#14: Using Ho Tactics on Your Ex-Boyfriend
How do I turn my ex into a trick or sponsor when he’s already had me?
I reconnected with a friend from high school that’s now doing well, how can I seduce him when he’s already sampled the goodies?
en from the past will pop in and out of your life, and for most women, these men who they are already comfortable around will be the easiest to hustle. Unlike going to happy hour or perusing the local Best Buy, there are no nerves holding you back from speaking first if you see your high school sweetheart in public or from inboxing that guy you slept with twice in college. With an ex-boyfriend, co-worker, or random one-night stand from the past, you are already familiar enough to be confident. If it has been several years since you were last intimate with this past guy, then everything in part one can be used without much change.
However, if it’s been two years or less, the man you’re sizing up will most likely be content with the fact that he conquered you, so it will take more effort to lure him back into the Ho Tactics web. Let’s face it; it’s probably a slim chance that your personality or vagina has gotten any better in such a short period. That’s where you prove him wrong
You’re Not That Little Girl, You’re A Woman Now
Let’s imagine that your ex-boyfriend Maurice bumps into you at a mutual friend’s cookout. It’s been a year and a half since you ended your three-month relationship, and no one has a reason to harbor ill feelings. Like most exes you see, you give him a hug, pretend to be happy to see him, and make the mandatory, “you’re looking good” comment regardless if you mean it or not. Who cares how his mother is doing, you need to see if this dude can benefit your life. Using your newfound Ho Powers, interrogate him to find out where he’s working these days and where he’s living. The Maurice you knew was working a good job, but it wasn’t great, so has his fortunes changed? If he’s still complaining about working at the same dead-end job or still trying to make waves using that same tired business plan that he’s been trying to get off the ground for years, then he’s not worth more than two minutes of your time. If he’s still living at the same apartment or still bunking with his mom or that roommate he hates, again, he’s not worth your time. What you want to hear is that he’s at a new company, invested in a new venture, or living in the good part of the city.
Non-Hos who are looking for love have a weak spot for ex-boyfriends because they are now lonely and look back with rose-colored lenses at the good times. It’s in your best interest to separate the boyfriend thirst from your mind so you don’t end up catching feelings for someone you once cared for. This man is a mark, not your baby, not the one that got away, simply a mark.
Once you two have caught up and enough to see that he’s indeed winning at life, pretend to be open. Unlike guys you haven’t had sex with, men that have hit
need their egos stroked as opposed to challenged. Be impressed that he’s doing it big; even make a comment such as, “Damn, I fucked up.” This type of pandering will leave this fool with his chest poked out while grinning from ear to ear. Don’t blow this opportunity by catching up for too long, remember, your job is to get this man in an intimate setting where you can seduce him properly and continue to research his funds.
Exchange numbers or emails without ever asking if he has a girlfriend or wife. If he wants you to know that, he’ll say it. If he’s hesitant to take your number because of a “Her” in his life, channel Maria the Ho and tease him about being afraid of you. Most likely, he will give you a way to contact him, and that’s all you need. Once you are back in his life, move fast!
Within two days, reach out and set a date, even offer to treat him. Remember, he has to see you as different, not just some ex trying to get a free meal. It’s only been a year and a few months since he last dealt with you, but you’re a new woman, no longer that littler girl. You can’t say this; you show this by going left where you used to go right.
Do your research internally. All the conversations you used to have, the arguments, even the TV shows you used to watch, you must now upgrade it. You shouldn’t even cross your legs and hold your fork the same. This man must see that you’re the 2.0 version. Bring up your past relationship in a fun way. I don’t care if he cheated on you, called you out your name, or simply vanished without explanation—forget it. You don’t care about revenge; you care about advancing your life using his money or means, so don’t get emotional or vengeful like some basic bitch amateur
Reminisce on the good times you had, and keep him laughing and smiling as if you two had that Ross and Rachel
friendship. If you hit all the marks I listed during this first date, he won’t see you as his ex-girlfriend; you’re essentially a new woman by which he’s extremely intrigued. At that point, you have done your job, which is hitting reset on your entire personality and allure.
Sudden Case of Sex Amnesia
Another point that can be stressed on the reconnection date or soon thereafter is the history of sex. No matter if you had sex every weekend for months or only a few times, you can’t remember it. You think about him, and maybe you’ve tried to fantasize about that sex, but nothing comes up. To prove this point, start to plant false memories about the time you did it in a hotel. He’ll be quick to remind you that you have the wrong guy. Go further and really fuck with his head by giving him a trait you know he didn’t have. For example, his curve penis stays in your mind… he doesn’t have a curved dick, and he’ll get pissed because you really don’t remember. Offer up an apology and admit that you can’t be wrong because you’ve only had sex with one (never go over two) other guy since you were last together.
With his feelings a little hurt, seduce him by letting him know you still have a weakness for him. “It’ll always be kinda yours…” said with a smirk is better than stroking his dick under the table. Once again, men respond to control, and you’re putting him back in a th
rone he probably thought he would never get to return to. The key to this tease is to make him feel safe. Men who go back to exes want to reminisce not rekindle. Most of you have probably experienced that feeling for yourself, where you don’t really like that old thing, but you sort of miss the sex part and even the conversations because it’s a comfort food. Know that a man that had you is most likely trying to get the easy nostalgia sex and is afraid that you may want to work it out again as opposed to rolling around for old times’ sake, which is why the next step after going Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
in terms of sex is to make yourself off limits romantically.
Talk about how you don’t really date much, and this outing is the first in about a month. Remark on the state of men and how they are just so corny. Nothing endears a man to you by making him seem as if he’s cut from a different cloth than the rival males in the world.
At the end of the date or talk, follow up by telling him how good a time you had, and that if he promises not to get all serious, you would love to be “friends.” See what happened there? You are spelling it out for him that you don’t want him as a boyfriend, just a fun friend… possibly with benefits. Like all Ho Tactics, going left when typical women go right, will impress this man and put you at the top of his list. His want is sex and his fear is being back with you. By taking that fear off the table you become desirable.
Hooking Him
You can only tease a person you’ve already been with for so long before they get flustered. Unlike part one, you aren’t risking anything by having sex with him, the damage is
done. However, there are circumstances he must meet, he doesn’t get to pick up where he left off. To go in there as if nothing changed is a quick way to get fucked and sent to voicemail. Don’t be his “Bye Felicia
,” get back to being his baby minus the title. The most crucial part of any of these tactics is getting emotionally close and mixing it with a carefree good time. Your ex-boyfriend probably has a girlfriend or someone looking for that title. You have to be the opposite of her, all fun with no stress. We will get into the ins and outs of sexual manipulation in the next chapter, but before you get back to fucking him, you must show him this new Ho side to make him fall back in lust with you. This includes being down to go out whenever, talking nasty, listening to his complaints, and keeping secrets.
Two to three weeks of squeezing your way back into his life in this unique and exciting way will cause him drop his guard enough for you to gain his trust. Only at the height of his vulnerability, for example, him confessing new feelings for you or calling you more than once a day, should you agree to have sex. Be patient in your seduction and remember that talking about sex while being a casual friend will mind fuck him! Do not make a serious bedroom move until he sees you as someone he really needs in his life and can admit to it. If it’s been two weeks and he’s not really opening up or confiding in you about his life, then abort. A man that doesn’t communicate doesn’t trust you and isn’t invested, so your chances of using him as a walking PayPal are slim. Once you hook him with the 2.0 version of you, move on to the next chapter and learn the power of reupholstered pussy.