This book is a loving tribute from a fan and not intended to lay claim to the genius creations of the TV show on which it comments. I love Stranger Things and I love to bake. The real aim of this book is to use baking as a medium by which I am reviewing the show; to look back on the first season and—with eggs, flour, sugar, water, and some food coloring—making a unique comment on it.
In this book, the dreaded Demogorgon becomes a delectable treat—just as Nancy and Jonathan prepare to take to the Upside Down and save Will, you can take on the monster by nibbling off his arms and legs. The essence of Hopper—coffee and booze—is translated into a tasty cupcake that proves there’s an ooey gooey center under that gruff exterior. Barb’s fateful “dip” in the pool becomes a literal dip you can eat in the company of friends who would never leave you behind. Food is a language in Stranger Fillings, one I hope we can use to delve deeper into the themes of this brilliant show.
I hope fans will read this book and enjoy reliving moments from the show as they follow the recipes. Who knows, it might even add a new dimension to things!
Bon appetit!
The Author