5.1 Introduction and Mathematical Notions
Since the publication of the Einstein’s theory of General Relativity in 1915, we understand gravitation as a geometrical effect. Many extensions of this theory have been formulated in order to solve various problems in theoretical physics, such as dark matter or the first corrections to General Relativity that could come from the quantum gravity regime.
In the geometrical framework introduced by Einstein, the spacetime is defined as a differentiable manifold ℳ. Omitting some mathematical details, a D-dimensional manifold is essentially a topological space that looks, locally, as the Euclidean space ℝD. For example, spheres, planes and hyperboloids are 2-dimensional manifolds.
Additionally, we include a lorentzian metric tensor, gμν, which allows to measure lengths, volumes and so on. Hence it is possible to talk about the module of a vector that is not necessarily non-negative, due to the lorentzian signature. Those vectors that are not trivial but have zero norm determine the lightlike paths and, then, light cones that define the casual structure of the spacetime.
In fact, given a metric, the Levi-Civita affine structure is the simplest connection we can deal with. The metric compatibility and the nullity of the torsion simplify many geometrical identities. Moreover, we are not introducing extra degrees of freedom in the theory, just the ones that come from the metric.
Before starting with the physics, let us introduce a few useful definitions. A curve γ(α) is a differentiable function γ : I → ℳ, where I is an interval of the real line. The image of a curve in the manifold is what we will call trajectory or path. So a trajectory is a set of spacetime points joined in a continuous and differentiable way, while the curve is the function that generates this set.
The lightlike case should be treated separately, because the length functional cannot be varied smoothly. However, they can be seen as critical points of other functionals that, again, only involve the metric structure. For these reasons, in general, we will call the autoparallels of Levi-Civita critical trajectories. The associated affine parameters have a special meaning, because their changes are proportional to the length between the considered points. In the timelike case, it is essentially the proper time, so these parameters represent the rhythm of a proper (i.e. freely falling) clock along them.
5.2 Einstein’s Equations and Variational Principles
Notice that we are assuming (from the start) a particular affine structure, the one fixed by the metric. We are selecting the Levi-Civita connection by hand and this can be considered natural because it is the simplest one. When we obtain from a gravitational action the equations of motion admitting that the affine structure is Levi-Civita, we are using the so-called metric formalism, because the metric determines everything related to the gravitational field.
It is worth remarking that we are assuming that the matter part of the action does not depend on the affine connection Γ.
This formalism is interesting because we expect Levi-Civita connection to be fixed by the corresponding equations of motion, in contrast with the metric formalism in which it is selected artificially.
5.3 Palatini Solutions of the Einstein–Hilbert Action
Clearly, Levi-Civita is a solution, because in that case each term of the right hand side vanishes. However, let us try for other solutions. Consider only those that are torsionless, then, necessarily, ∇λgμν should be zero, so Levi-Civita is the only possibility. The same happens for metric-compatible solutions. In fact, when Palatini formalism is presented (in textbooks for example), one of these two conditions is assumed. Consequently, we lose the information about the general solution and it reduces to Levi-Civita.
Here, we clearly notice what we stated before: switching off one of them implies and, then, Levi-Civita as the only possibility.
5.3.1 Projective Relation Between Solutions
Consequently, the whole set of Palatini connections shares the same autoparallels, up to reparametrizations, which have no physical meaning. As a matter of fact, since Levi-Civita is a particular Palatini connection (the case with ) we conclude: the autoparallels of any Palatini connection are critical trajectories of the metric.
5.3.2 Homothety Property
The module is not conserved but the direction does. Due to this, we say the Palatini parallel transport is homothetic with respect to the Levi-Civita transport. It can be proved that the only connections with this property are the Palatini connections (Bernal et al. 2017). Any other connection would generate a perturbation in the direction of Wμ.
5.4 Observability and Physical Implications
We introduced the Palatini formalism in order to see if the dynamics could fix Levi-Civita as the fundamental connection of the theory, in contrast with the metric formalism in which it is selected by hand. However, we have obtained a family of connections that differ in a vector field, with Levi-Civita as a particular case. In this section, we analyse the physical implications of this field. Indeed, we will see that it is undetectable or, equivalently, that metric and Palatini formalism describe the same physics.
Furthermore, in Einstein–Hilbert gravity the distinction between critical and autoparallel trajectories disappears due to the projective symmetry. In fact, defining the trajectory of a test particle is often presented as a basic problem of metric-affine theories. Those of critical length and those with covariantly constant velocity are candidates because both of them infinitesimally reduce to straight lines. The critical paths are the simplest approach, but there are authors who defend the description with autoparallels (Kleinert and Pelster 1999) and others who state that only the conserved currents determine the test paths (Hehl and Obukhov 2007).
In Einstein–Hilbert gravity, the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor selects the critical paths. However, fortunately, the autoparallels set by the Palatini dynamics coincide, as a consequence of the projective relation between Palatini connections (a family that includes Levi-Civita). Indeed, we have seen that the field can be eliminated by the freely falling observer with an appropriate choice of the parameter.
All of these ideas point in the same direction: the field has no physical effects (Bernal et al. 2017).
5.5 Equivalence in Other Theories
Consequently, since Levi-Civita () is a solution, then is also a solution. Indeed, the whole set of solutions can be separated into equivalence classes of projectively related connections. So if a new solution of a Lovelock theory that has not the form (for some ) is found, then we could build a family of new solutions just adding a term where ℬμ is arbitrary. This property also holds for any other lagrangians with projective invariance, such as f(R) gravity.
5.6 Conclusions
To conclude we summarize our results. We have seen that Einstein–Hilbert gravity in the Palatini formalism has some interesting features. If we couple this theory with a matter action through the metric (and not the connection), the result is physically indistinguishable from the dynamics obtained assuming Levi-Civita as the fundamental affine structure from the beginning (metric formalism).
The general solution of the equation of the connection is Levi-Civita plus the term where is an undetermined field. However, the equations of motion are the same as in metric formalism. Therefore, we get to different mathematical descriptions (related through the projective symmetry) that describe the same physics. In other words, it is not necessary to set the connection to be Levi-Civita by hand. The dynamics fixes the affine structure.
Another additional property of the Palatini connections is that they are the only affine structures whose parallel transport is homothetic with respect to the Levi-Civita transport. So the directions obtained in both cases are coincident.
We have also proved that an autoparallel of a given Palatini connection is a trajectory with critical length (autoparallel of Levi-Civita). The undetermined field for a free falling observer can be absorbed in a reparametrization of its worldline, so it has no physical meaning since a particular choice of the parameter is meaningless.
We have found solutions of this kind in more general theories, for example, in Lovelock gravity. In addition, if we admit matter that does not feel the connection, the equivalence between formalisms can be extended from Einstein–Hilbert to any theory with additional quadratic torsion terms in the action. Current work involves the treatment with more general matter and with additional terms that introduce, for example, dynamics for the torsion field.
We are grateful to A. Bernal and M. Sánchez for previous collaborations. We also wish to thank F. W. Hehl and J. Pons for useful comments and discussions. This work has been funded by the Junta de Andalucía (FQM101), the Universidad de Granada (PP2015-03), the MEC (FIS2016-78198-P) and the Unidad de Excelencia UCE-PP2016-02. In addition, J. A. O. was also supported by a PhD contract of the Plan Propio of the Universidad de Granada, and A. J. C. by a PhD contract of the FPU15 programme of the MEC.