* a vehicle powered by wood- or charcoal-gas
** The Internationale Kriminalpolizeiliche Kommission, the forerunner of Interpol.
*** the Security Service of the SS and Nazi Party
**** There are now well over 100,000 graves.
***** Antoine de St-Exupéry’s employer in Vol de Nuit (Night Flight) 1931
****** Destroyed by fire in 1984, the dinh was from what is now South Vietnam.
******* The Toronto Globe and Mail of 4 May 2003 reported that the millionth had been served. Unfortunately Göring’s numbers weren’t listed in the article, nor were those of any other of the Occupier.
******** On 24 August 1944, at the close of the Occupation, some of these were used, causing considerable damage to the Château and adjacent buildings.
******** this was still possible but eventually under U.S. pressure, Argentina broke off relations with the Third Reich on 26 January 1944