Chapter Forty-Two

Victoria really couldn’t understand Alexia’s obsession with the Toy Story movies. That said, she was grateful that they were thoroughly dull so she could spend her time exchanging meaningful glances with Holly.

She wanted nothing more than to return to the study and discuss what they were doing. What the future held and whether or not she was kidding herself for thinking that any kind of a relationship with Holly might work. She also wanted to kiss the girl again. It had been a great number of months since she last shared a romantic kiss with someone, and she wasn’t even slightly satisfied.

Of course the kiss had been magnificent. More than she could ever have expected, but now she found herself wanting more. She felt like a teenager all over again.

The movie paused.

She looked up and frowned before seeing Hugo with the remote in his hand, a cheeky grin on his face.

“Okay, you two, what’s going on?” he asked. He pointed to the two of them with the remote control.

“What do you mean?” she replied. She sat up a little straighter and attempted to look nonchalant.

“We’re going on a date tomorrow,” Holly announced.

Victoria stared at the side of her head, wondering where the girl got her courage from.

“Cool,” Hugo said. He looked at her. “Way to go, Mom.”

She felt her cheeks warm.

Fi-nally,” Alexia said. “I was getting old waiting for you two to figure it out.”

Holly laughed and launched a tickle attack on Alexia. The two of them fell from the sofa to the floor of the living room and started to roll around as they attacked one another.

The screeches and giggles made Victoria laugh. She caught Hugo’s eye, and he smiled at her. She smiled back before indicating the pair on the ground with a tilt of her head. He nodded in agreement.

They both pounced, Hugo grabbing and tickling Alexia and Victoria trying to do the same with Holly. Sadly, Holly was stronger and easily turned the situation around.

In a matter of seconds, Victoria was on her back, and all three of them were tickling her. She laughed loudly, pleading them to stop but secretly loving every moment of it. Maybe she was forty-seven, but right then she felt no older than Alexia.

“Mercy, mercy!” she eventually cried when breathing was becoming a struggle. Hugo and Holly stopped immediately, but Alexia continued on. She grabbed Alexia and pulled her into a tight cuddle to stop her little fingers from finding her ribs.

“I’m proud of you, Mom,” Alexia whispered, her face centimetres away.

“Thank you, darling.”

Alexia wiggled out of her grip and stood up. She smoothed her hair out and looked at Holly, who was resting on the sofa.

“Does this mean you’ll move back in with us now?” Alexia asked.

Holly shook her head. “No, sorry, Alexia.”

Victoria felt her heart drop. She had hoped that Holly might agree to move back. She’d missed her terribly. And moving into the guestroom wasn’t really moving in together in her eyes.

“But why?” Alexia whined.

Yes, why? Victoria thought.

“Because I need my independence,” Holly said. “I need some time and space in my own place, so I can miss you guys all the more. And so I have the best possible chance of making this work with your mom. I want us to be equals. As equal as we can be, anyway.”

Victoria got up from the floor and pulled Alexia to her.

“It will be for the best, darling. Don’t worry, Holly will visit us very often.” She looked meaningfully at Holly.

“I will,” Holly promised as their eyes met.

Victoria felt a buzz of excitement run through her body. She didn’t know what would happen next, but she knew she was going to make an effort to be more transparent. Assumptions and gloomy predictions had nearly torn her and Holly apart. She wasn’t going to let that happen again.

They all sat in their respective seats again, and Hugo started up the movie.

She felt Holly’s arm wrap around her shoulder, and she leaned into the one-armed hug. She listened to the steady rhythm of Holly’s heartbeat and looked at her two children.

This was something she could get used to. Something she would get used to, she promised herself.

She turned to Holly and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. Then she rested her head on Holly’s chest and let out a satisfied sigh.