Chapter 32

I hurried home. Should I have kissed Brianna? I wasn’t expecting her to say that. I really do have to pee. And I don’t think I want my first kiss to be a friend doing me a favor. Especially after she said she liked kissing Buzz. What if I’m a bad kisser? How do you even know?

My phone beeped. It’s from Ethan.

How was the interview?

I tried texting back while I walked, but I’m not really good at that, so I stopped walking.

Good, then not good. Tell you later.

I got home, and my dad was there.

“Hi. Bathroom.”

He laughed as I ran up the stairs.

Okay, I feel better now.

I want to call Ethan to tell him about the interview, but I’m going to check Dan Welch’s email first.

Finally! She wrote back.

To: Dan Welch Management

From: Ashley ____________

Dear Dan,

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I wanted to have my ducks in a row first. Unlike Stefanie and that horrible business affairs department at my previous employer, we don’t believe in trying to screw the artists we’re going to be working closely with for the next few years (and hopefully, the rest of their careers). A refreshing change, wouldn’t you agree?

Here’s what we’re thinking:

— $25,000 for a two-year option on A Week with Your Grandparents

— $85,000 production bonus when the movie gets made (in addition to the option money)

— 2% of the net profits

—as soon as the deal is signed, two business-class tickets to Los Angeles and first-class hotel accommodations for Sean and a parent, to begin work on the project

—my personal guarantee that Sean will be heard, and that I will work tirelessly to make sure A Week with Your Grandparents is the movie he wants it to be.

Dan, I’m just realizing that I don’t even know where Sean lives. Where will we be flying him in from? Doesn’t matter. Timbuktu? No problem. He’s going to love being out here. We’ll make sure he sees the sights, and maybe he’ll even meet a star or two.

Give me the word, and I’ll send the paperwork. Do it soon, though. I can’t wait to get started, and the sooner we start, the sooner the world will know Kris and Chloe and their unexpectedly cool grandparents.



Hmmm. She spelled Chris’s name wrong. I guess she only heard me say it on Skype. We’ll have to tell her. I wonder if I get to choose which stars I’ll meet when I go to Los Angeles.

Everything she offered us is more than Stefanie.

Money I get now $25,000 $20,000
When they make the movie $85,000 $80,000
Net profits 2% 1.5%
Other Trip to LA

That’s interesting that everything is just a little bit more. It’s like Ashley knew what Stefanie offered.

Does Ashley have a spy at her old studio? Maybe Stefanie’s assistant, Brad, is telling Ashley things. I never knew Hollywood was like this. I actually don’t know if it is, or if I’m just imagining it. Like, is Ben Patel from Teen Doers actually a spy for Hank Hollywood?

I looked up Teen Doers online before my interview, and it’s a real site. Maybe Ben Patel really was just asking the next question, not helping Hank Hollywood steal my big idea.

Just as I opened my phone to call Ethan, there was a sound from my laptop. It’s Stefanie, starting a chat.


What should I do? I wanted a bidding war, and now I have one. But I still don’t know if Hank Hollywood is going to bid. Oh well. Here goes.

DAN: Hi Stefanie. How’s Marisa?

STEFANIE: She’s fine. It’s my in-laws who are driving me crazy. Hovering grandparents. I’m tolerating it now in exchange for free babysitting later.

DAN: Sean just visited his grandmother. Research for the movie.

STEFANIE: Yes, the movie. When can we start?

DAN: Sorry I didn’t get back to you. Sean was away, and we’ve actually gotten a higher bid.

STEFANIE: From that snake Ashley? Dan, friend to friend, her bid is meaningless. Sean will only see the option money. She is not capable of getting a green light. With her, the movie will not get made.

Is that true? How does she know?

STEFANIE: We’ll match whatever she offered, though I know and you know that in this case, the intangibles are worth more than money.

I looked up intangibles. “Not tangible.” Great. Now I have to look up tangible. “Something you can touch.” What is she talking about? Can you touch a trip to Los Angeles?

DAN: You said that Sean would have a significant consultation with the screenwriter. What do you mean?

STEFANIE: Sean will be part of the team. It’s his idea. He’ll meet with me and the screenwriter before he or she starts writing, and Sean will tell us every single thought and idea he has about the characters and the story.

DAN: Then after he or she writes the screenplay, will Sean be able to read it and make changes?

STEFANIE: Dan, you know this. NO ONE has script approval. Academy Award–winning screenwriters don’t control their screenplays. It’s the law of the land.

DAN: I’m going to have a hard time convincing Sean.

STEFANIE: I know it’s a bitter pill for writers and would-be writers to swallow.

No one said anything for a little while.

STEFANIE: I’m going to promise you something, and if anyone ever asks, I’m going to say that I never said this. But I promise that when the screenplay is finished, I will secretly slip you a copy to show to Sean. I will personally review each and every note he may have about the screenplay. Here’s where you’ll both have to trust me and my years of experience and my track record in this business. I will take his notes and use my judgment about what makes sense for the project, and I will communicate that to the right person.


STEFANIE: No one, no one, no one will offer you more input than that. If they do, they’re lying.

DAN: I’ll tell him.

STEFANIE: Do more than that, Dan. Tell him the facts of life. Tell him I’m not in the habit of going this far out on a limb, and tell him that I’m not going to stay here forever. I love him, I love his project, but soon I will move on. I’ll be very sad, but I’ll move on.

DAN: Okay. Thanks, Stefanie.

STEFANIE: You know how when you break up with someone, all of your friends finally tell you the truth about them? Well, that’s what happened when Ashley left. If you want to talk to some other people about her, let me know, and I’ll put you in touch. It’ll make your hair curl.

Is that true?

STEFANIE: OMG, Dan . . . do you even have hair? I keep forgetting we never met.

DAN: I do have hair.

STEFANIE: Phew. I have to run to a meeting. Let’s do this, Dan.

DAN: Talk to you soon.

It’s so weird. When I finished reading Ashley’s email, I was sure I was going to work with her. Now I’m sure I’m going to work with Stefanie. Why wouldn’t I? She’ll match whatever Ashley offered. I guess that includes the trip to Los Angeles. But how about meeting stars?

I read Ashley’s email again. She never said anything about me writing the screenplay. According to Stefanie, no one will let me. Might as well find out.

To: Ashley ___________

From: Dan Welch Management

Dear Ashley,

Good to hear from you. I know Sean would want me to tell you that his character’s name is Chris, not Kris.

I have to run to a meeting, but before I take your offer to Sean, I want to make sure that Sean will be writing the screenplay for A Week with Your Grandparents.


Dan Welch