David had finally returned with a dress and a pair of shoes. The dress was extremely short, far too small for me, and the shoes too big. But they were better than nothing. To my surprise, he'd also managed to get hold of a car, although he wouldn't say how or where from. Pulling the dress over my head and stepping into the shoes, I was all too aware of David gazing at my curvaceous young body. What he'd say if he discovered that I was a prostitute, I dreaded to think.
Leaving the woods, we drove towards Moorhampton. Laughing and joking, I couldn't believe how well we got on together. I felt as though I'd know him for years. But, in view of recent events, I didn't want him to know where I lived. Even if I did embark on a permanent relationship with him, I knew that I could never give up prostitution. Apart from the money, I loved the work. The feel of a man's granite-hard penis thrusting into the hot depths of my wet pussy, pistoning the hugging shaft of my rectal duct, spunking in my thirsty mouth... I was also hooked on the excitement, the danger.
"Drop me here," I said, noticing a bus stop as we headed out of Moorhampton towards my village.
"Where?" he asked, frowning at me. "There's nothing here."
"The bus stop. I'll take a bus from here."
"You're not going to tell me where you live?"
"I... I can't, not yet. You do understand, don't you?"
"No, but if that's the way you want it..."
"All right," I finally conceded. "Keep going, just follow the road."
David was all right, I decided, I hoped. I owed him my life, so the least I could do was invite him home and... and what? Fuck him? Perhaps I'd make him a coffee, and something to eat. There was one thing I was becoming sure about. I wanted to see him again. Apart from my mother, I had no family. I felt lost in the world, and thought that David would not only be a regular fuck, but a friend. I'd keep the darker side of my life secret. As we pulled up outside the cottage, he surprised me.
"OK, I'll see you some time," he said dismissively.
"Aren't you coming in?" I asked disappointedly.
"Seeing as you didn't even want me to know where you lived, I don't think I will."
"David, it's just that I was worried. I'm still worried. If you knew what I'd been through, the horrors I've had to endure..."
"I've got to get the car back before the bloke realizes it's gone."
"You stole it?"
"Of course."
"David, you can't steal people's ... I suppose you already have stolen it. I want to see you again, OK?"
"OK. I might be around tomorrow, if I can get hold of a car. I'd better get back and free the other girls."
"You sound like James Bond. On a mission to... David, I... I really like you. You know that, don't you?"
"And I really like you. I'll see you tomorrow."
"All right," I sighed, wishing he'd come in and fuck me senseless. But don't go getting caught stealing cars."
"Me, get caught?" he laughed. "I've been nicking stuff all my life. I'm not going to get caught now."
"Where do you live?"
"Here and there. I just sort of drift around."
"You really are a nomad, aren't you?"
"Yup, I reckon."
"Right, well... until tomorrow."
Climbing out of the car, I watched him drive off. I'd never felt so lonely as I wandered into my empty cottage. No one to talk to, no one to fuck... whatever it was that I felt for David, it was strong, almost overpowering. Did I love him? Frowning as the phone rang I wondered whether to answer it. No one knew my number, apart from Steve. Lifting the receiver, I hesitated before saying anything.
"Hi, Sue. It's Mick," the man next door said.
"Oh, hi," I murmured, wishing he hadn't got the phone number.
"I saw you arrive and thought I might come round and see you."
"Er... well, I have a few things to do."
"That's a shame. Have you called the nunnery? I thought I might go with you and take a look around the old building."
"No, no I haven't called yet."
"By the way, a parcel arrived for you. Someone left it on your doorstep so I took it in."
"A parcel?" I echoed. "Right, I'll come and get it."
"No, no you stay there. I'll bring it round."
"All right."
Replacing the receiver, I walked to the front door to meet him. A parcel? Steve must have dropped something off for me. Perhaps it was something for my new home. Opening the door, I found Mick standing on the step with a huge grin across his face. He was after me, my body, my cunt. But I couldn't blame him for that. He was a man, after all. And I was a teenage girl wearing a dress which was far too small with my tits bulging out and far too short almost displaying my little...
"There we are," he said, handing me a small box.
"You'd better come in," I smiled, returning to the lounge. "Sit down and I'll make some coffee."
"Thanks," he murmured, plonking himself on the sofa.
"Who brought the parcel round?"
"I didn't really see. It was a man but I didn't get a proper look at him."
"Right, I'll make the coffee."
In the kitchen, I filled the kettle and opened the box. To my horror, it contained a wimple. It wasn't from Steve, I knew. Someone at the nunnery, or someone that knew about the place... there was no way anyone could have discovered my address. Pouring the coffee, I wondered whether Carole had discovered my new address. Surely, they hadn't found out where I lived? I reflected. Hearing Mick calling something out from the lounge, I took the coffee in and sat in an armchair opposite him.
"I was just saying that this is a nice place," he said, taking his coffee from the small table.
"Yes, it is," I replied. "I'm really pleased with it."
"We'll have to get to know each other, Sue. Living next door, we could become really good friends."
"We could," I murmured as he gazed at my naked thighs. I didn't want this.
"I'm often at home during the day. I could call round and have a coffee and a chat."
"I'm out most of the time, Mick. And, when I am in, I'm usually pretty busy."
"Not too busy to have a cup of coffee with your neighbour, surely?"
He wasn't going to give up, I knew as he again focused on the naked flesh of my young thighs. Hell, I had nothing to lose my allowing him to fuck me. Or did I? He'd be round every five minutes trying to get his hands into my panties. He'd be round every five minutes anyway, I reflected. Besides, I never wore panties. Deciding to play a little game with him, I parted my thighs slightly, allowing him a glimpse of my hairless pussy lips, my wetting sex crack. I'd allow him to fuck me when I'd had my fun, I decided. I wouldn't charge him, of course.
"Are you married?" I asked.
"Er... well..." he stammered, averting his gaze.
"I'll take that as yes. Would your wife mind if she thought that you were calling round for coffee every day?"
"Well, she wouldn't know," he murmured abstractly, again gazing wide eyed at my girl-crack.
"We'd have to keep it secret?" I said with some surprise. "That might not be easy. I mean, if I'm chatting to her over the fence, I'd have to lie to her."
"Not lie," he chuckled. "Just don't mention it. Anyway, having a coffee and a chat with a neighbour is OK."
"I suppose it will be all right," I sighed.
"But you're right; it'll be our secret. Do you, er... do you have a boyfriend?"
"I've never had a boyfriend," I giggled. "I went to a girls' school. I've never had the opportunity to meet boys."
"You seem rather..." he began, eyeing my slit. "You seem..."
"What are you trying to say?" I asked. "I seem what?"
"I don't know. The way you're sitting..."
"Oh," I gasped, looking down at my knickerless pussy. "God, I must have forgotten to... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"Don't apologise," he smiled. "You, er... I see that you shave."
"Yes," I replied sheepishly. "I always have. I prefer it that way."
"So do I, Sue. You really are a beautiful girl."
"Thank you," I murmured, crossing my legs and tugging my dress down over my thighs. "What must you think of me? I feel so embarrassed."
"I wish I hadn't said anything now. The way you were sitting... I've gone and ruined it. Please, sit like that again."
"Mick, I'm only sixteen," I sighed. "I can't..."
"Please, Sue. You're so beautiful. Please, just allow me to look at you."
Uncrossing my legs, I lay back in the armchair and parted my thighs a little. I didn't know what he thought of me. Whether he thought that I was enjoying displaying my crack, or that I was trying to please him in my youthful innocence... had he realized that I was an extremely experienced prostitute, he'd have dived between my thighs and sucked out my cunt juice, licked my clitoris to orgasm before fucking and spunking my little pink pussy. That was what he wanted, of course. Asking to look at me was only the beginning. Wondering how he'd approached the subject of fucking me to orgasm, I parted my thighs further. I could feel his stare burning into my sex crack as he gazed between my naked thighs. His penis would be stiff, solid in arousal. His full balls would be rolling, in dire need of draining.
"Sue, will you allow me to touch you?" he asked. I supposed that he could think of no other way to put it. "Just touch, that's all."
"No, Mick," I frowned, closing my thighs. "I don't even know you. Apart from that, you're at least twice my age."
"I'd just like to admire your beauty, feel you there, touch you."
"No, I don't think it's a good idea. I like you very much, but you're married. What would your wife say? How could I face her knowing that I allowed you to touch me down there?"
"She won't know, Sue."
"Mick, we've only just met, I'm sixteen and your thirty something, you're married..."
"You don't understand how a man feels. Looking at you, your... you don't know what it does to me. If you'll just allow me to touch you, feel you... there's no hard in that, is there?"
"There's no harm, but... it wouldn't be right." Feeling sorry for him, I smiled. "You can come over here and look," I said, parting my thighs wide and lifting my dress up over my stomach. "Only look, though. Don't touch."
Kneeling between my feet, he gazed longingly at my hairless mons, my fleshy outer lips rising either side of my drenched crack. I was being unfair, I knew as I opened my legs wider, the swollen lips of my vagina parting, revealing the dripping inner folds on my little cunny. Wondering whether he could control himself and not stroke my puffy vaginal pads, I moved forward in the chair until my firm buttocks were over the edge of the cushion.
During my time at the nunnery, my experience as a prostitute, I'd learned what turned men on, what they wanted. At eighteen years old, I was probably too experienced in perverted sex, crude sex. I again thought of my one and only boyfriend as Mick moved closer to my naked vulval flesh. Losing my virginity beneath the warm sun by the river... never had I dreamed that I'd become a prostitute, nothing more than a wanton whore.
"May I stroke you?" Mick asked, his eyes wide with expectation.
"I don't think you should," I breathed, desperate for his fingers to drive deep into my aching cunt. "It wouldn't be right."
"Very gently, softly. I just want to stroke you."
"Just a little, then," I conceded, my clitoris stirring, swelling.
Running the tip of his finger over the fleshy rise of my outer love lips, he breathed deeply in his soaring arousal. If I didn't bring out his spunk, he'd have to go home and wank. His finger running up and down my yawning sex crack, he circled the cream-oozing entrance to my vagina. Would he enter me without asking? I pondered. He was no doubt longing to finger my sweet little cunt as much as I was aching to feel him massaging my inner flesh. Obviously a gentleman, he behaved himself. Running his finger up to my clitoris, he tentatively caressed the solid protrusion, stroking gently, sending ripples of pleasure through my contracting womb.
"Do you masturbate?" he asked. Men had a thing about girls masturbating, I'd learned that much. "Sue, do you have orgasms?"
"Mick, I said that you could touch, and you have," I whispered. "Yes, I do masturbate, but... I can't help thinking that this is so very wrong. I'm too young for you."
"Don't you like me stroking you there?"
"Yes, of course I do. It's just that I'm far too young, and you're married." I was loving the game, cruel though it was. "Besides, I'm a virgin. I've never been with a man; no one's ever touched me down there."
"I could teach you things," he smiled, his trembling fingers tracing the contours of my pussy lips.
"When I meet a boy and I'm ready for sex, then... it's not that I don't like you, Mick. You do understand, don't you?" How much longer could I deny myself the pleasure of his solid cock? "I'm only sixteen."
"Age doesn't matter, Sue," he murmured, his fingertip circling the pink cone of flesh surrounding the entrance to my sheath of lust. "You're old enough to be loved."
"Loved? What do you mean?"
"Allow me to love you, pleasure you. Allow me to push my finger inside you."
"Well, just your finger."
I could feel his finger slipping into the hot, wet sheath of my drenched pussy, caressing the creamy walls, inducing my cunt milk to flow in torrents. Trying not to shudder as my clitoris pulsated and my vaginal muscles contracted, I closed my eyes. Slipping a second finger deep into my teenage cunt, he began pistoning, gently thrusting into my trembling body. I thought that I was going to come as my pleasure spot pulsated wildly, sending delightful waves of pleasure throughout my glowing body. Wondering when he'd suggest driving his rock-hard penis deep into my little pussy, I watched him through my eyelashes.
"May I kiss you there?" he asked shakily.
"Kiss me there?" I murmured in my feigned naivety.
"Yes, kiss your pussy."
"Well, I suppose so. But I don't know why you would want to kiss..."
"You'll soon see why, my angel," he murmured, moving closer to my gaping vulva.
His fingers gliding in and out of my squelching pussy, he kissed the gentle rise of my hairless mons. Moving down, he licked me, his wet tongue snaking around the top of my sex slit, catching the sensitive tip of my swollen clitoris. Trying not to writhe and gasp, I breathed deeply, heavily in my heightening pleasure. I could feel my juices of desire, flowing, bathing his thrusting fingers, running down to my anal eye. He had no idea that men had not only fucked my sweet little cunt but screwed and spunked the tight sheath of my arse. Was he into anal sex?
His fingers leaving my vaginal cavern, he parted the swell of my love lips and drove his tongue deep into the wet heat of my cunt. I quivered uncontrollably, my breathing fast and shallow as my young womb rhythmically contracted. Again, I imagined his cock. Solid, long, the plum swollen... I wanted him fucking me, driving his purple glans in and out of my spasming sheath of pleasure. Suddenly sucking my pulsating clitoris into his wet mouth, he drove three fingers into my cream-drenched vaginal duct.
"God," I breathed as pre-orgasmic waves of bliss rolled through my shaking body. And then it came, the explosion of pleasure, the eruption of a massive orgasm within my solid clitoris. Clutching his head, I ground the inner flesh of my open cunt hard against his face, my juices of lust gushing, pumping, streaming from my burning sheath of lust as my pleasure heightened. On and on my orgasm rode, the tremors of sex reaching out to every nerve ending, tightening every muscle in my young body. My anus dripping with my cunt juices I prayed for him to touch me there, drive several fingers deep into the tight duct of my arse and add to my incredible pleasure.
Desperate for his tongue lapping at my anal eye, I realized how deep in was into anal sex. Tonguing, fucking, spunking, sucking... pondering on asking him to stimulate me there, fingers the tight sheath of my bottom, I cried out as my orgasm peaked. I daren't ask him to tongue my arse. Trying to come across as the sweet little virgin, I daren't hint at anal stimulation. As he sucked the last ripples of orgasm from my deflating clitoris and made his last vaginal thrusts, I tossed my head from side to side, gasping in the aftermath of an incredible multiple orgasm.
"I want you," he breathed, hauling his erect cock out of his trousers. I could feel his huge knob entering me, gliding along the creamy walls of my sheath as he slowly drove the entire length of his granite-hard cock deep into my little cunt. I loved the idea of him thinking that I was a sixteen-year-old virgin. He thought he was teaching me, stripping me of my innocence. Whimpering as if I didn't want him fucking me, I wondered whether he'd open my dress, expose the firm mounds of my pert breasts and sink his teeth into my erect nipples. I felt better about seducing him now. Living next door, he'd be calling round for sex every five minutes. But I'd be in control, I'd call the shots, bring out his spunk once I'd made him wait.
"You're so big," I murmured as he increased his thrusting rhythm and began gasping as his orgasm built. Grimacing, he gasped as he pumped out his sperm, filling my little cunny with his orgasmic cream. His swinging balls slapping the rounded cheeks of my bottom, he thrust into me with a vengeance as I whimpered writhed in the armchair. The squelching sounds of our orgasmic juices filling my ears, I concealed a grin. He thought that he was teaching me. But I was going to teach him how to pleasure a young girl. Anal sex, spanking, bondage... he had a lot to learn.
"God," he breathed, finally stilling his spent knob deep within the wet heat of my teenage cunt. "That was amazing."
"I thought that you were just going to kiss me," I whimpered, wiping my eyes.
"I... I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help myself. God, you really are a little beauty."
"Your wife..." I murmured as he slipped his wet penis out of my aching cunny. "What about your wife?"
"What about her?"
"I'll meet her at some point and... how can I ever face her now that..."
"Don't worry, Sue. My wife doesn't know anything about us. She never will." Zipping his trousers, he moved back and sat on the floor. "Just act normally when you meet her. You did enjoy it, didn't you?"
"Well, I... yes, I did."
"You'd like me to come and see you now and then, wouldn't you?"
"I suppose so. I enjoyed it very much. It's just that I feel a little guilty."
"I can teach you many things, Sue. If you'll allow me to."
"A friend of mine used to talk about... no, it doesn't matter."
"Please, tell me."
"About her bottom. How her boyfriends used to... he played with her bottom. Have you ever done anything like that?"
"Well, yes. It can be... would you like me to show you?"
"What? I mean, show me what?"
"How I can pleasure your bottom. Kneel on the floor and rest on head on the chair cushion. I'll teach you about..."
"I don't think I should," I sighed.
"Well, if you don't want to learn..."
"All right, just for a little while."
Taking my position, I rested my head on the cushion as he lifted my dress up over my back. Parting my knees wide, I projected the rounded cheeks of my buttocks, knowing full well that he could see the bulge of my vaginal lips between the tops of my slender thighs. I was going to get what I'd wanted, I reflected. Even though I'd come across an innocent little sixteen-year-old virgin, I had him exactly where I wanted him. As he examined the crease of my bottom, stroked the taut flesh of my pert buttocks, I grinned. He'd be desperate to finger my anus, piston my rectal duct. In his teaching, he'd probably suggest that he drive his solid cock deep into my bum and fuck me there. Allowing him to scrutinize my anal hole as he parted the firm orbs of my bottom, again I thought about the wimple.
Someone had my address. Mick had said that a man had left the parcel, ruling out Carole. Was it the monk? Had he known where I'd lived, he wouldn't have sent me a wimple. He'd have waited for me, ambushed me and dragged me back to the nunnery. Unless the wimple, obviously being of great significance to me, was designed to worry me. The more I wondered who the parcel was from, the more confused I became. No doubt there'd be a follow up to the parcel. Trying not to worry about it too much, I closed my eyes as Mick ran his fingertip over the brown tissue of my anus.
"I now know what my friend meant," I murmured. "That's nice; I like you stroking me there."
"I think your friend was referring to more than merely stroking," he said.
"More?" I echoed in my feigned naivety. "What else is there?"
"I'll show you," he whispered. "I'll teach you, Sue."
Parting my buttocks wide, he licked the brown eye of my tightly-closed bottom-hole, teasing the secret nerve endings, stimulating the entrance to my most private duct with his wet tongue. Shuddering as I felt his sperm and my girl juices oozing from by inflamed vaginal portal and running down my inner thighs, I again realized that I had him exactly where I wanted him. He'd soon be fingering my anal canal, massaging the inner flesh of my rectum. He'd then pull his erect cock out and drive his swollen plum deep into the fiery core of my bowels and spunk me there.
This made a change from having my naked body chained and my arse forcefully fucked, I reflected. Now I was in control, although Mick didn't realize it. Perhaps he wasn't into anal sex? I mused as his tongue circled my rectal inlet. I could hardly ask him to fuck my arse, but... if it came to it, I'd have to ask him to teach me about anal sex, suggest that he pushes his knob deep into my bottom and fucks me. I realized how much was missing Elizabeth as his tongue slipped into my tight hole, tasting the estuary to my inner core. Would I see Elizabeth again? I wondered. If David managed to release the girls, Elizabeth might go her own way.
I also missed Juliet, traitor though she was. I'd loved licking her anus in the outbuilding. Her young body chained to the wall, the holes between her slender thighs completely defenceless... recalling slipping my tongue deep into the tight canal of her rectum, I shuddered. Almost giggling as I recalled a girl friend using the term, anal slut, I knew that I was heavily into anything anal. Licking, tongue-fucking, sperming... I was an anal slut, I decided.
"I'm going to push my finger into your bottom," Mick said softly, almost pleadingly. "I want to teach you all there is about sex, Sue."
"All right," I murmured. "But only a little way."
"Of course. Only a little way."
Yet again, I was getting my own way. I had Mick twisted around my little finer, and his tongue in my sweet bottom-hole. I loved playing the role of a sixteen-year-old virgin. Sweet, innocent, naive, sexually nubile... I couldn't wait to meet Mick's wife. Again pondering on flashing him knowing looks in front of the woman, I realized that I not only had him where I wanted him, but would have a real hold over him. Blackmail? An ugly word. I preferred to look upon it as a lever to get what I wanted. Wondering whether to invite them both round that evening, I gasped as Mick's finger slipped into my rectal sheath.
"It's all right," he reassured me as he drove deeper into my tight tube. "You'll enjoy this." I knew only too well that I'd enjoy it. I'd had men's cocks fucking my arse, pumping sperm deep into the heat of my bowels, and I was enjoying an anal finger-fucking before Mick forced his massive cock into my rectal canal. Desperate for more fingers, I wondered how to lead him, instruct him to force several fingers into my arse but retain my air of innocence and naivety. Parting my knees further, I pushed my buttocks out.
"I can't really feel anything," I said, hoping that my plan would work. "Is your finger inside?"
"I started with my little finger," he replied. "I wanted to get you used to the idea, the feel of it."
"As I said, I can hardly feel anything. I thought it was going to hurt."
"No, no it won't hurt," he murmured, slipping his finger out. "I'll lick you there again, lubricate you."
Again, I felt his wet tongue sweeping over the sensitive tissue surrounding my anus. Ripples of crude sex permeating my young womb, I loved his intimate attention. But the wimple played on my mind. Someone not only knew where I lived, but knew the significance of a wimple. Why send it to me? I again wondered. To worry me, frighten me, yes, but... what was the next move? More parcels? Or would someone call at the cottage and abduct me? I wouldn't have put anything past the Mother or the monk. Wondering whether David had released the girls, I wished I'd given him my phone number. If he had to steal a car to come and see me...
"You should feel this," Mick said, pushing a finger past my anal sphincter muscles.
"Oh, yes," I breathed as he drove a second finger into my anal duct.
"You're a dream come true, you know that, don't you?"
"A dream?"
"A beautiful young girl living next door to me, allowing me to teach her about sex... a dream come true."
"You might think me stupid, Mick, but... no, it doesn't matter."
"What is it?"
"Well... what's a blowjob?"
"Ah, now there's a question," he chuckled, driving a third finger into my inflamed anal sheath. "I'll show you tomorrow, Sue. I'll be round as soon as my wife's gone to work. I'll teach you all about blowjobs."
"Yes, I'd like that," I murmured, writhing as he massaged the dank walls of my rectum. "Where does your wife work?" In my devilry, I wondered whether to visit her at her work. "What does she do?"
"She works in Moorhampton. She's a hairdresser. Let's not talk about my wife. I think you're ready for anal sex."
"Anal sex?" I echoed. "What do you mean?"
"I'll teach you, Sue. I'll show you what anal sex is."
His fingers leaving my rectum, I heard him pull his zip down. He was going to arse-fuck me, at long last. Quivering, I waited in anticipation as he parted the firm orbs of my young bottom, opening my little brown hole in readiness to penetrate my tight duct. Pressing the globe of his solid cock hard against my salivated anus, he breathed deeply. This must have been a dream come true for him, I reflected. A sweet little virgin living alone next-door to him? A scenario most men probably dreamed about.
His swollen knob suddenly sucked into my rectal duct, I let out a yelp. The sensitive tissue of my anus gripping his huge shaft, I squirmed and whimpered as he slowly sank his veined shaft into my teenage body. Reaching behind my back I parted the globes of my buttocks, opening the entrance to my sheath of illicit pleasure as his heavy balls pressed against the fleshy cushions of my vaginal lips. The bloating sensation within my tight arse was heavenly. Completely impaled on a massive cock, I was desperate for the anal-fucking to begin.
Mick might have thought that he'd had a dream come true, but so had I. All I had to do when I needed crude sex was click my fingers and he'd come running. I'd demand sex when his wife was at home, I decided in my wickedness. I'd call Mick over the fence, order him to come and attend my feminine desires, satisfy my anal craving for his hard cock. He'd be forced to lie to his wife. He'd dream up an excuse to go out for half an hour, and then slip into my cottage and slip his cock up my tight arse.
"God," he breathed, grabbing my hips and fucking my hot rectum. His knob repeatedly driving into the fiery core of my bowels, my anal ring rolling along his veined shaft, we gasped in the grip of our illicit union. With every forceful thrust of his knob, his balls slapped the wet flesh of my hairless pussy lips. My erect clitoris sending beautiful tremors of crude sex throughout my young body, I was desperate for another orgasm. I could hear his lower belly slapping my naked buttocks, his heavy breathing as he neared his climax. Again and again, he propelled his swollen knob into my thirsty bowels, his thrusting shaft massaging the sensitive ring of my anus as he arse-fucked me. Reaching between my thighs, I massaged my solid clitoris, gasping as my own orgasm neared.
"I'm masturbating," I breathed to heighten his arousal. "I'm... I'm going to come." Crying out as my orgasm erupted within the pulsating nub of my clitoris I could feel my anal muscles spasm, rhythmically contracting around the spunked-lubricated shaft of his rock-hard penis. My young body shaking violently, I sustained my climax with my vibrating fingertips as he arse-fucked me, pumping his creamy sperm deep into my inflamed rectal duct. Wondering whether his wife had come home as I heard a door shut, I imagined the woman witnessing her husband's crude act.
"I have to go," he breathed, stilling his spent cock, his knob absorbing the heat of my bowels. "I think my wife's just come home."
"God," I murmured, massaging the last ripples of orgasm from my throbbing clitoris. "I've never known anything like it."
"I'll be back tomorrow morning," he said, sliding his deflating cock out of my spermed rectum. "I'll teach you about blowjobs in the morning."
As he staggered to his feet and zipped his trousers, I hauled myself up from the chair and swayed on my trembling legs. Hearing noises next door, I adjusted my dress, pulling it down to conceal my sperm-dripping cunt, my spunk-oozing arsehole. Watching Mick run his fingers through his hair and make final the adjustments to his clothes, I walked into the hall and opened the front door. He was going to have to lie to his wife, I thought as he left the cottage. I wanted to meet his wife, to discover what sort of woman she was. Did she arse-fuck? I wondered as Mick turned and smiled at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he said. "I'll tell my wife that I was here fixing a light for you, OK?"
"You want me to lie to her?" I frowned. "I can't do that, Mick."
"No, no... I mean, should she ask..."
"I'm not going to lie, I'm sorry."
"For God's sake, Sue," he whispered loudly.
"She won't ask, so don't worry. I have an idea," I grinned. "I'll come and see you both later. I'll introduce myself as your new neighbour."
"No, no. Don't do that. Wait until..."
"I'll be round later," I smiled, closing the front door.
Flopping onto the sofa, sperm oozing from my inflamed sex holes, I again pondered on the wimple. Who the hell knew where I lived? I wondered. There was no point in speculating, I knew. Turning my thoughts to the evening, I decided to have a shower. I'd wear a short skirt, introduce myself to Mick's wife and... cause trouble? In my wickedness, I was looking forward to meeting the woman. I'd squeeze the bulge in Mick's trousers while she wasn't looking.
Wandering into the kitchen to fill the kettle, I gazed at the wimple lying on the table. It was an ominous threat, a warning. They were closing in on me. I needed word from David, word that he'd freed the girls. Once the girls had escaped, the evil monk and the Mother would flee, I knew. Making a cup of coffee, I sat at the table and stared at the wimple. Would they come for me? Would they drag me back to the dungeon, or take me to the basement. Carole would be waiting for me. Perhaps I should have run while I had the chance, I mused, a chill running up my spine as I thought I heard a car pull up in the lane.