I wanted to throw a party. On June 17, 2018, Rosarium Publishing turned five years old. Beginnings are hard. Most small businesses never make it to five years. We’ve been exceedingly fortunate, so why not celebrate?
Of course, it hasn’t been all luck. There has been loads of hard work put in by all those involved with Rosarium, and most importantly, we have had a lot of support from people like you.
Ever since our first Indiegogo campaign for Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond, we have had incredible amounts of support from the SFF community. Fans and writers made that and subsequent projects possible throughout the years. Professional critics and readers have received our works enthusiastically. Other small publishers (special shout-outs to Gavin Grant, Jacob Weisman, John Edward Lawson, and Neil Clarke) have been incredibly generous with their advice and support from the very beginning. I am eternally grateful for all of it.
It was in these twin spirits of gratitude and celebration that Sunspot Jungle was born. I simply wanted to give back to the community that has given this crazy idea that is Rosarium so much.
So, thank you, everybody who have supported us over the years. Thanks to all the writers and artists and small publishers the world round who helped me put it all together. And my biggest thanks go out to all the hardworking translators out there who work diligently to bring all the world’s fantastic literature to the world itself. You are all amazing!
So, please, everyone, sit back, relax, and enjoy my little, two-volume, 1000-page SFF “mixtape.” There are a lot of beautiful stories floating around this tiny world of ours. Sunspot Jungle is but a small sample. I don’t know if there’s ever been a better time to be a fan of the genre, and the future promises to be one helluva ride. We at Rosarium can’t wait to buckle up beside you and enjoy that ride together.
Bill Campbell