Stacy’s Favorite Words from the Book

arduous—tiring and challenging. Example: Translating the runes in the journal was a slow and arduous task.

arroyo—a ravine formed by fast, flowing water (possibly after a rainstorm) in a dry biome. Example: Basil slowed down to cross a dry arroyo in the mesa.

bristled—specifically related to an animal’s hair or fur moving as a result of anxiousness or anger. Example: Everest bristled at Stacy’s suggestion.

cephalopod—a predatory mollusk, like a squid or an octopus. Example: After several dips in the lagoon, Stacy had finally washed all the cephalopod ink from her hair.

chagrin—annoyance or disappointment. Example: Milquetoast and Pipsqueak made noise around the cave all night long . . . much to Everest’s chagrin.

clambered—moved or climbed in an awkward manner, perhaps using your hands and feet at the same time. Example: Stacy and her pack clambered over the rocky shore to get closer to the cave.

concoction—a mixture, possibly strange, of ingredients. Example: Paisley stirred the sticky concoction with a branch.

confabbed—had a private conversation with someone. Example: Everest confabbed with Atlas and walked over to the firepit.

decimate—destroy all or a large part of something. Example: Stacy didn’t want Noah’s fishing to decimate any of the local fish population.

dilapidated—in a state of ruin, usually from age or lack of care. Example: Poking out of the sea cave, just far enough for Stacy to spot it, was a dilapidated sailboat.

disheveled—looking untidy in appearance. Example: The disheveled wolf had little bits of twigs and sage sticking out from her fur.

disposition—someone’s personality or character. Example: Stacy knew wolves didn’t really smile, but Tucker’s cheery disposition made it seem like he was.

epiphany—a major realization or discovery. Example: A few days had passed since Stacy’s epiphany about the possible existence of a mesa wolf pack.

fortnight—two weeks. Often confused with a video game that Stacy will never play. Example: Stacy planned on staying in the mesa for a fortnight.

furrow—to wrinkle your forehead or face. Example: The farmer lowered his rifle and furrowed his brow.

gallivanting—traveling or roaming about for fun. Example: Basil decided to help Noah with his fishing while Wink was off gallivanting somewhere.

gilded—covered or coated in gold. Example: Stacy swam down and found a gilded locker—a treasure chest?!

gnawed—chewed or nibbled on persistently. Example: Stacy played fetch with Page for a long time while Molly gnawed on seaweed pods.

grisly—gruesome and causing horror. Example: I cannot fully express the pain of discovering such a grisly scene in a place that has also brought me so much joy over the last decade.

implore—ask with urgency or beg someone to do something. Example: I implore you to keep this secret and join me in my fight to protect them and use their powers for good in the world.

inconsolable—in a state of sadness or grief and unable to be comforted. Example: The elder wolf had passed away, leaving Tucker weakened and inconsolable.

insatiable—unable to be satisfied or quenched. Example: Pipsqueak’s appetite was insatiable.

leery—cautious or suspicious. Example: Molly was leery of the ocean.

metamorphic—a rock that has been transformed by natural causes such as pressure or heat. Example: Stacy knew lapis lazuli was a metamorphic rock.

morsel—a small amount of food. Example: Stacy put a few morsels of mango on a nearby piece of driftwood for Milo to munch on.

penchant—a liking or habit of doing something. Example: Basil had super speed and a penchant for pyrotechnics.

scree—the mound of loose rocks and pebbles that forms at the base of a steep mountain. Example: The seven of them traversed the rocky scree at the bottom of the mesa where the abandoned mineshaft was located.

sentinel—someone whose job it is to keep watch. Example: Atlas, Ribsy, Paisley, and Pearl are the sentinels in the deep ocean.

subcutaneous—situated or applied under the skin. Example: The doctor gave Pipsqueak subcutaneous fluids.

teeming—to be very full of (or swarming with) something. Example: The water was teeming with tropical fish swimming among the vibrant blues, pinks, yellows, and reds of the reef.

tome—a long and heavy book. Example: There was a large wooden desk and a toppled-over bookcase with soggy tomes scattered around the wood plank floor.

topography—a detailed depiction or drawing of an area’s geographical features. Example: She instantly recognized that the map’s topography was of this region.

tutelage—the teaching or instruction someone gives you. Example: Stacy had grown up under the tutelage of a super-smart wolf, Addison.

volition—free will; the act of making your own decision. Example: Every other time she and her wolves had left the taiga, it had not been of their own volition.

zagged—to take a sharp turn. Example: Basil looked up and zagged in the direction Stacy had pointed.