About the Authors
Åsa Bergström is a PhD student in Film Studies at Lund University, Sweden. Her dissertation analyses how Sweden has addressed and represented the Holocaust in moving images. The project investigates newsreels, documentaries, docudramas, and feature films from the Second World War to the present. Her research interests include factual theatre, children’s film, newsreels, media representations of humanitarian organisations, and Swedish docudrama on screen, stage, and television.
Marie Cronqvist is a Reader in History and a Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Media History at Lund University, Sweden. She has written extensively on modern Swedish and European history with a focus on Cold War culture and politics, the history of civil defence, and media and armed conflict. Among her recent publications is ‘Entangled media histories: The value of transnational and transmedial approaches in media historiography’, co-authored with Christoph Hilgert, in Media History (2017).
Sara Kärrholm is a Reader in comparative literature and a Senior Lecturer in Publishing Studies at Lund University, Sweden. Her research is focused on popular genres and children’s literature from a cultural studies perspective, addressing issues of genre, literary value, ideology, gender, and cultural history. She is co-editor of the volume Hype: Bestsellers and literary culture (2014) and for example teaches classes in digital cultures.
Sofi Qvarnström is a Senior Lecturer in Rhetoric at the Department of Communication and Media, Lund University, Sweden. Her work is situated between literature and rhetoric, with a special focus on political literary narratives and public opinion-making. She has recently written on representations of the forest and the farmer in the early stages of Swedish industrialization, and is currently working on the history of advertisements as a special kind of commercial narrative.
Laura Saarenmaa is a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Communication and Media, Lund University, Sweden, and a Senior Research Fellow at Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media and Communication (COMET) at the University of Tampere, Finland. Her research concerns postwar and Cold War media culture and the entanglement of politics and popular media. Her expertise also includes studies on gender and sexuality. She is the co-author of Pornification: Sex and sexuality in media culture (2007).
Kristin Skoog is a Senior Lecturer in Media History at the Faculty of Media and Communication at Bournemouth University, UK. Her research is centred on the social and cultural history of broadcasting, with particular focus on radio and post-war reconstruction, and women’s radio and women broadcasters. Her recent publications include ‘Neither worker nor housewife but citizen: BBC’s Woman’s Hour 1946–1955’, Women’s History Review (2017).
Lina Sturfelt is a Senior Lecturer in Human Rights at the Department of History, Lund University, Sweden. Her research concerns the cultural history of war, the relationship between media and war, and humanitarian and human rights history, with a focus on the First World War and the interwar period. Her recent publications include ’Humanitarianism (Sweden)’, in 1914–1918-online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War (2018).