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A. T. Stewart & Company, 84–86

Abbasid Caliphate, 112, 239

Accenture consulting firm, 154

Acid rain, 184

Adleman, Leonard, 136

Advanced Market Commitment, 225n, 272

Afghanistan, 227–30

Africa, 58, 146, 214, 228–29

mobile phone networks in, 228–29

North, 141, 239

sanitation problems in, 252

Sub-Saharan, 100

See also specific nations

African Americans, 17, 109

Agriculture, 2–3, 5, 166, 174–75, 264, 285n6

antibiotics used in, 222–26

economies based on, 175, 214

machinery for, 75. See also Plows

nitrogen fertilizer for, 182

Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 22

Aiken, Howard, 162

Air-conditioning, 78–82, 123, 127

Air pollution, 1, 82, 183–84

legislation to prevent, 219–20

See also Greenhouse gases

Air travel, 10, 27–28, 44, 186, 187, 189–90, 200

Airbnb, 28–29

Airplanes. See Air travel

Algorithms, 43–44, 136, 164, 173, 193

fast-Fourier-transform, 168, 169, 170

Google search, 10, 32, 34–35, 166

Alpha Centauri, 275

Amazon (company), 41, 157, 189

Ambrosia Labs, 59

America. See United States of America

American Society of Civil Engineers, 264n

American Tobacco Company, 76

Angola, 278

Angry Birds, 73

Antibiotics, 272, 279

agricultural use of, 222–26

Appert, Nicolas, 62

Apple (company), 167, 169–70

Arabic numerals, 153–54

Árbenz, Jacobo, 107–8

Argentina, 108–9

Aristotle, 65

Arizona, 81, 82, 194

Arneil, Barbara, 23


Arthur, Brian, 174

Artificial intelligence (AI), 43–44

Ashmolean Museum (Oxford University), 112, 115

Atlanta, 81

AT&T, 151

Australia, 16, 205, 261

Austria, 47

Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, 160

Automation, 102–5, 271. See also Computers; Robots

Babylon, 265, 280

Baekeland, Leo, 196–98, 200, 217

Bakelite Corporation, 71, 197–200

Baker, Lorenzo Dow, 108

Bali, 232

Bang mug, 119

Bangladesh, 96, 252, 264

Bankruptcy, 48, 85, 99

Banks, 113, 203–6, 231, 257–59

ancient, 132

mobile phone money transfer services versus, 227–31, 273

nineteenth-century utopian vision excluding, 207

property registers of collateral for loans from, 234–36

regulation of, 153, 230, 253

as tax havens, 213–14

technologies adopted by, 44, 71, 137, 259, 271

and tradable debt, 113–15, 257–58

Bar codes, 8–9, 102–6, 110, 127, 148, 166, 274

Barbed wire, 20–25, 166, 237

Barcelona, 140, 141

Basset, Fulk, 113

Batteries, 128, 168, 170, 191–95

Baxter (robot), 42

Bazalgette, Joseph, 249–51, 253

Belgium, 171, 196, 215, 235

Bell, Alexander Graham, 21

Belville family, 179

Benares (ship), 55

Berlin Wall, 39

Berliner, Emile, 17

Bermuda, 212, 214, 215

Bernays, Edward, 76

Berners-Lee, Tim, 168

Bible, 239, 243

Bicester Village outlet mall (England), 86

Bill of exchange (IOU), 205. See also jiaozi

Billington, Elizabeth, 15–19

Billy bookcase, 117–20

Birth control pill, 65–69, 202

Bismarck, Otto von, 46, 49

Bleak House (Dickens), 155, 158

Bloomberg News, 117

Blue Devils gang, 23

Bodrum (Turkey), 37

Boeing Aircraft, 195

Bogle, John, 246–48

Boldrin, Michele, 157, 158

Bon Marché, 83

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 107, 91

Book of the Marvels of the World, The (Polo), 255

Bookkeeping, 43

double-entry, 139–44, 151

Books, 7, 8. See also Gutenberg, Johannes; Printing press, movable-type

Bosch, Carl, 183

Boston, 79, 108, 155

Boston Tea Party, 148

Bostrom, Nick, 43

Botsman, Rachel, 28

Boulton, Matthew, 122, 157, 158

Bowen, Eddie, 188

Bower, Marvin, 152

Bowie, David, 19, 25

Brasilia, 261

Brazil, 81

Breast milk

expressed, market for, 59

infant formula substitute for, 56–59

Breslau, University of, 181

Brexit, 49, 274

Brin, Sergey, 32, 166

Britain, 16, 62, 55, 213, 241

Air Ministry, 187

banks in, 112–13, 115

copyrights and patents in, 155–57

department stores in, 83–84, 86–87

Government Communications Headquarters, 136n

immigrants in, 49

industrial revolution in, 13, 122, 157

international trade of, 173–74

limited liability companies in, 146–48

management consultants in, 151

Parliament, 9, 116, 157, 253–54

passports in, 37, 39

railways in, 143

Royal Radar Establishment, 169

in World War II, 135, 187–88

See also England; United Kingdom

British Empire, 235

British Perforated Paper Company, 161

British Virgin Islands, 214

Brown, Dan, 204

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 44, 94–95

Buchanan, Sharon, 104

Budapest, 85, 258

Buddha, 265

Budgetary Control (McKinsey), 151–52

Buenos Aires, 109

Buffalo Forge, 79

Buffett, Warren, 244

Bulla (verification device), 131–32

Burke, James, 1

Burma, 270

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 145

Byng, Admiral John, 266

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 192n

Cadastral mapping, 234–35

Caesar, Julius, 135

California, 72, 81

Hollywood, 71, 80

Los Angeles, 189

Silicon Valley, 165, 170. See also Apple (company)

Stanford University, 31–32, 35, 134–35, 150, 151

Cambodia, 59, 252

Canada, 38, 50, 208, 239

Candy Crush Saga, 73

Caribbean, 214

Carrier, Willis, 79–80, 272

Carrousel Inn (Cincinnati), 103


electric, 158, 195

internal combustion engines for, 172, 174, 275

Casanova, Giacomo, 65

Castronova, Edward, 72–73

CDs, 18

Cellular phones. See Mobile phones

Cement, 261, 262, 307n12. See also Concrete

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 107, 169

CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research), 168–70

Chain, Ernst, 224

“Challenge to Judgment” (Samuelson), 246

Chaplin, Charlie, 17

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 144

Checks, 114–15, 257

guaranteed income, in welfare states, 50–51

Chemical fertilizer, 181–85

Chicago, 83–84, 87, 121, 179, 189

University of, 57

Chile, 96

China, 26, 30, 110, 129, 242, 264

agriculture in, 2, 3, 222–23, 226

air-conditioning in, 81

banks in, 204

contaminated infant formula in, 59

copyrights in, 156

elevators in, 121, 122

impact of globalization on manufacturing in, 96, 101, 274

movable-type printing press in, 239

paper mills in, 241–42

paper money in, 113, 255–56

passports in, 37

property rights in, 233

virtual sweatshops in, 72

Chlorine gas, 182

Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), 221

Cholera, 249–51

Christians, 185, 203, 204, 240, 241

Cincinnati, 103, 109

City Press (London), 249

Clean Air Act (1970), 219

Clement V, Pope, 206

Clocks, 9, 176–80, 225n, 272

Coahuila (Mexico), 260–61

Coal, 82, 92, 122, 174, 194

COBOL, 163

Code Book, The (Singh), 136n

Cold chain, 107–11, 127

Cold War, 169

Collins, David, 103

Columbia University, 82, 145

Commodore 64 computer, 161

Communist Party, Chinese, 233

Compassion in World Farming, 222

Compiler, 10, 160–64

Computers, 10, 36, 70–73, 153, 237, 242–43, 291n3

air conditioners and, 80

bar codes read by, 8, 103, 105

elevators controlled by, 124

games played on. See Video games

in global banking system, 259

productivity and, 91, 94–95

programming, 42, 43, 94, 160–64. See also Apple (company); Algorithms

quantum, 138

shipping containers tracked by, 100

See also Mobile phones

Concrete, 260–64, 273, 275, 307n12

reinforced concrete, 90, 123, 263, 273

Conference on Passports, Customs Formalities and Through Tickets, 40

Congo, Democratic Republic of the, 130, 270

Congress, U.S., 46

Connections (BBC TV series), 1

Conservative Party, British, 39

Constitution, U.S., First Amendment to, 134

Container shipping. See Shipping containers

Contraceptives, 65–69, 202

Cook, Tim, 167

Copyrights, 8, 25, 155–58

Cornell University, 79

Corvin department store (Budapest), 85

Country Gentleman, The, 75

Covent Garden opera house (London), 16

Craigslist, 27

Crete, 280

Croatia, 47

Cronin, Betty, 61–62, 166

Crystal Palace (London), 36, 251

Culture of Growth, A (Mokyr), 165

Cumming, Alexander, 250–52

Cuneiform, 129–33

Curtis Publishing Company, 75

Da Vinci Code, The (Brown), 204

Darmstadt (Germany), 56

Dartmouth College, 43

Datini, Francesco di Marco, 140–41, 144

Dauphin (Canada), 50

David, Paul, 94

Dawes Act (1887), 22

de Soto, Hernando, 232–36

Declaration of Independence, 148

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 169, 272

Defense, U.S. Department of, 169

DeKalb (Illinois), 20, 25

Delaware, University of, 169

Democratic Republic of the Congo, 81

Deng Xiaoping, 233

Denmark, 47, 215, 225

Department stores, 83–87

Diamond, Jared, 5

Dickens, Charles, 155–56, 158–59

Didi Chuxing (ride service), 30

Diesel, Rudolf, 171–75, 275

Diesel engines, 171–75

Diffie, Whitfield, 136

Digital rights management (DRM), 24–25

“Discourse on Inequality” (Rousseau), 24

Disney Studios, 25

Dog-trot house, 80–81

Donelson, Sophie, 120

Dot-com bubble, 91

Double-entry bookkeeping, 139–44, 151

Dow, Charles, 244–245

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 245

Dresden (ship), 171

Drexel Institute, 102

Drury Lane opera house (London), 16

Dubai, 81, 121

DuPont company, 218

DVDs, 18, 291n5

Dynamos (generators), 91–95

DynaTAC 8000x mobile phone, 193

East India Company, 55, 146, 148

eBay, 27–29, 72, 137

Economics (Samuelson), 245

Economist, The, 147, 149

Ecosystems, 7, 184

Edison, Thomas, 16–17, 92, 127–28, 242, 280–81

Egypt, 117, 122, 235

ancient, 65, 129, 177, 240n, 265, 280

Einstein, Albert, 13

Ektorp sofa, 118

Elagabalus, Emperor of Rome, 78

Electric motors, 92–94

for cars, 158, 195

Electricity, 19, 71, 80, 91–95, 127, 145, 191–92, 293n3

air-conditioning and demand for, 82

cars powered by, 158, 195

grids for distributing, 94, 147, 194, 195

lighting provided by. See Lightbulbs

rainmaking technique using, 78

Elevators, 85, 90, 121–25, 127, 273, 295n2, 296n9

Elias, John, 169

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 146

Emerging markets, 30, 42, 81, 223

Empire State Building, 124

Encyclopædia Britannica, 31

Engels, Friedrich, 49


internal combustion, 172, 174, 275

steam. See Steam engines

England, 36, 83, 86, 110, 115, 145–46, 188, 204, 257

Crown Jewels, 204

See also Britain; London

Enigma code, 135

Enki (Mesopotamian god), 129

Enron scandal, 143, 153

Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 130


cholera, 249–51

equine flu, 172

Ethiopia, 96

Ethyl Corporation, 218, 220

eToys, 91

EverQuest, 72

Exchequer tallies, 112–13

Exeter (England), 176–78

Explaining Creativity (Sawyer), 165

Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland), 186

Fabriano (Italy), 241

Facebook, 18, 43, 53, 57, 70, 73, 170

Fairchild Semiconductor, 170

Faraday, Michael, 149–51

Farming. See Agriculture

Farmville, 73

Fast Fourier transform, 168, 169, 170

Fatimid Caliphate, 203

Fax machine, 275

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 190

Federal Reserve, 9, 259

Fertilizers, 10, 56, 181–85

Field, Marshall, 83

Financial crises, 7, 48, 91, 143, 247, 259, 269, 270

First Index Investment Trust, 246

Flat packs, 117, 118

Fleet Street (London), 203

Fleming, Alexander, 223–24

Florence, 139–41, 205

Florey, Howard, 224

Florida, 81, 102, 197, 217

Flushing toilets, 44, 250–51, 252, 253

Flying toilets, 252, 253

Foraging, 2, 4–5, 165

Forbes, 15

Ford, Henry, 74–77

Ford, Martin, 44

Fossil fuels, 183. See also Coal; Gasoline; Natural gas

Foster, George, 191–92

Founding Fathers (U.S.), 23

France, 24, 62, 130, 173, 234, 266

banks in, 204–6

international trade of, 109–10

music recording in, 16–17

paper manufactured in, 242

passports abolished in, 37

property registers in, 234–35

reinforced concrete developed in, 263

Franciscans, 139

Franklin, Benjamin, 13, 280, 281

Fraser, Mark, 27–28

Fraud, 1, 30, 34, 143, 204, 213

accounting, 157–58

Freinkel, Susan, 197

Friedman, Milton, 148

Frozen dinners, 60–65, 110, 166

FTSE index, 245

Gadsby, John, 36, 40

Gallup, George, 76

Galvani, Luigi, 192

Galvanism, 192

Gasoline, 123, 172, 173, 217–21, 273

Gates, John Warne “Bet-A-Million,” 20, 25

Gates Foundation, 225n, 272

General Electric, 151

General Motors, 200, 218, 220

Generators. See Dynamos (generators)

Geneva, 168

Great Council of, 213

Lake Geneva, 192n

Genghis Khan, 255

George IV, King of England, 15

Georgia (U.S. state), 81

Germany, 39, 56, 96, 129, 173, 183, 267

machinery manufactured in, 117, 119

movable-type printing press invented in, 10, 239, 240

Nazi, 185, 187, 188, 213, 224

Weimar, 258

welfare state in, 46, 49

in World War I, 181–82

Ghana, 236

Ghent, University of, 196

Gillette, King Camp, 208–9, 211

Gillette Company, 79, 209–11

safety razor, 209

Glass-Steagall Act (1933), 153

Glidden, Joseph F., 20–21, 25, 166

Global positioning systems (GPS), 168–69, 179–80, 202

Globalization, 48, 96, 127, 148, 174, 215, 274

Goldin, Claudia, 68

Google, 10, 18, 25, 31–35, 77, 170, 212, 275

Grab (ride service), 30

Graduate, The (film), 198

Gramophone, 15–19, 49, 169, 274, 279

Grand Canyon, 189–90

Great American Desert, 21

Great Depression, 46, 91

Great Exhibition (London), 251

Great Fire of London, 266

Great Plague of London, 266

Great Rift Valley, 186

Great Stink of London, 250

Greece, 37–38, 240n

ancient, 122, 129, 261

Greenhouse gases, 78, 82, 110, 184, 261

Greenwich Mean Time, 177–79

Griffith, Jim, 28

Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA), Administrative Systems Committee of, 103

Guranteed income payments, in welfare states, 50–51

Guatemala, 107–8, 111

Guinness World Records, 31

Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 5

Gutenberg, Johannes, 10, 141, 239–40, 243, 248

Gyllensvaans Möbler factory (Sweden), 117–19

Haber, Fritz, 182–85

Haber-Bosch process, 182–84

Haiti, 270

Hamilton, Alice, 218–20

Hammer, Carl, 163

Hammurabi, Code of, 265

Hang Seng index, 245

Harrison, John, 178, 180, 250

Harrods, 85–86

Harvard Mark I computer, 160–61, 163

Harvard University, 280

Haydn, Joseph, 15

Heal, Geoffrey, 82

Heatley, Norman, 224

Heinz, H. J., 62

Heinz (H. J. Heinz Company), 151

Hellman, Martin, 136–38

Henry III, King of England, 113, 204

Hilton, Matthew, 120

Hitachi company, 41

Hitt, Lorin, 94

Holborn (London), 92

Hollywood, 71, 80

Holyoke, Edward, 280

Homestead Act (1862), 21, 22, 235

Hong Kong, 115, 257

Hopper, Grace, 10, 161–64, 271, 299n2

Hornblower, Jonathan, 157

House Beautiful, 120

House of Commons, 116

House of Lords, 116

Houston, 81

Hovsepian, Tina, 240

Howard, Frank, 218

HTML, 168

HTTP, 137, 168

Hughes, Nick, 228–29

Hungary, 122, 258

Hunter-gatherers. See Foraging

Huygens, Christiaan, 177–78, 180

IBM, 57, 103, 105–6, 153

Iceland, 186

IKEA, 117–20, 212

Illinois, 20, 25. See also Chicago

Immerwahr, Clara, 181, 275

Inanna (Mesopotamian goddess), 129

Index funds, 244–48

India, 16, 24, 146, 151, 252, 253

air conditioners in, 81

ancient, 2, 265

British imperialism in. See East India Company

double-entry bookkeeping in, 140

management consulting in, 150, 153–54

virtual sweatshops in, 72, 291n9

Indonesia, 55, 81, 192n, 232–33, 246

Industrial revolution, 13, 122, 142, 147, 157, 274

Inequality, 3, 18–19, 24, 242

gender, 68

welfare states’ limitations on, 48

Infant formula, 55–59

Inman, Admiral Bobby Ray, 135, 137, 138

Inquisition, 206

Insurance, 265–69

Intellectual property, 8–9, 24, 155–59, 202, 212, 272

Internal combustion engines, 172, 174, 275

International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes, 59

International Electrotechnical Commission, 90

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 89

International Symposium on Information Theory, 134

International Telecommunication Union, 90

Internet, 1, 27, 157, 202, 271, 278

air-conditioning requirements of, 80

matching services on, 27, 30

music streaming on, 19

public-key cryptography and, 135, 137–38

searches on. See Google

smartphones and, 168, 170

See also World Wide Web

IOUs, 256–58

iPhone, 9, 120, 167–70, 202, 272, 273

IQs, 58

Iraq, 129, 265

Ireland, 114–29, 212–13, 257

immigrant from, in U.S, 84–85

Irish Independent, 114

Ishango bone, 130

Islamic regions, 140

Italy, 49, 192, 241, 261

Ive, Jony, 167

Jakarta, 232

Jamaica, 108

Japan, 73, 100, 117, 193, 202

birth control pills banned in, 9, 68, 202, 291n5

passports in, 37

robots manufactured in, 41, 119

in World War II, 162, 187

Java, 55. See also Yogyakarta

Javelinas gang, 23

Jennifer unit, 45

Jeopardy! (TV show), 43

Jersey (island), 214

Jerusalem, 203–4, 229

Jetsons, The (TV show), 42

Jews, 185, 213, 224

Jiangsu Province (China), 222

Jiaozi (IOU), 256–58

Jigglypuff (Pokémon), 70

Jobs, Steve, 13, 167, 168, 170, 272

Johannesburg, 228

John, Elton, 9, 15–18

Johnson, E. A., 169

Johnson, George W., 17

Johnson, Steven, 81, 165, 291n

Jones, Frederick McKinley, 109, 272

Jordan, 261

Jordan, Julius, 129, 130

Justice, U.S. Department of, 153

Kahn, Herman, 271

Kalahari Bushmen, 5, 7

Kamau, Samson, 186

Kamprad, Ingvar, 118–20

Kansas City (Missouri), 189

Kättilstorp (Sweden), 117

Katz, Lawrence, 68

Kennedy, John F., 169, 245

Kenya, 72, 186, 228–30, 252–53

Khrushchev, Nikita, 262

Kibera (Nairobi), 252–53

Kinshasa, 81

Kiva robots, 41

Knights Templar, 203–4, 206, 229

Kolkata, 24

Korea, 73, 239

Kos (island), 37–38

Kublai Khan, 9

Kuert, Willy, 89

Kurdi family, 37–38

Kurds, 38

Kuznets curve, 220

Ladies’ Home Journal, The, 75

Lancaster, University of, 31

Lancet, The, 58

Laurer, George, 103, 106

Leaded gasoline, 217–21, 273

League of Nations, 40, 215

LEGO, 72

Leonardo da Vinci, 139

Lesotho, 268

Levine, David, 157, 158

Levinson, Marc, 98–99

Liberté, La (newspaper), 109

Liebig, Justus von, 56–59, 192n

Lightbulbs, 92, 241, 277–82

Limited liability companies (LLCs), 9, 145–49, 202, 232

Lincoln, Abraham, 21

Lineage (video game), 73

Lisbon, 278

Lithium-ion batteries, 168, 170, 193–95

Liverpool, 188

Lloyd, Edward, 266–67

Lloyd’s of London, 267

Locke, John, 23–24

London, 36, 89, 92, 188, 223, 266–67

banks in, 203–4, 206, 214

department stores in, 83–86

electricity-generating station in, 92

executions in, 9, 191

insurance companies in, 266–67

newspapers in, 173, 249, 253–54

opera houses in, 16

sewage in, 249–51

tally sticks in, 112, 113

timekeeping in, 176–79

Long, Huey, 49

Longitude (Sobel), 178n

Longitude Prize, 250, 272

Lonie, Susie, 229

Los Angeles, 189

Louis XV, King of France, 122

Lovins, Amory, 124

Lowell (Massachusetts), 70, 72

Luanda, 278

Ludd, Ned, 274

Luddites, 13–14, 44, 274

Lundgren, Gillis, 117–18, 120

Luxembourg, 215

Lycos, 31–32

Lymbery, Philip, 222

Lyon, fair of (1555), 205

Madison Square Theatre, 80

Mainz, 239

Makassar (Indonesia), 55

Mallorca, 140–41

Malta, 214

Management consultants, 33, 60, 84, 150–54

Manchester, 36, 83

Manhattan Project, 102

Manila, 81

Manitoba, 50

Manorial system, 4

Mao Zedong, 148

Maoists, 232–33

Market research, 74–77

Marsh supermarkets, 104

Marshall, Alfred, 16–17

Marshall Field department store, 83

Martin, Felix, 112, 283

Marx, Karl, 49

Massachusetts, 70, 72. See also Boston

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 70–71, 136, 188

Mazzucato, Mariana, 168, 283

McAfee, Andrew, 44

McDonald, Duff, 152

McGonigal, Jane, 73, 291n9

McKinsey, James, 151–53

McKinsey & Company, 33

McLean, Malcom, 98–101, 109, 166, 202

Medicaid, 47

Mediterranean, 3–4, 266

Menlo Park (New Jersey), 127

“Merchandising of Automobiles: An Address to Retailers, The” (Parlin), 74, 75, 77

Merton, Robert K., 76

Mesoamerica, 2, 129

Mesopotamia, 129–32

Mexico, 39, 260

Mickey Mouse, 24

Middle East, 3, 112, 239

Midgley, Thomas, 217–18, 221

Miller, Amalia, 68

Miller, Geoffrey, 77

Miller Brewing Company, 104

Minecraft, 72

Mirror writing, 139

Misogyny, 5

Mobile phones, 193, 252–53, 268, 179

money transfer service on, 227–31, 273

See also iPhone

Model T, 75–77

Mokyr, Joel, 165

Molay, Jacques de, 206

Moldboard plow, 3–4

Money, 8–9, 11, 79, 97, 100–101

ancient forms of, 112–16, 257

foreign, in banana republics, 108

in online marketplaces, 25, 34, 72

paper, 90, 113, 132, 255–59

penny-pinching to save, 98

in performing industry, 15–18

in sports, 18

in virtual worlds, 72–73

in welfare states, 48

Money: The Unauthorized Biography (Martin), 112

Mongolians, 9

Monier, Joseph, 263

More, Thomas, 50

Mormons, 33

Morse code, 102, 166

Motorola, 193

Mount Tambora, 55, 192n

Mount Vesuvius, 261

Movable type. See under Printing press

M-Paisa, 227–28, 229. See also M-Pesa

M-Pesa, 227–31, 273

MP3 format, 18–19

Mumbai, 150

Munich, 267

Royal Bavarian Polytechnic of, 172

Musk, Elon, 195

Mussolini, Benito, 49

Myanmar. See Burma

Mycenaeans, 261

MySpace, 275

Nairobi, 72, 186, 252

Nanotechnology, 194

Napoleon. See Bonaparte, Napoleon

Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 37

Nasdaq index, 245

National Association of Food Chains (NAFC), 103

National Science Foundation, 169

National Security Agency (NSA), 135, 137–38

Native Americans, 21–24

Natural gas, 82, 183, 194

Navy, U.S., 162

Nazis, 135, 185, 187–88, 213, 224

Nespresso, 209

Nesta (foundation), 272

Nestlé, 58–59, 209

Netflix, 25

Netherlands, 212, 235

Nevada, 195

Nevis, 38

New Deal, 46, 49

New England, 79–80, 108

New Jersey, 99, 127, 217–18

New York City, 79, 80, 84–85, 92, 108, 123, 179, 196

port of, 96–97, 99–100

World’s Fair (1853), 122

New York state, 146–47, 208

New Yorker, The, 152

New Zealand, 96, 110

Newspapers, 8, 18, 109, 114, 188, 240

advertisements in, 33, 53, 84

copyrights and, 156

coverage of Diesel’s death in, 173, 174

Niemeyer, Oscar, 261

Nikkei index, 245

Nile River, 130

Ningbo (China), 242

Nobel Prize, 9, 145, 183, 188, 224, 245

Nomads, 2, 5, 21, 165

Nordhaus, William, 82, 277–83

Norrath, 72–73

North Africa, 141, 239

Northern Europe, 3–4

Oelgert, Ernest, 217–18

Offshore banking. See Tax havens

Ohio, 104, 218

Ola (ride service), 30

Oléron (island), 204

Olympics, 18

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 215

Organization for Standardization, International (ISO), 89

Orinoco River, 108

Otis, Elisha, 122

Oxford University, Ashmolean Museum at, 112, 115

Pacioli, Luca, 139, 141–42

Pac-Man, 70

Page, Larry, 32, 166

Pakistan, 130

Pantheon (Rome), 262

Paper, 7–10, 79, 115, 161–62, 196, 199, 205, 239–43

Paper money, 90, 113, 132, 255–59

Paperless office, 9

Paris, 83, 174, 206

International Exhibition (1867), 263

Park, Jisung, 82

Parlin, Charles Coolidge, 74–77

Parmalat scandal, 143

Passports, 36–40, 50, 94, 275

Patents, 16, 123, 155–58, 212, 250

for barbed wire, 20–21, 25

expiration of, 209–10

for food preservation techniques, 62

for reinforced concrete, 263

Pavlovian reflexes, 70

PDP-1 computer, 71

Pearl Harbor, 162

Peloponnese, 261

Perforated Paper Company, British, 161

Perkins, Frances, 46, 49, 51

Persia, 177

Peru, 232, 257

Pew Research, 14

Philadelphia, 102

Philip IV, King of France, 206

Philippines, 235

Phoenix, 81, 82

Phonograph. See Gramophone

Pisa, 140

Piso Firme, 260, 264

Pixar, 170

Planes. See Air travel

Plastic, 19, 150, 196–200, 208, 252, 255

PlayStation, 209–10

Plows, 1–5, 7, 9–11, 23, 53, 128, 165, 285n6

simplicity of, 1, 237, 275

types of, 3–4

Pneumococcal Advanced Market Commitment, 225n, 272

Pokémon Go, 73

Pokémon Jigglypuff, 70

Pollution, 1, 80, 174–75, 184, 219–20, 222

Polo, Marco, 255–56, 259

Pompeii, 261

Portinari, Benedetto, 139

Portugal, 278

PowerPoint, 150, 154

Preemption Act (1841), 235

Premier League, 18

Printing press, 10, 104, 239–40, 243, 248

air-conditioning and, 79

movable-type, 141–42, 239

for paper money, 258–59

Prius automobiles, 77

Prometheus, 129

Property registers, 232–36, 253

ProtoCycler, 199–200

Public-key cryptography, 10, 134–38, 202, 273

Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli, Italy), 261

Quantum computing, 138

QWERTY keyboard layout, 275

Radar, 10, 169, 186–90, 201

Railways, 37, 103, 143–44, 147, 151, 171, 263

timetables for, 176–77

Ramey, Valerie, 62

Razac, Olivier, 22

Razors and blades, 79, 207–11

Reagan, Ronald, 81

Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de, 242

Recycling, 199–200, 242

Reinforced concrete, 90, 123, 263, 273

Remington Rand, 163

Renewable energy, 89, 194–95

Resin Identification Codes, 199

Reyes, Jessica, 219

Reynolds, Joshua, 15

Rise of the Robots (Ford), 44

Rivest, Ron, 136

Robots, 41–45, 50, 63, 119, 274, 275

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), 124–25

Roman Empire, 2–3, 49, 112, 277

coins from, 112

concrete construction in, 261–62

cooling method in, 78–79

cryptography in, 135

insurance in, 266

international trade in, 205

precursors of corporations in, 145

water pipes in, 219

Roman numerals, 139

Romania, 119

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 46, 188

Rosen, Sherwin, 17–18

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 24

Rover (dog care service), 27

Royal Academy of Arts (Britain), 15

Royal Bavarian Polytechnic of Munich, 172

RSA encryption, 136–37

Russell, Slug, 71

Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing & Printing Company, 79

Safaricom, 229

St. John’s Church (Exeter, England), 176

St. Kitts, 38

St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School (London), 223

Samoa, 38

Samson, Peter, 70, 72

Samuelson, Paul, 9, 245–48

San Antonio, 20

Sanders, Mat, 120

Sanger, Margaret, 65

Saturday Evening Post, The, 75

Sawyer, Keith, 165

S-bend pipe, 250–51, 275. See also Flushing toilets

Scandals, 59, 143

Schengen zone, 39

Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, 130–31

Scott de Martinville, Édouard-Léon, 16–17

Scratch plow, 2, 3, 4

Sears, Roebuck, 209

Sears Tower (now Willis Tower, Chicago), 121

Seattle, 242

Selfridge, Harry Gordon, 83–84, 86–87

Selfridge’s department store, 83–84, 86

Seller feedback, 26–30, 49–50

Sewers, 9, 213, 249–52

Sexual politics, 4

Shamir, Adi, 136

Shanghai, 26–28, 242

Shea Terra Organics, 7

Shelley, Mary, 192

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 192

Shining Path, 232

“Shipman’s Tale, The” (Chaucer), 144

Shipping containers, 96–101, 104, 110, 148, 166, 237, 274, 275

freight regulation obstacles to, 202

globalization and, 127, 148

international standards for, 89

Sichuan Province (China), 256

Silicon Valley, 165, 170. See also Apple (company)

Singapore, 38, 81, 123

Singh, Simon, 136n


start-up company, 170

voice/virtual assistant, 168, 169–70

Skilling, Jeff, 153

Skyscrapers, 81, 90, 121–24, 263, 273

Slovakia, 38, 117

Slovenia, 215

Smartphones, 167–69, 179. See also iPhone

Smil, Vaclav, 174

Smith, Adam, 147

Snowden, Edward, 138

Sobel, Dava, 178n

Social Security, 47, 51

Solar power, 89, 194–95

Solow, Robert, 91, 94

Soluble Food for Babies, 56–58

Somerset (England), 112

Song Dynasty, 2

Sony Corporation, 193, 209

Sound-recording technology. See Gramophone

South Africa, 48, 228

South America, 37, 182

South Korea, 87

Southeast Asia, 30

Soviet Union, 169, 262

S&P 500 index fund, 244, 245

Spacewar, 70–72, 291n1

Spain, 140, 141

Spinning jenny, 10

Sports broadcasting, 18

Stalin, Joseph, 148

Standard Oil, 217–18

Stanford Research Institute, 169

Stanford University, 31–32, 35, 134–35, 150, 151

Star Wars, 71, 72, 113

Starbucks, 73

Steam engines, 10, 157–58, 275

for cars, 172, 174

elevators run by, 122

factory, 92–93

Stephenson, George, 147

Stewart, Alexander Turney, 84–86

Sulawesi (Indonesia), 55

Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita (Pacioli), 141

Sun Belt, 81

Superstar economy, 18

Swan, Joseph, 92, 281

Swanson food-processing company, 61, 166

Sweatshops, virtual, 72

Sweden, 38, 110, 117

Switzerland, 89, 120, 185, 213–14, 235, 267

Sydney Opera House, 261

Syria, 4, 38, 261

Taipei, 199

Tally sticks, 112–16, 257

Taobao (online marketplace), 26

TaskRabbit, 27, 29, 50

Tax havens, 212–16

Taylor, Timothy, 278, 279, 281

Tebbit, Norman, 39

Telegraph, 16, 18, 151

Telephones, 21, 127, 169, 198, 241. See also Mobile phones

Television, 18, 169, 193

Tellier, Charles, 109

Temple Church (London), 203–4

Tesla (automaker), 158, 195

Tetraethyl lead, 231–32, 234–35

Tetris, 70

Texas, 20, 81

Thames River, 112, 249–53, 266

Thatcher, Margaret, 39

Thermo King, 109

Thornton, Denver, 117–18

Thoth (Egyptian god), 129, 133

3-D printer, 200, 273

Time magazine, 107

Timekeeping, 9, 176–80, 225n, 272

Times, The (London), 249, 254

Toilet paper, 9, 197, 241

Toilets, 44, 249–53

flushing, 9, 250–51, 252

flying, 252, 253

Tower of London, 204

Toy Story (film), 170

Tradable debt, 112–16

Trentmann, Frank, 86

Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post (newspaper), 176

Trinidad, 215

Troy (Ohio), 104

Trump, Donald, 39, 40, 274

Tudor, Frederic, 79

Tukey, John, 169

Tupperware, 198

Turkey, 37–38, 130, 261

TV dinners, 60–65, 110, 166

Twain, Mark, 183

Two-part pricing, 208, 209–11, 212

Tyranny, 5

U-bend pipe, 251

Uber, 28, 29, 30, 50

Ubico, General Jorge, 107, 111

Uganda, 110, 117

Unimate robot, 42

United Company (in Gillette book), 207, 211

United Fruit Company, 107–8

United Kingdom, 47–48, 90, 153, 156, 214

Department for International Development (DFID), 228

See also Britain

United People’s Party, 211

United States of America, 16, 37, 59, 80, 90, 168, 264n, 274

agriculture in, 21–23

air-conditioning in, 80–82

airplane crashes in, 189–90

bar codes introduced in, 103–6

cars in, 75–77, 172, 217–20

computer programming in, 161–63, 169

concrete construction in, 261

contraception in, 9, 65–69

department stores in, 83–84, 86

electricity use in, 92, 94

elevators in, 121–24, 295n, 296n9

food preparation and consumption in, 60–64

free-market capitalism in, 148–49

household income in, 60

immigration to, 39, 94

imports to, 108

index investing in, 245–48

intellectual property in, 155–56

land ownership in, 23–24

leaded gasoline in, 217–20

management consulting in, 151–53

marketing to consumers in, 74–77

mobile phone innovations in, 169

Naval Observatory, 178

paper consumption in, 241, 243

public-key cryptography in, 135–37

recycling in, 199

tax havens for businesses from, 212

in Vietnam War, 100

welfare state in, 46, 47, 49, 51

during World War II, 162, 166, 187–88

See also specific municipalities and states

Universal Product Code (UPC), 103

Uruk (Mesopotamia), 129

U.S. Steel, 151

Utah, 59

UTC (coordinated universal time), 178

Utopia (More), 50

U2, 15

Valencia, 141

Value added tax (VAT), 213

Vancouver (Canada), 38

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 143

Vanguard, 246

Veblen, Thorstein, 77

Venezuela, 108

Venice, 15, 141–42, 156, 266

Versailles, Palace of, 122

Viagra, 68

Video games, 1, 70–73, 291n5

Vienna, 83

Vietnam War, 68, 100

Vikings, 112

Virgin Islands, 214

Virtual sweatshops, 72

Vitruvius, 219

Vodafone, 228–29

Volta, Alessandro, 192–93, 209

Volvo automobiles, 77, 119

Wall Street Journal, The, 44

Walmart, 105, 274

War on Want, 58

Warrior (cargo ship), 96–97, 100–101

Washington, George, 280

Washington, D.C., 73, 178, 218

Washington state, 242

Water, polluted or contaminated, 1, 72–73, 183–84, 199, 219, 249–51

Watson (IBM computer), 43–44

Watson Watt, Robert, 187

Watt, James, 122, 157

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 147

Webvan, 91

Wedgwood, Josiah, 142–43, 151

Weimar Germany, 258

Welfare state, 46–51, 202, 268, 275

Westerman, Wayne, 169

Western Eurasia, 2

Westminster, Palace of, 112, 116

Where Good Ideas Come From (Johnson), 165

Wiener, Anthony J., 271

Wilkins, Skip, 187

Willis Tower (ex–Sears Tower, Chicago), 121

Windows software, 160–61

Wisconsin, 75

Woodhead, Lindy, 86–87

Woodland, Joseph, 102–3, 105, 166

World Bank, 150, 151, 154, 236

“Economics of Sanitation Initiative,” 252

World Health Organization, 251

World Summit for Sustainable Development, 228

World War I, 40, 182, 185, 213

World War II, 63, 89, 102, 109, 166, 173, 214

atomic bomb development during, 102

codebreaking during, 135

medical cold chain for injured soldiers during, 109

plastics as alternative to natural resources during, 198

radar in, 188

rations for U.S. troops during, 61

women in U.S. Navy in, 162

World Wide Web, 10, 32, 91, 135, 168, 202. See also Internet

WorldCom scandal, 143

World’s Fairs

New York (1853), 122

Paris (1900), 174

Wozniak, Steve, 167

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 261

Writing, 8–10, 129–33, 237, 239–40, 272

of numbers, 139

Wuxi (China), 222

Xiaogang (China), 233

Year 2000: A Framework for Speculation, The (Kahn and Weiner), 271

Yellen, Janet, 9

Yellow Pages, 33

Yogyakarta, 55

Yonkers (New York), 196

Yoshino, Akira, 193

Ypres, battle of, 182

Zimbabwe, 258

Zuckerberg, Mark, 57

Zucman, Gabriel, 214–15

Zurich, 267