Quick Tarot Reading
Reference Guide

Quick Guide

0 The Fool

(Upright) Take a chance. Positive new beginnings. Optimism. Don’t be afraid of looking stupid; try. Something in its beginning phase.

(Reversed) Release fear of falling and failing. Be teachable and open to learning new things. Be brave and make the attempt.

1 The Magician

(Upright) Focus on what you want. Take control of the situation. Tune in to your Higher Self. Use your head, not your heart. Communicate. Make up your mind. Set your intentions.

(Reversed) Allowing your thoughts to run on autopilot. Clean out your mental attic. Notice what kind of thoughts might be limiting you at this time. Focusing on the parts of yourself that make you feel capable and confident.

2 The High Priestess

(Upright) Wisdom. Trust your instincts. Inner knowing. Strong intuitive abilities. Transcend your fears and touch what is limitless within. Make time for Spirit.

(Reversed) Recurring signs and symbols. Synchronistic events that will guide your way. Patterns. Examine the situation from a different perspective. Get another perspective.

3 The Empress

(Upright) Fertility, abundance, and growth. Nurture what you love. A message of relief. Nurturing yourself and others. Love. Embracing the sacred feminine.

(Reversed) Time to nurture something that’s been neglected. Issues that may stem from your mother. The false fear that you won’t have or be enough. An insecurity that needs to be dealt with honestly.

4 The Emperor

(Upright) Assertion. Power. Boundaries. Stable foundations. Speak up for yourself. Be willing to fight for yourself and your goals. Protecting your space. Maturity. Embracing the sacred masculine.

(Reversed) Identify what feels unstable and address it. Stop avoiding conflict. Do what must be done. Take charge. Improve your self-esteem through action.

5 The Hierophant

(Upright) Seeking the Sacred. Spiritual epiphanies and revelations. Overcoming fear of connecting with the Divine. Prayer. Communion with divinity. Asking for what you need.

(Reversed) Challenge inflexibility. Don’t be too rigid. Dealing with stubborn people. Be the bigger person. Connect with your better angels.

6 The Lovers

(Upright) Love. Harmony restored. Looking on others with unconditional love. Transcendence through love. Balance internal and external needs. Cooperation. Compromise.

(Reversed) A need to restore harmony in yourself or in a relationship. Don’t rush to anger or impatience; ask for more information. Fall back in love with your life. Heal relationships by starting with yourself.

7 The Chariot

(Upright) Victory. Courage. Leaving your comfort zone. Boldly going out into the world. Your instincts will protect you. Trusting the Mystery. Be brave; it’s time to move now.

(Reversed) Vacillation. The fear of making the wrong choice is preventing momentum. Get moving again. Fear of making mistakes. You won’t win if you don’t try. Make the decision you have been afraid to make.

8 Strength

(Upright) Self-control. Reining in out-of-control behaviors. Being gentle with yourself. Healing. Self-love. Your Higher Self knows best. Reclaiming your confidence and courage. You are stronger than you think. Taming the beast within.

(Reversed) Beginning to doubt your strength. Push yourself to persevere. Challenging limitations. Stop being so hard on yourself. Just because you aren’t perfect doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy. Respect yourself and others will, too.

9 The Hermit

(Upright) Self-examination. Checking in with yourself. Time spent alone. Examining feelings that were put on ice. Trust your inner Wise One. Move slowly. Take your time.

(Reversed) Rejoin the land of the living. Time to reemerge. Reconnect with the world. Get out there again. Share what you have learned with others.

10 Wheel of Fortune

(Upright) Events, both good and bad, are out of your control. Detach from drama by finding your center. Can indicate good luck or good news. Sit in the eye of the storm and remain calm. Get off the emotional roller coaster.

(Reversed) Repeated life lessons. Repeated patterns. Recurring behaviors. Revisiting something that you thought you already learned. Going back to retrieve a missing part of you.

11 Justice

(Upright) Tell the truth to yourself. Absolute honesty. Clarity. Be direct but kind. Something needs balancing. Don’t be afraid of the word “no.” The truth shall set you free.

(Reversed) The feeling that life feels lopsided. Excess. A situation that feels unfair. Let Karma take care of it. Face the facts. Truth will restore your equilibrium. Snapping out of self-deception.

12 The Hanged Man

(Upright) Self-sacrifice. A worthy investment of energy. Pausing to gain a new perspective. Something that feels “hung up” or delayed. Wisdom. Temporary discomfort that leads to growth. Growing pains. Sacrificing something for the sake of something better.

(Reversed) Getting back on your feet again. The delay is over; time to move. Life will no longer appear upside down.

13 Death

(Upright) An inevitable change that must be accepted. Letting go. The metaphorical death of something that precedes rebirth. Stop trying to resurrect what you’ve outgrown. Acceptance. A major change. Don’t fear the change. It’s for the best.

(Reversed) Resisting changes. Trying to hold on to something that is no longer useful. Stepping out of shadows and back into the light. Clearing energy blockages. Let go; the sun will rise again.

14 Temperance

(Upright) Finding the right balance between two aspects of your life. Replenishing something that feels empty. Restoring yourself. Check in with your body. Self-care. If something has been dominating your life, do the opposite. Restoring peace and calm.

(Reversed) Feeling depleted. Excessive worries or behaviors. Need for self-care. Drink more water. Spend time near water. Eliminate stressful triggers. Be gentle with yourself.

15 The Devil

(Upright) Confronting your inner saboteur. Shadows pipe up just before your breakthrough. Confronting untruths. Facing addictive behaviors. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Time to slip out of the chains that have bound you in the past. By embodying your better angels, the Devil loses all power.

(Reversed) Old chains are slipping off. Something that kept you stuck is now being released. Expressing buried feelings. Bringing old traumas to light so that they heal. Not being fooled by the manipulative behaviors of others.

16 The Tower

(Upright) Catharsis. Snapping out of denial. Coming back to reality. An ending that feels painful but must happen. Facing the truth of your feelings. Major healing following a crisis. A breakthrough. Freedom from feeling trapped.

(Reversed) A period when things felt uncertain or shaky. Old, outdated structures being swept away. The hurricane has passed, and now it’s time to clean up. Getting life back in order. You didn’t need it anymore if it was already crumbling apart. The return of light after darkness.

17 The Star

(Upright) Transcendent wisdom. Hope renewed. Light at the end of the tunnel. Seeking what is eternal. Positive connections with evolved souls. A guide. Remember your Spirit’s purpose. Working on the things that will be here long after you are. Doing something to contribute to the collective. Teaching. Connecting with amazing people, perhaps from far away.

(Reversed) Time to balance the transcendental with the practical. Balancing spiritual and mundane concerns. Balancing your inner and outer worlds. Sharing your gifts, even when you don’t receive something in return.

18 The Moon

(Upright) Instincts. Intuitive pull. Checking in with your unconscious. Intuitive work. Psychic abilities. If you’ve been feeling “loony,” an issue is trying to come to the surface from within. The hidden side of people. Depth. Allowing your emotions to flow.

(Reversed) Stop neglecting your instincts or suppressing your feelings. Feeling crazy or cut off from reality. Make time to listen to your inner needs. Time to do a reading. Stop ignoring your hunches. Your intuition is usually right.

19 The Sun

(Upright) The best card. Happy times. Optimism. The return of light. Good news. A reason to feel joyful. Magical assistance. Help is coming. Everything in this situation will turn out all right. You will eventually receive your heart’s true desire.

(Reversed) Still the best card in the deck. The same meaning as the upright version, although to a bit of a lesser degree. The clouds are parting, and the sun is returning. Get out of the house and move.

20 Judgement

(Upright) Rebirth. Renewal. The phoenix rising from the ashes. Stepping out of a mental grave. New life. The “dead” parts of you are stirring back to life again. Awakening. Positive news. Accepting that you deserve better. A revelation.

(Reversed) Sleepwalking through life. Time to wake up! Be alert to or aware of what is happening. Snapping out of a trance. Time to rekindle weakened flames. A need for resuscitation. Resurrect your passion for life. A situation that feels like it’s on life support.

21 The World

(Upright) Completion. Finishing a huge life cycle. Perspective. Graduation. Attainment. Mastery. Victory. An accomplishment that should not be minimized. Know your power. Looking at your whole journey. The situation has run its course. Enlightenment.

(Reversed) Resistance to finishing the job. Fear of success. Fear of finishing a project or life phase. Doing the same thing over and over. Break the cycle. Getting off the hamster wheel.

Ace of Swords

(Upright) Victory. Triumph through action. Taking the bull by the horns. Surviving. Restoring peace. Reclaiming your power. Restoration of confidence.

(Reversed) Guarding your new beginning. Protecting something that’s newly instituted. Creating new habits and routines. Protecting yourself from the influence of others. Being at rest. Peace.

Two of Swords

(Upright) Feeling in-between. In limbo. Transitions. Magical time of transformation. Balance. Finding your center. A transition to a better time. Trusting.

(Reversed) Stepping out of limbo. Making a choice. Choosing a path at the fork in the road. Action after a period of stillness. Seeking closure.

Three of Swords

(Upright) Forgiveness of past betrayals. An opportunity for the heart to heal. Overcoming sorrow. Letting go of pain. Abandoning righteous indignation. Dealing with wounds. Releasing emotional burdens. Facing your wounds.

(Reversed) Becoming aware of self-inflicted wounds. Challenging negative expectations. Knowing the difference between thoughts and reality. Choosing to not continually hurt yourself with past traumas.

Four of Swords

(Upright) Peace. Rest. Alone time. Recuperation. A well-deserved break. Slow down. It can wait. Restoration. Rejuvenation. Relaxation. Finding time to breathe.

(Reversed) Restless energy. Nervous energy that needs an outlet. Avoid extremes. Step away from triggers that make you feel anxious, harried, or stressed.

Five of Swords

(Upright) Pace yourself. Don’t take on too much. Stop being Superman or Superwoman. Get organized with your tasks. Do a little bit every day. Make a commitment to yourself to establish consistency.

(Reversed) Deadlines that might be causing stress. Too heavy an expectation for success. Scattered or unfocused energy that needs to be properly channeled. Eliminating stress triggers.

Six of Swords

(Upright) Movement. Moving. Travel. Transition. Leaving a problem behind. Heading toward a new life. Changes for the better. Temporary discomfort leading to happiness. A new and better life is opening to you now. Go with the flow.

(Reversed) Feeling stuck. A need to get things moving again. Procrastination. Stop fighting the waves and go with the flow. Stop resisting the discomfort that results in positive change.

Seven of Swords

(Upright) Outwitting your obstacles. Craftiness. Intelligence. Cunning. Don’t get mad, get smart. View all angles of the challenge at hand. Finding the way to bypass a blockage.

(Reversed) Changes in luck. Unpredictable situations or actions. A need to be alert to the intentions of others. Be aware of manipulation if it is happening. Make your own luck. Pay attention to details. The details matter in this situation.

Eight of Swords

(Upright) Fears that need to be challenged. Stop giving up before you’ve given your best effort. A situation that appears hopeless isn’t. You aren’t defeated yet. Taking off the blindfold that keeps you stuck. Healing your sense of worth. Freeing yourself from bondage to a person, place, behavior, or thing.

(Reversed) Escaping from self-limiting thoughts. Old fears are losing their grip. Freeing yourself from worrying. Regaining perspective. It’s time to know your value. Choosing to be free.

Nine of Swords

(Upright) Confronting fears and restless shadows. Seeing nightmares for what they are: dreams. Standing up to negative thinking. Insomnia. You need to change your perspective. The situation is not hopeless; your perspective is. Stand up to your shadow.

(Reversed) Waking up from the nightmare of thinking you are less than you are. Walking away from something toxic. Challenging assumptions of dread. Remembering light will follow darkness. It will go better than you fear. It usually does.

Ten of Swords

(Upright) Surrendering something. Facing what is making you anxious. Confronting shadows. Facing the fear will ensure you are no longer a victim. A serious issue that needs to be looked at honestly. If you face the issue, you will gain the power to finally release it. Acceptance, even when it is difficult.

(Reversed) The black clouds are breaking up and light is returning. Surviving a challenging ordeal. The black rain cloud that seemed to be following you is now dissipating. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Allow your fears to be spoken into the light and release them.

Page of Swords

(Upright) Time to lower unnecessary defenses. A need to allow others in. Personalities with wounded egos. Don’t take the actions of others personally; it’s their issue. A person with a lot of insecurity. Allow your vulnerability to be seen.

(Reversed) Be more aware of how you are communicating. Sharp-tongued individuals. The way you speak sets the tone. Be mindful of the words you use. Let go of the need to be right.

Knight of Swords

(Upright) Rushing through life. Be kinder to your body. Tunnel vision. Relentless pursuit of success. Slow down. Schedule some time for rest. Turn off the phone and television and return to your center.

(Reversed) Manage increasing stress in a healthy manner. Be present. Challenging obsessive thoughts or thinking. Placing your focus on something more productive or healthy. Get your mind and your body to be kinder to each other.

Queen of Swords

(Upright) Bringing order to chaos through clarity and boundaries. Change the energy from being a victim to becoming the victor. Playing hardball. A strong female. Stepping into your personal authority and power.

(Reversed) A warning not to isolate yourself from others. A loner. Dealing with a person who’s a bit bossy. Using your language to improve the energy. Don’t allow your voice to contribute to toxicity. Time to speak up respectfully.

King of Swords

(Upright) Challenge your assumptions. Dealing with a fixed or rigid individual. Challenging stereotypes. Understanding a challenge more acutely in order to change it. Working within rigid systems.

(Reversed) Acquiring the knowledge that will lead to a breakthrough. The need for more information before making a judgement. Examining your own attitudes and responsibility in this matter. A need to be more accountable.

Ace of Cups

(Upright) Transcendent love. Renewal. Joy. Spiritual bliss. Replenishment. New beginnings. Birth. Let love be the answer. Miracles.

(Reversed) Pouring your energy into what brings you joy is never a waste. Nurturing a project, person, or yourself. Rejuvenating your Spirit. Turning toward the Sacred. Replenish yourself before giving to another.

Two of Cups

(Upright) Relationships. Important negotiations based on respect. Honest and respectful communication. Being mindful of others’ pride. Respecting another’s dignity. Collaboration. Discussions. Agreements. Marriage. Relationships. A partnership that is destined.

(Reversed) Beware of miscommunications. Reading the signals incorrectly. Misinterpreting another’s body language or writing. Be open and curious instead of jumping to conclusions. Rising above the traps set by the ego.

Three of Cups

(Upright) Charisma. Joy. Celebration. Dynamism. Cheering up others. Raising the energy. Embracing the light. Nurturing something important to you. Improving the environment around you with positive energy.

(Reversed) Distractions that are keeping you from your bliss. A need to reconnect with your joy. Happiness is a choice.

Four of Cups

(Upright) Not accepting blessings, assistance, or miracles. Getting stuck in your head. Accept the gift being offered. Stop ruminating. Catch yourself if you are brooding. Open yourself to the good things being offered.

(Reversed) Challenge the illusion that you are alone. Recognizing if you are feeling shut down emotionally. Reconnect. Release the chip on your shoulder.

Five of Cups

(Upright) Recognizing the trance of negative thinking. A need to absorb your successes, not just your perceived failures. Changing mental channels. Positive thinking is needed. The importance of shifting your focus.

(Reversed) Viewing perceived setbacks as opportunities. Not getting what you originally wanted, but for a good reason. Letting go of perceptions of “bad” or “good” fortune. Recognizing that negative thinking is the obstacle.

Six of Cups

(Upright) Memories. The past. Recalling what made you happy before. Remembering your bliss. Something from the past is being revisited.

(Reversed) Healing the past. Forgiveness of the past. Letting go of past burdens. Releasing. Redirecting your attention to where your power resides: the present.

Seven of Cups

(Upright) Illusions. Dreams. A need for practical action. Dreams are not reality. Creativity. Escapism. Recognizing what distracts you. Mind-altering activities. If you want your dream to manifest, you must act.

(Reversed) Awakening from a trance. Not allowing yourself to run on autopilot anymore. A wake-up call. A need to be more alert. Distinguishing fantasy from reality.

Eight of Cups

(Upright) The needs of your Inner Self are calling you. A return to authenticity. Sometimes a period of depression. A journey within. Deep healing. Overcoming blockages by tapping into Source.

(Reversed) Returning to your true nature. Stepping away from external distractions. Rejecting the superficial. Acknowledging your real feelings.

Nine of Cups

(Upright) Pleasure. Wishes fulfilled. Taking your seat at the table of success. Indulgence. Using your senses. The table is set. “Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!”

(Reversed) Something done in excess. Overindulgence. Addictive personalities. Choosing balance. Recognizing what is taking up an excess of your time.

Ten of Cups

(Upright) Gratitude. Happy partnerships. Loving family. Good news or messages. Perspective. Seeing the world with new joy. Bliss in the home.

(Reversed) Recognizing the influence of colors on your mood and environment. Redecorating. Making changes for the sake of beauty. Opening your eyes to the wonder of the present. Being open.

Page of Cups

(Upright) Creativity. An artist. The magical inner child. A positive young person. Issues concerning pets. Communicating feeling through writing, music, or art.

(Reversed) Creative blocks resulting from neglected feelings. Stop overthinking. Too much nitpicking is a creative buzzkill. Let things get delightfully messy occasionally.

Knight of Cups

(Upright) The messenger of love. Romantic needs. Following your heart. Passion. Committing to your course. Bravely talking about feelings. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Following your bliss.

(Reversed) Difficult conversations that lead to healing. A need to discuss buried emotions. Releasing burdensome anxieties. Learning to trust your heart again. Open your heart again!

Queen of Cups

(Upright) Valuing feelings and emotions. Not just experiencing life through the head, but also through the heart. Seeking beauty. A nurturing woman. Compassion. Care. Accepting all emotions and experiences as teachers. Emotional wisdom and maturity.

(Reversed) Bottling up feelings. Passing through life without letting it in. A need to be reminded of beauty. Releasing old emotions that have become burdensome. Taking time to take care of the emotional needs of yourself or others. Let your feelings flow.

King of Cups

(Upright) Channeling your feelings toward progress. Emotional maturity. A trustworthy and kind man. Issues that need to be addressed with home or property. Staying strong in your feelings. Establishing roots. Emotional stability amid the waves.

(Reversed) Stay calm amid stormy seas. Not allowing yourself to get swept up in the passions of the moment. Remain calm. Removing clutter. Throwing away what you don’t need anymore from your heart or environment.

Ace of Pentacles

(Upright) Prosperous new beginnings. New money. Fresh opportunities. An offer. Doorways are opening for you now. An increase in stature. A new job.

(Reversed) Procrastination may be hindering your success. Act on your goals; don’t just dream about them. Don’t talk yourself out of success. Get the ball rolling. Start!

Two of Pentacles

(Upright) Staying flexible. Unpredictability. Juggling finances. Remaining good-humored. Juggled different aspects of your life successfully.

(Reversed) Release fixed expectations. Too much attachment to a certain outcome. Remember your sense of humor. Learn to laugh at it all. Don’t personalize chaotic events.

Three of Pentacles

(Upright) Learning. Perfecting. Studying. Teaching. Researching. Knowledge. Manifesting. Carrying out plans. Honing a skill. Remain teachable. Cooperation with others.

(Reversed) Repeated lessons. Revisiting an issue before you can progress. Impatience with the learning process. Acknowledge your progress and stop being so hard on yourself.

Four of Pentacles

(Upright) Seeking security. External position or power. Trying to find happiness through things. Time to remove blockages. Good financial prospects, but remember that money alone can’t make you happy.

(Reversed) Releasing avoidance behaviors. Removing old blockages. Surrender that which is causing suffering. Giving and sharing.

Five of Pentacles

(Upright) Poverty consciousness. Confronting issues of self-worth. Giving to others with boundaries. Realizing that you are worthy of your seat at the table. A need to make better financial decisions.

(Reversed) Wasting energy on something that isn’t showing a return. Stop depleting yourself on people or pursuits that are only taking. It’s no longer appropriate to give yourself away. Raising your standards.

Six of Pentacles

(Upright) Generosity. Entertaining angels unaware. Help received. Kindness. The cultivation of good Karma. Hospitality. Support and opportunities offered from a benefactor.

(Reversed) Placing others on a pedestal at the expense of yourself. Looking to others to take control. Reaffirming that you are qualified and competent. Accepting help but not becoming dependent on it.

Seven of Pentacles

(Upright) Acknowledging your progress. A great deal has been accomplished, but there is still more work to do. Not quite finished with the task at hand. The promise of a good harvest. Patience.

(Reversed) Just because a thought is negative, that does not make it truer. Mistaking pessimism with being realistic. Feeling discouraged with details. The process of refining. Training your mind to believe in success.

Eight of Pentacles

(Upright) Meaningful work. Focus and determination. Serving the community through your job. Your work is your platform to make the world better. Valuing your skills. A hard worker.

(Reversed) Being mindful of the energy you are infusing your work with. A need to release resentment. Stop depleting your energy on a job that isn’t fulfilling. An opportunity to change your employment. Self-work.

Nine of Pentacles

(Upright) Wealth and prosperity. Wealth consciousness. Training your focus on what you want. Sensitivity to your environment. Good financial prospects. A helpful, wealthy individual.

(Reversed) Tolerating something beneath your standards of excellence. Raising your expectations. Taking out the garbage literally and metaphorically. You deserve the best.

Ten of Pentacles

(Upright) Legacy. Working on the things that last. Financial security. Family. Community. Solidity. Investing your energy and resources wisely. Keep your eye on the long game.

(Reversed) Acknowledging your ancestors. Remembering those who came before. Looking to history for answers. Following the example of those you admire in your family. Feeling the Spirit of a relative who passed on.

Page of Pentacles

(Upright) The eternal student. Passion for learning. Practical application of knowledge. A student. A smart and kind young person. School. Teaching. Learning a new skill.

(Reversed) Feeling like you are losing passion for your interests. A need to change up the energy. Participating in activities that reignite your passion for learning. Can also emphasize reviewing the basics or relearning something.

Knight of Pentacles

(Upright) Feeling disappointment that things are not moving forward. Unfulfilled expectations based on apparent lack of progress. Getting stuck in how things appear now instead of viewing the long game. A man who has a lot of potential but just doesn’t seem to be living up to it currently. Eventual success, but details need to be addressed.

(Reversed) Managing expectations. Patience. Look for evidence before making a judgement. A need for tenacity. Never give up. Often, not getting what you initially wanted leads to better things.

Queen of Pentacles

(Upright) Stable growth. Focusing on what you are manifesting. Tuning out the anxiety that may be chattering away in the background. Patience. A strong and financially stable woman. Presence. Enjoying the comforts of the moment.

(Reversed) Too much attention is being placed on anxieties. Finding calm amid uncertainty. It’s okay to not have it all figured out yet. The grass will grow whether you worry about it or not. Relax!

King of Pentacles

(Upright) Patiently nurturing your goals. Sweet success. Commitment. Order. Prosperity. A man you can trust, especially in the realm of finances. Loving the work that you do. Being prepared. Good health and stability. Longevity.

(Reversed) Feeling overwhelmed as a result of disorganization. Identifying what is halting your progress. Removing mental clutter in the form of distractions. A need for patience and understanding.

Ace of Wands

(Upright) New inspiration. Fresh ideas. Branching into new realms of possibility. A sense of urgency. Time to act on your inspiration now. A breakthrough. Taking advantage of your opportunities.

(Reversed) Don’t allow your brilliant ideas to slip away; write them down. Get the ball rolling. Speak with experts. Research your goal and the steps needed to achieve it. Don’t pass up your opportunities.

Two of Wands

(Upright) Restlessness. Always desiring more, leading to a sense of being dissatisfied. Insatiability. A need to acknowledge the blessings of the present. The desire for external success. Choose to be happy today, not “one day.”

(Reversed) Obsessive thinking about events that haven’t happened yet. Excess worrying. A need to get another opinion. Tunnel vision. A need to be alert to the present. Nothing in life goes exactly as we plan it.

Three of Wands

(Upright) Growth. Branching out. Yearning. Life is opening to you now. New opportunities. New business prospects. A potential move. Looking toward the horizon. Your life is still a blank canvas awaiting your masterpiece. Communicating about your goals.

(Reversed) Finding joy in the present. Gratitude and joy for the life you are currently living. Watch out for mistaking something “new” for something “better.” Being content in your own backyard.

Four of Wands

(Upright) Celebration. Joy. A party. Sociability. Get-togethers. Having fun. Siesta. Enjoyment. Humor. Reconnecting with friends or loved ones. A rite of passage.

(Reversed) Changing social structures. Outgrowing old friendships. Time needed away from others to get clear. Detach from drama.

Five of Wands

(Upright) Comparing yourself to others. Competitiveness. Struggle. Trying to prove yourself. Immature people. Tense working relationships. Teenagers. Unrealistic expectations placed on yourself to prove your worth.

(Reversed) People who project their insecurities onto others. Rise above pettiness or conflicts. It’s best to not let your ego make the decision. Dealing with immature individuals.

Six of Wands

(Upright) Fame. Acclaim. Recognition. Success. Victory. Achievement. Promote yourself. Share your talents. Self-confidence. Ask for a raise. Seek that promotion. Bring attention to your skills and talents.

(Reversed) Don’t let the opinions of others dictate how you feel about yourself. Stop seeking validation “out there.” Keep your eyes on your own paper. It’s time to reinforce an authentic sense of self-esteem.

Seven of Wands

(Upright) Individuality. Taking the high road. Standing up for what you know is right. Defending your position. Doing your own thing. Nonconformity. Going against the grain. Embracing your uniqueness.

(Reversed) Releasing the belief that it’s you against the world. Increasing stress that needs to be surrendered. Lower your guard. Let others help. Stop being so tense. Drop your shoulders.

Eight of Wands

(Upright) Momentum. Movement. Progress. Information. Messages. Fast-moving events. A lot to process. Picking up speed. Something that needs to be addressed quickly.

(Reversed) Flurry of activity. Don’t take this increased activity personally. Remember to breathe. Give yourself a break. Lower your stress and anxiety levels.

Nine of Wands

(Upright) Boundaries. You are a survivor. Not backing down when things get tough. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Protecting what you’ve achieved. Standing up to bullies. Be assertive.

(Reversed) Releasing the chip on your shoulder. Recognizing if anger is robbing you of joy. Release your frustration. Let off some steam. Realize that no one gets a free pass in life. Everyone will have their share of trials.

Ten of Wands

(Upright) Service. You are almost at the finish line. Hard work. Sometimes struggle, but for a good cause. The harvest. Rewards for your efforts.

(Reversed) Put down the burden and enjoy the harvest. Take a break. Recognizing that life is about more than work and drudgery. Taking care of your physical body.

Page of Wands

(Upright) Aspirations. Looking up to others you admire. Following the examples of your heroes. An optimistic or adventurous young person. Precociousness. Talent. You are still growing.

(Reversed) Patience when cultivating a talent. Focus scattered energy. Having your mind in too many places at once. Looking up to others but not comparing your talents to theirs. Being all right with not having a finished product.

Knight of Wands

(Upright) Adventure. Travel. Curiosity. A foreign experience. Seeing new lands. Experiencing new cultures. A passionate young man with an exciting and adventurous spirit. Following a spirit of exploration. Spontaneity.

(Reversed) Scattered energy. Limiting your major goals down to one or two. Incorporating your experiences. A need to commit to the goal at hand. Doing something with the knowledge that you’ve gained.

Queen of Wands

(Upright) Self-esteem. Shining unapologetically. Don’t be afraid to let others see who you are. Embracing your authenticity. A unique woman who is not afraid to put on a show. Charisma. Growing into a sense of self-confidence. Looking at the bright side of things. Optimism. Radiance.

(Reversed) A need to bolster your confidence. Rediscover your courage. Come out of hiding. If you feel like a fraud, that’s normal! All successful people feel this way at one point or another. Fake it till you make it!

King of Wands

(Upright) A wise counselor. Trust your competency. Respecting the part of you that helped you survive. A respected man from humble beginnings. Not letting your reactions get too “hot” or too “cold.” Being proud of your roots.

(Reversed) Resist the urge to doubt yourself now. New opportunities presented require you to tap into your deepest strength. The King of Wands always finds a way to succeed. Push past your fear of not being good enough. Don’t limit yourself !
