Numbers in italics preceded by pl. indicate colored plate numbers.
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
9/11 attacks, 253
Aaron, Father, 11–13, 21, 23–24,
31–32, 83, 86, 95–97
Absorptions, 83, 86, 95–97, 101–3,
accidents, 36, 162–67
acid brownies, 31–38
actions, 135–36
Adam, 67, 185–86
Afghanistan, 55
After the Earthquake, pl.3
agriculture, 267–68
Alexander the Great, 26–29
Alfa Romeo Spider, 117, 125–26
Alpha, The, 214–15
Amadon, 16, 66–67
Amasis II, 28
ambition, 51–52
America, 252–54
Angelic Cosmology, 4, 317–20
angels, nature of, 53–54
anger, 3, 71
animals, 100–101, 111, 207
Anna, 234–36, 243–51
Appian Way, 60–65
Applewhite, Marshall, 197
Apries, 28
architecture, 149–51
Arizona, 44–45
Armageddon, 29
Ashley, Christopher, 264–66, 280,
282–85, 286
Asperger’s syndrome, 13
Astar, 17–20, 120, 122–23, 188–89,
204–8, 216–20
Atlantic Ocean, 26
Atlantis, 25–26, 28–30
arrival of Lemurians, 39–42
catastrophes and, 132–37, 178–81,
financial situation of, 121–22
stratification of society, 42–43,
Atlas, 88–89
Atman, 180–81, 239
atomic weapons, 75
Auger, Brian, 61–62
Australia, 20
authentic angels, 3–4
authoritarian personality, 101–3
Aztec incident, 200
Bailey, David, 22
basalt, 16–17
Beatles, 20
Beauty, 77
Beck, Julian, 11–12, 22
Benjamin, 261
Berlin Wall, 149
Best Friends, 100–101
betrayal, 101–2
Bible, 134
birth control, 103
Black Science, 200
blame, 2, 34–38
Blenheim Palace, 144, 149–51
Blue People, 231–33, 238–39, 295–97
boatbuilding, 40, 43
Bon, 66
Bond, Bryce, 194
Born, Max, 11–12, 21–22, 48
Bowling for Columbine, 171
Bozon music, 223
brownies, 21, 31–38, 46–48
Bruno, Giordano, 9–11, 136
Buddhism, 14–15
burials, 267
Caligastia, Prince, 11, 39, 42, 68–69,
134–35, 185–91, 228–31, 251,
Caligula, 67
Campo de’Fiori, 9
car accidents, 154–56, 162
Carnevali, Emanuel, 8
Castle Howard, 150
catastrophes, 132–37, 156–61, 178–81
catastrophobia, 133
Catherine, 97–98, 211, 299, 300
Catholics and Catholicism, 9–11, 145,
146–47, 211–12, 298
celebrities, 48–50, 112
celibacy, 71, 298–99, 300, 301
Cell Mitosis Model (CMM), 209–10
centrifugal force, 17
chanting, 126
Charles I, King, 145
Charles II, King, 146, 149
childbirth, 279
rearing of, 97–98
as superrace, 101–3
treatment of, 96–101
Children’s Chapter, 99–100
Chile, 44–45
Churchill, Winston, 8
City of Dalamatia, 41
Cley Hill, 182–83, 194
Clinton, William, 171
cold war, 200
collective shift, 81
Columbine massacre, 171
comets, 75
Confessions of a Rebel Angel, 2, 5
consciousness, 81–82, 126–28, 242
Copernicus, 57
copper, 44
Count, The, 112–17
Creation, 41
Cro-Magnons, 239, 256–57, 266–79,
Cromwell, Oliver, 146–47
crop circles, 167–68
Crystalline Earth Grid, 18
cyclones, 156
Cynxtputz, 246–51
Cyrus, 261
Dalamatia, 41
Dali, Salvador, 49
DAL Universe, 122–23
death, 54, 163
angel’s understanding of, 176–77
Atlantis and, 178–81
fear of, 170–76, 178
DEATH issue, 235–36
Dee, John, 9
déjà vu, 53–54
demons, 3
devastation, 54
devil, 9
Diana, 210–13
discarnate obsessives, 3
disillusionment, 40–41
Divine, 76
Divine King, 66
divine punishment, 134
Divine Rights of Kings, 67, 146–49
Divine Twins, 66
Divinity, 41
dogs, 111, 129–31, 137–42
dolphins, 90–94, 103–9, 118–19,
Dolphins, ETs and Angels, 195
Dominic, 259
Donyale, Luna, 70–73
Dreamtime, 217
dumpster diving, 21
dwarves, 44
Dyer, Edward, 9
earthquakes, 75
Easter Island, 20
education, 100
Egypt and Egyptians, 26–29, 55–59
electric eels, 16–17
electricity, 16–17
electromagnetism, 20
elephants, 89
emotional intelligence, 251–52
empath training, 114
empathy, 38–39
enemies, 70
Energy Beings, 18
English Channel, 131
entheogens, 50–51, 57–59, 235–36
Europe, 20
Eve, 67, 185–86
extraterrestrials, 15–16, 23, 194–202,
Ezekiel, 80
famine, 56–57
Father Sun, 41
Faulkner, Gordon, 169
fault, 34–38
fear, 76
Fellini Satyricon, 11, 25
fertility, 103
fifth dimension, 105
first chakra, 76, 79, 81
First Progress, 258
first-timers, 15
Florida, 20
Flying Saucerers, The, 194
forbidden door, 119–20
forgiveness, 69
Foundation Faith of the Millennium,
fourth chakra, 76
fourth density, 76–77
fourth dimension, 105, 202
freedom of choice, 51–52, 291–92
frequency, 17
frequency domains, 15
Friendly Sun, pl.6
future predictions, 75
Garden of Eden, 29
generosity, 76
Genesis (friend), 164
genocide, 145–46
Georgia, 2–3
approach to angels and demons, 3–4
Astar and, 216–20
on change in emotions, 53–54
collaboration with author, 5–7
dolphins, 90–94, 103–9, 118–23,
early encounters with Mein Host,
33–34, 86–94, 107–9
on English history, 146–49
on future predictions, 77–79
on gun violence, 170–76
on Middle East, 54–59
parting thoughts of, 307–17
on planetary crisis, 75–79, 156–61
on Prince Caligastia, 68–69
on rebel angels, 151–53
on shamanism, 65–68
twofold life, 79–82
Zandana and, 202–4, 294–95
ghost in the machine, 47–48
global dominance, 172
Glorious Revolution of 1688, 147
god-kings, 88–89
gods, 108
gold mining, 120–21
gold ring, 114–16
Gomelsky, Giorgio, 61–62
Gomorrah, 134
Goodness, 77
Grand Palace, 89
gravity, 18
gravity waves, 20
Greatest Good, 136
Great Goddess, 41, 131
greed, 3
Greeks, 25–26, 27
group sex. See sex and sexuality
group-souled race, 107
Guatemala, 45
guilt, 39–40, 103, 201
guns, 170–76
Heaven’s Gate, 197
Helianx, 219–20
Heliopolis, 26
Henry VIII, King, 148–49
heresy, 9
Hertzog, Werner, 61–62
hierarchies, nested, 66–67
High Council of Sirius, 122–25
Hinduism, 14–15
hitchhiking, 111–12
Hofmann, Albert, 59
Homo angelicus, 6–7
Hopi, 133–34
horses, 186–87
House of Commons, 148
hunting, 106, 268–77
imagination, 3
immortality, 160
impala, 158–59
Inca, 133–34
incorrect action, 134
Internal Proccesseans (IPs), 84
In the Beginning, pl.5
intuition, 163
Invisible Allies, pl.2
IRS, 22
Ishmael, 111
Islam, 14–15
Islands of Mu, 19–20, 40, 44, 66, 92,
Itibi-Ra II, 120–21
Jahweh, 187
James, King, 148–49
Jaye, Lady, 164
jealousy, 3
Jerusem simulators, 239, 240–41, 254
Jessica, 259
Jesus (dog), 129–31, 137–42, 210
Jesus Christ, 2, 57, 80
Joab, Brother, 138–42, 144–46, 152,
167–70, 183–84, 193–94, 199,
Joshua, 262–63, 265
Joy, 38–39
Judaism, 14–15
Judgment Day, 76–77
Juliette, 96
Keepers of the Sacred Mysteries, 41
kibbutz, 99
Kinski, Klaus, 61–62, 70–73
Kit-Cat Club, 147–48, 149
Kitt, Eartha, 49
Koestler, Arthur, 244
Kritias, 29
Laden, Osama bin, 171
Land of Two Rivers, 122, 186, 187
Language of Light, pl.4
Leary, Timothy, 51–52, 114
Lemuria and Lemurians, 16–17,
19–20, 120, 204–8
arrival on Atlantis, 39–42
twofold life, 79–82
Le Poer Trench, Brinsley, 113–14
liquid light, 119
Little Daniel, 98–99, 210–13
Living Theater, 11–12
Local Universes, 15, 69
London Chapter, 129
Longleat, 143–44, 151–52
lost souls, 3
Louis XIV, King, 67
love, 76
loyalty, 101–2
LSD-25, 31–32, 50–51, 59
Lucifer, 2, 4, 48, 68
Lucifer Rebellion, 4, 68, 107, 120,
Luna, Donyale, 22–25, 48, 50–51,
Lysandra, 261, 265
magnetic polarity, 18
magnetic poles, 156–57
magnetism, 18
Magocsi, Oscar, 195–96, 201
Malachi, Father, 60–65, 70–73, 112,
Mali, 108
Malina, Judith, 11–12, 22
Manson, Charles, 236–37
Marlborough (Duchess), 149–50
Marlborough (Duke), 149–50
Mary, 9
Mary Ann, 24, 31
Absorptions, 83
authoritarian personality, 101–3
children and, 97–103
divorce, 100
on fault and responsibility, 34–38,
Mein Host and, 46–48, 303–6
naming of Robert’s dog, 129–31
Sister Verona and, 85–86
smuggling of Jesus, 137–42
materialism, 164–65
Maya, 78, 80
Mayans, 45, 133–34
McCartney, Paul, 21
McKenna, Terence, 8
meditation, 126
Mediterranean Sea, 26
Mein Host, 9
brownies and, 31–38, 46–48
care of children, 97–101
Count and, 112–17
Donyale and, 70–73
early encounters with Georgia,
33–34, 86–94, 107–9
fascination with English history,
on Father Aaron, 12–13
friendship with Father Malachi,
Georgia on, 310–16
knowledge of incarnation, 84–85
Mary Ann and, 46–48
mugging of, 175–76
music and, 220–26, 257–66, 280–87,
near-death experiences (NDEs), 80,
at party in Rome, 20–25
personal responsibility and, 38–39
public relations work of, 51–52
return to London, 110–12
sexuality and, 110, 297–306
Sister Verona and, 83–86
smuggling of Jesus, 137–42
street-selling of magazine, 126–29
transfer to America, 213–15
trip to Appian Way, 60–65, 70–73
UFOs and, 153–54, 167–70, 182–85,
mercury, 90
mercy, 69
Mesopotamia, 55
metallurgy, 16–17, 42–45
Mexico, 45
Micah, Father. See Mein Host
Middle East, 54–59, 102, 149, 181,
Midnight Meditation, 23, 25
midwayers, 57, 254–56, 292–94
mining, 44–45
Minoan culture, 25–26
Mitchum, Robert, 49–50
mitosis, 79
Mohammed, 80
money, 100–101
Mongolia, 20, 66
monkey mind, 126
monotheism, 2
moon, 19
Moore, Michael, 171
Moore, Patrick, 182, 183
Mother Earth, 41, 76–77
Mother Nature, 136–37
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 236–37
Multiverse, 7, 167
Multiverse Administration (MA),
68–70, 120–23, 124, 292–94, 310
music, 62, 220–26, 257–66, 280–87
Mystery Schools, 79, 81, 100
Natural Order, 134, 136, 161
Nazca plane, 218
Neanderthals, 231–33, 238–39, 256–57,
267, 277, 297
near-death experiences (NDEs), 1–2,
80, 161–62, 176–77
Nero, 67
Nettles, Bonnie, 197
Nevada, 45
New Earth, 78–79
New York City, 288–89
Nile River, 56–57
Nile Valley, 55, 70, 227–31
Nommo, 108, 121
North Pole, 18
nuclear weapons, 200
Oenothea, 24–25
Old Earth, 78
Olmecs, 45
Omega, 83, 85–86
One True God, 188
Oracle, 46
organizing principle, 259–60
Other People’s Music, 221
ovoid forms, 18
Pacific Ocean, 92
panhandling, 128
pantheism, 9
parapsychology, 113–14
Paris Chapter, 111
Passages of Earth, pl.8
Persia, 55
personal power, 59
Peru, 44–45
Peter. See Malachi, Father
pirates and piracy, 40, 43, 45–46, 56,
plant entheogens, 57–59
Plant of the Gods, 57–59
Plastic People, 62
Plato, 28–29, 132–33
Pleiadeans, 119–21, 122–25
Pleidean arks, 66
Poseidon, 185–91
power, 36–37, 81
prayer, 126
priesthood, 26–27
Process Church, 11–12, 35, 62, 82–86,
84, 126
PROCESS magazine, 62, 98, 111,
126–29, 219, 234–37, 243–51
ProcessScenes, 223
Process Version, 261–66, 280–87,
psychic pain, 201–2
psychic shields, 38–39
psychometry, 114–16
pumas, 207
Rainbow Serpent, 217–20
rebel angels, 2
defective physical bodies, 13
as different from humans, 6–7
incarnating into human bodies,
106–7, 151–53
Reich, Wilhelm, 299–300
reincarnation, 14–16, 84–85, 105–7
religion, 80–81, 100
responsibility, 34–39, 47
Richard (Captain), 139–42
Robert, 24, 31, 100, 129–31
Roman Empire, 25–26
Rome Chapter, 110
Roswell incident, 200
Sacred Equilibrium, pl.1
Sais, 26
Sanders, Ed, 215
Satan, 2, 68
schizophrenia, 3
Sea People, 28
seawater, 120–21
second chakra, 76, 79, 81
secrecy, 103
Seeking Balance, pl.7
self-concern, 76
self-discipline, 106
self-sacrifice, 166–67
sentience, 53–54
Seraphic Overgovernment, 121, 294
Seraphine, 98–99
sex and sexuality, 81, 83, 86, 96–97,
101–3, 110, 297–306
sexual abuse, 10–11
shamans and shamanism, 3, 57–59,
65–68, 70
shame, 103, 201
sharks, 108–9, 118–19
Shuttlewood, Arthur, 167–70, 182–85,
192–96, 197–202
Sirius, 106, 108, 119, 120, 121
Sirius B, 108
slavery, 40, 42–43
Sodano, Angelo, 10–11
Sodom, 134
Solon, 26, 27–29
Sophie’s Choice, 135
soul path, 163
souls, individual, 76
Sound of the World, 221
South Africa, 120–21
South Pole, 18
spaceships, 152, 153–54, 167–70
stonemasonry, 43
St. Paul’s Cathedral, 145
Strait of Gibraltar, 25–26
sun, 19
superrace, 101–3
survival, 81
survivor’s guilt, 39–40
suspicion, 76
Syndey, Philip, 9
telepathy, 105, 204–5, 208
temptation, 2–3
Tesla, Nikola, 57, 200
theological errors, 9
third chakra, 76, 79, 81
third-density worlds, 15, 17, 77–78,
third dimension, 202
thoughtforms, 3–4
thoughts, 135–36
Thundersound, 281, 283–85, 286–87
Thynne, Alexander, 153–54
Tiber River, 9
Tibet, 66
Timaeus, 29
Titicaca, 207, 217
Toronto Chapter, 214–15, 223–26,
233–37, 257–66, 287
Treasure of Eldorado, 79
Trinity, 61–62
Tropic of Cancer, 18, 20
Tropic of Capricorn, 18, 20, 118
trust, 76
Truth, 77
tsunamis, 75
twofold life, 79–82
UFOs, 167–70, 192–202, 246–51
underworld, 58
United States, 252–54
Urantia Book, The, 4–5, 238, 317–20
Vanbrugh, John, 147–51
Vanu, 16–17, 19, 41, 66–67
Velvet Revolution, 62–63
Verona, Sister, 83–86, 95–97
Version, 261–66, 280–87, 289–90
vibration, 58
victims, 36
Vietnam War, 233–34
Villa Julia, 9, 82–83
violence, 57, 108, 170–76
virtual underworld, 70
visual gestalt, 105
Vogue, 22
volcanoes, 75, 88–89
Vonnegut, Kurt, 190
Walpole, Horace, 147
Walton, Travis, 197
Wandjinas, 190
War in Heaven, 4
Warminster, 167–70
Warminster Mystery, The, 169
Watchers, 87–90, 242
Waugh, Evelyn, 150
weapons development, 43
Weymouth (Viscount), 143, 149–50,
White Album, 20
will-creatures, 291–92
William III, King, 148–49
William of Orange, 148
Williamson, Sonny Boy, 61–62
witches, 182
World Mind, 29, 56, 132–33, 191, 202,
World Trade Center, 164
World War II, 172
Wren, Christopher, 144–45, 150
Xtul experience, 46
Yardbirds, 61–62
Zandana, 202–4, 208, 294–95
Zeus, 59