one of my co-workers to make me jealous. This girl decided to pour her heart out about how much she loved me and missed me. All three of these scenarios using anger, jealousy, and love pleas all ended the same way. The next time I saw the girl, we had sex finally. I learned that women don’t like to be abandoned, and fearing this rejection some use sex to recapture that interest. As men, we push women away and then pull them back as soon as they’re ready to give us what we want. The Dick Tactic of Push and Pull is the most used , it’s a form of reverse psychology that women fall for because most have this fatal flaw of trying to make it work, make someone like them again, or fix something that’s about to break. Men want vagina, women want validation, it’s a tradeoff that leaves the woman used… not anymore.
Now that you understand this concept, I need you to guard against it. You met a guy who really likes you; you’ve seduced him, you’ve gone out on two dates, and his mind is blown. Now he’s tired of dating, tired of spending money, and wants to get the sex over with the same way he does with every other girl. He didn’t break you down with the nice act, so his next move is to stop caring. He now does the same thing I used to do, stop calling, stop being available, and he only hits you up for short spurts, just to dangle that carrot in your face. Instead of falling for this push and pull behavior like a typical bird, turn the tables on him. Let him vanish, and when he comes back around, be busy. Miss his call, then text him, “I’m out with my friend, will call you tomorrow,” followed by that flirty kiss emoji. Don’t call him tomorrow or the next day. Wait for him to reach out again, and then suddenly remember him as if his very existence slipped your mind. Shift the blame. Say that you felt as if he were falling back, and remind him that others are always ready to step up to the plate, so you were living life. This shows him that you’re not a chaser, and it bruises his frail male ego. Guys hate when a woman takes away her attention, they are so used to a lady that yells, acts passive, writes long text blocks, unfriends him on social media, etc… by not caring at all to argue or fight for him, you win! He will bark at first, but then he will rush to see you again, this time without the pressure to have sex—you, my love, have just trained a man to lay off the pressure. You have proven that you are irreplaceable, and unbeknownst to him, you just used your own version of push and pull, and it worked.
There are women who claim they don’t chase men, yet their actions suggest all they do is chase men. Don’t be the Basica that chases a man because he’s done a good job at promoting himself as a baller or a romantic match. This is about establishing value, not “does he love me, does he love me not,” bullshit. If a man pushes you, run. When he pulls you back, resist. At this moment, you either win or you win, never feel as if a man cutting you off is a negative. Men only react in TWO ways, they will give up because you’re too complicated or they will stop playing games and do things your way. I said win-win because if a man gives you the run around in terms of dating early on, that’s a blessing because he exposed that he isn’t the type to invest in you, and you don’t have time to waste on those.
All the things I’m talking about are literal. If you can’t open your mouth and stand up to a man, fake as if you have another date, or go without returning his call for a day or two, then you will fail. The foundation of Ho Tactics begins with being the type of woman that’s not afraid to say whatever she needs to say and check a man if he’s not reacting in a way that you expect. Typical female behavior is to suppress anger and go along with the flow in the early dating stage because you don’t want to ruin it. This isn’t a mating call, it’s a paper chase, so take the emotions out of it. Oh, you stood me up for our second date… cool, say hello to the ignore button Mr. I own a chain of Wing Stops, because you are not special nor am I hard up . Establishing that you have value mandates the ability to be a bitch and prove that you’re not going to let a man pick you up and put you down, use reverse psychology, disappearing acts, or threats of other women to check you. Respect isn’t given to women, so earn it!
Now that you’ve shown him that he doesn’t mean as much as he thought he meant to you, get back to dating at the same level you left off. The pressure of sex will still be there, but now he’s begging, not demanding. Remain strong, because it’s time to go in for the kill. At this point in a new relationship, you have all the power. You’ve proven that you’re not afraid to lose him and that other men are always interested. You aren’t some EBay bitch with one bidder; you’re a pair of Retro Jordan’s with a hundred dudes trying to win you. Regardless of his money or his status, he now knows that you can do better and will do better, and he will act accordingly.