A meal so good you’re going to want to bring it up, again and again
20 ounces white chocolate
10 ounces pink chocolate
1 packet of strawberry or raspberry Jell-O
7 tablespoons soft butter
1⅓ cups confectioners’ sugar, sieved White chocolate buttons Black food coloring
1 packet of gummy worms
You will need:
A thick paintbrush
Some party balloons
Don’t forget to wash your hands before dinner. Inflate a balloon to the eventual size of your chocolate head. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Set the chocolate aside to cool for a moment before using the brush to paint a layer on the balloon. Leave the chocolate on the balloon to set before repeating the method until you have made a thick chocolate shell all around the balloon, except at the knot.
In the meantime, dispose of any excess slugs down the sinkhole.
Use a sharp knife to pop and then remove the balloon. Leave the chocolate shell in the fridge to harden. Then follow the instructions on the packet of jelly and leave in the fridge to set. Melt the dark chocolate in a bowl over a simmering pan of water and use the piping bag to pipe on the hair. Use a little of the melted chocolate to apply the white chocolate buttons and use a paintbrush to apply the black food coloring for the eyes.
Use a paintbrush to decorate the gummy worm with food coloring. With a knife, carefully cut a hole in the chocolate shell for the mouth and spoon in some of the Jell-O, followed by painted gummy worm.
Now take your seat at the table in the knowledge that you haven’t truly escaped the Upside Down… Try to enjoy your Christmas dinner, though.