I was about to visit my neighbours when the doorbell rang. It was David, standing on the step grinning as he pointed to a Mercedes parked in the lane. Telling him that he was incorrigible, I invited him in. He looked at my naked thighs as we stood in the lounge, the deep ravine of my cleavage revealed by my low-cut dress. Again, I couldn't turn my thoughts away from sex, imagining his solid cock driving deep into my little pink pussy and splattering my ripe cervix with his orgasmic cream. Trying to control myself, I went into the kitchen and filled the kettle.
"What are you going to do about the nunnery?" I asked as he joined me.
"I'm doing it later," he said mysteriously.
"Doing what?"
"I've managed to get hold of a lorry. I thought I'd drive it through the iron gates. I went back into the grounds earlier."
"Why? Wasn't that risky?"
"No, not really. I did some snooping around, eavesdropping."
"It seems that they've taken some girls to a basement."
"Oh, no," I sighed. "That's it, then. We're too late. David, I wish you'd..."
"Wish I'd what?" he grinned.
"We don't know where the basement is, do we?"
"You might not, but I do."
"Really? Where? Where is it?"
"Leave the kettle, and I'll take you there."
"It's OK, it's quite safe."
"All right," I conceded, switching the kettle off.
The Mercedes was beautiful. Leather upholstery, comfortable, quiet... but I didn't like the idea of riding in a stolen car - until David announced smugly that it belonged to the monk. That was different. In fact, it was bloody brilliant. David talked about the car, how he was going to hang on to it. But he wouldn't tell me where the basement was. I trusted him, but not one-hundred percent. There was a slim chance that he was taking me to the basement to hand me over to the monk and the Mother. Was I being stupid, yet again?
Realizing that we were heading in the direction of the nunnery as we drove through Moorhampton, I became uneasy. My heart beating faster, I didn't want to say anything to David, let him know that I had my suspicions about him. Perhaps the basement was somewhere close to the nunnery, I mused, again wondering whether I could trust him. Should I jump out of the car the next time he stopped at a junction? He'd helped me escape, I reflected, so he'd hardly be taking me to the monk. In my fear, my thinking was confused.
"Just around the next corner," he said, turning of the main road into a lane. "There it is."
"It looks like a church," I frowned, gazing at an old stone building nestling in the trees.
"It is. Or, it was"
"Shouldn't we hide the car? I mean, parking right outside..."
"I'm not parking," he grinned, backing towards the main doors of the church. "And don't worry, there's no one here apart from the girls."
Reversing, he laughed as the car smashed into the huge oak doors. "I seem to have dented the monk's car," he chuckled, stopping the car amid the debris.
"Dented it?" I gasped, wondering what the hell he thought he was doing. "David, you've..."
"We haven't got the time to sit here chatting," he broke in. "Go and get your friends."
"Where... where are they?"
As the dust settled, I climbed out of the car and gazed in amazement at Elizabeth and Juliet sitting on the altar. Recognizing me, they leaped off the altar and hurried towards the car. They were naked, their mammary spheres, weal-lined, their vulvas shaved. Ordering them to get into the back of the car, I climbed into the front and told David to drive. The girls giggling as we sped down the lane to the main road, they asked a hundred questions. Where are we going? How did we find them? Where was the monk? Who was the good-looking driver?
"David's mine," I grinned, turning to face them. "As for all your other questions, we'll talk about it later."
"Where are we going?" Elizabeth asked. "At least tell us where we're going."
"To my cottage. I take it you're not head girl any more, Juliet?"
"No, I..."
"Don't worry about it. OK, so we'll go to my place and..."
"I'll drop you off," David cut in. "I have the gates to deal with."
"It doesn't matter now, does it?" I asked.
"No, but I'm looking forward to it. And I suppose I'd better return the car. What's left of it."
Pulling up outside my cottage, David said that he'd call on us later. Would he fuck me later? I wondered. Perhaps he'd take all three of us, fuck us in turn. We could suck his knob, I mused, my clitoris swelling. Three mouths, three tongues... in the meantime. I had the girls' naked bodies to enjoy. Kissing David's cheek, I climbed out of the car. Hoping that he'd come back later, I opened the front door and waved to the girls, indicating for them to leave the car.
Running naked up the path and dashing into the cottage before they were seen, they went into the lounge, giggling as they realized that they really were free at long last. They were beautiful, especially Juliet. But they'd no doubt go their own ways, to their families or whatever. Wondering how my mother was as I gazed at Juliet's naked vulva, I knew that my stepfather would be would be on the war path once he'd heard about the nunnery. But he'd never find me.
"We need to wash," Elizabeth said.
"Of course," I smiled, seeing an opportunity to get my hands on Juliet's young body. "You go first. Upstairs, first on the left."
"I don't have anything to wear," she sighed. "God knows what I'm going to do. I can hardly get on a bus naked."
"You might find something in my bedroom. I don't have many clothes, but I can spare a dress. Where will you go?"
"I have friends in Scotland."
"That should be far enough from the nunnery," I giggled.
As she left the room and climbed to the stairs, I turned and faced Juliet. She asked whether she could join Elizabeth, but I closed the lounge door and ordered her to sit on the sofa. She looked so young with her barely developed breasts and boyish curves. Young, firm, fresh, wet... recalling licking her sweet bottom-hole, I settled on the floor by her feet and asked her to open her legs. Complying, she moved her young buttocks forward and lay back. Licking my full lips, I focused on her outer labia, the puffy cushions rising either side of her wet girl-slit.
"What about a shower?" she asked as I moved forward, kneeling between her feet and gazing at the alluring valley of her open sex crack.
"I'll wash you when Elizabeth's finished," I said, running my fingertip up and down the creamy-wet ravine of her young pussy. "You're very young, Juliet. I think I should look after you."
"Look after me? What do you mean?"
"I mean, I think you should live here with me."
"Elizabeth said that she has friends in Scotland and..."
"Not Elizabeth, just you."
"All right," she smiled. "I don't have any money."
"Don't worry about money. You can work with me, work for me."
"Doing what?"
"You'll see. While Elizabeth's out of the way, I'm going to lick you, suck you to orgasm. Open your little pussy for me."
Parting the fleshy pads of her outer lips, exposing the pink flesh surrounding her well-juiced vaginal hole, she closed her eyes. She was very young, but looked even younger without her pubic hair. The lips of her pussy were perfectly formed, full and succulent. Her inner folds exposed as she opened her love crack further, I leaned forward, taking in the sheer beauty of her feminine intimacy. She'd been fucked, I was sure as I watched white liquid oozing from her vaginal entrance. Perhaps the monk had fucked her over the altar.
Kissing the unblemished flesh of her inner thighs, I worked my way up to her yawning sex slit. She breathed deeply as I ran my tongue up and down the creases between the tops of her thighs and her pussy lips. She'd become my sex slave, I decided, licking the drenched wings of her inner lips. She'd attend my feminine needs. I'd watch Mick fuck her tight bottom-hole, I'd suck his sperm from her sweet anus - and she'd earn money working for me as a prostitute. Once the head girl running to the Mother with her tales about me, she was now an invaluable asset to my lucrative new business.
Pushing my tongue into the sheath of her tight pussy, I lapped up her juices. She had been fucked, I knew as the taste of sperm lingered on my tongue. Sucking the heady blend of sperm and girl-juice from her vaginal cavern, I swallowed hard. My nose rubbing the solid nodule of her ripe clitoris as I fervently tongue-fucked her, I ordered her to place her feet on the sofa either side of her hips. Lifting her legs, her knees to her chest, she reached behind her buttocks and yanked the fleshy cushions of her pussy lips wide open.
"You're beautiful," I breathed, slipping my tongue deep into her fiery sex duct. Wishing that David had joined us, I imagined his huge penis driving into the girl's tight cunt, her love lips rolling along his girl-wet shaft as he fucked her senseless. But David hadn't fucked me, yet. Before I allowed him the pleasure of my little sex slave's young body, I'd have him fuck me senseless. Wondering whether Mick would enjoy Juliet's tight cunny, I turned my thoughts to earning cash. Steve would want the rent money before long, and I was wasting time. I should have been working, not fucking and sucking for free. Mick was going to have to pay for sex, I concluded. If he was going to have the pleasure of two young girls, he was going to have to dig deep into his pocket.
As Juliet began shuddering, her head lolling from side to side, I concentrated on her swollen clitoris. Licking the small protrusion, teasing the sensitive tip, I thrust four fingers into the drenched duct of my slave's little pussy. Gasping, she began to moan loudly as her pleasure built. Elizabeth would hear her, I knew as she screamed out in the grip of her ecstasy. Was Mick next door listening through the wall? I wondered as Juliet's orgasmic juices gushed from her bloated cunt, bathing my hand and running down my wrist as I sucked her orgasm out of her pulsating clitoris.
"God," she cried, her curvaceous body shaking wildly as I sustained her shuddering climax. "God, I've never..." Her orgasm obviously peaking, she screamed out again. Her cunt juices flooding my thrusting fingers, her clitoris pulsating against my sweeping tongue, she yanked her pussy lips wider apart, allowing me to force my fist into her sex cavern. Her inner lips stretched tautly around my wrist, I twisted and thrust my hand, pummelling her young cervix as I sucked hard on her palpitating clitoris.
Finally drifting down from her sexual heaven, she lay gasping on the sofa with my fist embedded deep within the wet heat of her cunt. Slowly withdrawing my hand, I watched her hole partially close. Her cunt gaping, she placed her feet on the floor, breathing deeply in the aftermath of her lesbian coming. Smiling, I licked my hand as she fell into a deep sleep, her naked body calm at last. Sucking my sticky fingers, I decided not to disturb her until Elizabeth had gone. I was desperate for Juliet's mouth, the feel of her wet tongue snaking around the nub of my beautiful clitoris. I'd have her strip me, attend my feminine needs, finger-fuck my tight bottom-hole, tongue-fuck my rectal sheath and...
"I found this dress," Elizabeth said, entering the room. "Do you mind if I borrow it?"
"You can keep it," I replied. "What about shoes? I don't have any so..."
"It's a lovely day, so shoes don't matter. Right, I'll be going."
"Keep in touch," I said, jotting my phone number down.
"Of course I will. I'll come and see you. Well, that's the end of an era."
"Yes, it is. An era of evil."
"Thanks for everything, Mary. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be in the nunnery."
"It was David's doing, not mine."
"Yes, well... thanks anyway. I'll ring you, OK?"
"All right. Take care."
As she left, I gazed at Juliet sleeping soundly on the sofa. It was nice to have some company, and a beautiful young girl as a plaything. I'd order her to remain naked while we were at home. She could do the housework, cooking and washing... I was really looking forward to my new life. And, this time, I wasn't going to make any fatal mistakes. I must have been mad returning to the nunnery, I reflected. The gates open, a summer fete... never again would I be so naive. To think that I'd escaped and then... as the phone rang I jumped.
"Hi," Mick said as I answered.
"Oh, Mick," I sighed. "How are you?"
"Fine, fine. I thought I might come round."
"Of course. Er... bring fifty pounds with you."
"Fifty pounds?" he echoed.
"You're coming round for sex, right?"
"Well, yes."
"I have a friend here, a beautiful young girl."
"We're both ready and waiting for you, Mick. For your hard cock to fuck our little pink pussies."
"I'll be there in a flash. But, what's all this about fifty pounds?"
"Payment for sex, Mick."
"We want me to... well, er..."
"It's up to you. I have to charge people foe sex. You do understand, don't you?"
"Yes, the picture's forming very well. Right, I'll see you in a minute."
"Make it half an hour. I have one or two preparations to make."
This was more like it, I thought, slipping out of my clothes. Fifty pounds, that would do nicely. Also, Mick wouldn't be round every five minutes if he had to pay for sex. Unless he was rich, of course. If I was going to pay the rent and stockpile some real cash, then I was going to have to be businesslike. The only man who'd have sex for nothing was David. Waking Juliet, I ordered her to go and have a shower before our first client arrived.
"Client?" she echoed, bleary-eyed.
"You're working for me," I smiled. "Prostitution, OK?"
"Men paying for sex, Juliet. Understand?"
"Yes, I suppose so."
"There's no suppose about it. You will live here and, in return, you'll work for me. If you don't like the arrangement, then..."
"No, that's fine by me," she smiled. "OK, I'll have a shower and be down in a minute."
She had no choice, I thought as she climbed the stairs. With no money and nowhere to live, she had no choice at all. But she was used to having her three orifices fucked and spunked, so she' hardly complain at being given food and a home in exchange for her teenage body. When she came down, she sat on the sofa asking how much she'd get from the client. I had to explain that I'd be taking the cash, which made her frown a little.
"I'll pay the bills and everything," I smiled. "And you'll have pocket money each week so you'll be all right."
"OK," she beamed. "I'm quite looking forward to my new life."
"It's going to be great," I said as the doorbell rang. "OK, that'll be our first client."
Letting Mick in, I led him into the lounge and introduced him to Juliet. His eyes bulging, his tongue hanging out, he was obviously impressed by my young companion. But he wasn't too happy to think that I'd duped him by making out that I was a sweet virgin. Ordering him to take all his clothes off as he passed me the cash, I sat next to Julia on the sofa and watched the male stripper. His penis catapulting to attention as he tugged his boxer shorts down, I nudged Julie. Flashing me a knowing smile, she licked her lips provocatively. She was going to be all right, I decided as she parted her thighs and displayed the hairless crack of her young pussy to Mick's wide eyes. She'd make a good companion, friend, lesbian lover... as Mick stood naked before us with his huge cock standing as a proud monument to the male species, I asked him what he'd like us to do.
"I've never been sucked off by two girls," he replied eagerly.
"Until now," I smiled, perching my naked buttocks on the edge of the sofa and leaning forward.
"I'm hungry," Juliet grinned.
"Then, help yourself," Mick chuckled.
Both licking his purple plum, we locked our full lips in a passionate lesbian kiss with his salty knob sandwiched between out wet mouths. He gasped as our tongues snaked over the silky-smooth surface of his swollen glans, his naked body trembling, his heavy balls rolling. Fifty pounds was cheap, I decided, sucking his knob to the back of my throat as Juliet licked his hairy balls. Two young teenage girls sucking his cock, offering him their pussies, their tight anal sheaths... there again, he only lived next door and would probably give us a regular income.
"I'll fuck her now," Mick breathed, nodding at Juliet. "Kneel down and lean on the sofa cushion."
"Certainly," Juliet beamed, taking her position, her knees wide apart, her young buttocks projected.
"And what would you like me to do?" I asked.
"Stand with your feet either side of her bum and I'll lick your cunny out while I fuck hers," he said, eyeing the wet slit of my pussy as I climbed to my feet.
"I'm full of girl-juice," I smiled, complying with his lewd request. "I hope you're going to suck out every drop."
"I'll suck your juices out and then you can suck my sperm out of the girl's cunt," he chuckled. "I'd like a live lesbian show."
"I can hardly wait," I grinned.
Watching him push the entire length of his huge cock deep into the tight sheath of Juliet's cunt, I parted my love lips, exposing the inner folds of my pussy to his wide eyes. Leaning forward, he buried his face in my yawning valley, sucking out my flowing sex juices as he rocked his hips and fucked Juliet. My clitoris swelling, I shuddered as beautiful tremors of sex rippled through my contracting womb. To think that I was being paid to have my clitoris sucked, my cunt milk lapped up, was incredible. Listening to Juliet's whimpered of pleasure mingling with the sound of her squelching vaginal juices, I stretched the engorged lips of my cunny wider apart.
"Mmm, you taste good," Mick murmured, quickening his fucking rhythm as he drank the nectar of sex from my aching cunt. I was desperate for his cock to fuck me, spunk me, but he'd chosen Juliet. He was the customer, I reflected. When David returned, if he returned, I'd pull his jeans down and gobble on his knob before ordering him to shaft my little pussy and fill me with his male cream. My clitoris pulsating against Mick's wet tongue as imagined sucking the spunk out of David's knob, I knew that I was about to come. Juliet was close to orgasm. Her gasps growing louder, she rocked her naked body, meeting Mick's penile thrusts as he began groaning in his ecstasy.
"Yes," he breathed, ramming into the girl's cunt as he sucked hard on my swollen clitoris. Drifting in my sexual delirium as I reached a mind-blowing climax, I heard Juliet cry out as she came. The sounds of crude sex resounding around the room, I tossed my head back, listening the heavy breathing, gasping, squelching, slapping of naked flesh... wished that Mick had filled Juliet's rectum with his sperm, I imagined sucking his cream from her tight bottom-hole, swallowing the aphrodisiacal blend and draining her anal canal.
But there would be time enough for as much crude sex as I wanted, I knew as my orgasm rocked my naked body. With my live-in lesbian sex slave and a regular flow of clients, I wouldn't go without. As Mick withdrew his spent cock, his mouth leaving my swollen clitoris, he sat back on his heels and watched his spunk oozing from Juliet's vaginal entrance. Ordering me to cleanse her, to suck his cream out of her cunt, he moved to one side as I positioned myself behind her.
Locking my wet lips to her gaping cunny hole I sucked hard, bringing out the cocktail of spunk and girl-juice as she panted and writhed. Massaging her solid clitoris, I drove my tongue deep into her vaginal cavern and breathed in the heady scent of her tightly-closed anus. I wanted to suck her there, tongue her bottom-hole, but had to follow our paying customer's order and drink from the shaking girl's hot cunt. Hearing Mick moving about behind me, I closed my eyes as he parted the orbs of my naked buttocks and lick the sensitive tissue surrounding my arsehole.
"Tongue her arse while I tongue yours," he said, stretching my anal orbs further apart. Opening Juliet's bottom-hole with my thumbs, stretching her anal tissue to capacity, I slipped my wet tongue into her tight duct. The bittersweet taste driving me wild, I felt Mick's tongue licking the dank walls of my rectal sheath, sending quivers of debased sex rippling through my pelvis. The further Mick pushed his tongue into my anal hole, the deeper I sank my tongue into Juliet's rectum. When he began sucking hard, I pressed my wet lips to my slave's anus and sucked.
"Yes," Juliet gasped, reaching beneath her stomach, her hands between her thighs, her fingers massaging the nub of her clitoris. Masturbating vigorously, she began to shake violently as I tongue-fucked her sweet bottom-hole. Finally reaching her apex, her juices of desire spurted from the gaping entrance to her young cunny. I'd never known a girl produce such copious amounts of sex juice. The white cream gushing from her love sheath, streaming down the flesh of her inner thighs and splattering the carpet, I thrust three fingers deep into the drenched shaft of her spasming pussy.
"I... I can't take any more," she cried as I sucked hard on her anal hole and pistoned her tightening pussy with my dripping fingers. Feeling the bulbous head of Mick's cock pressing hard against my salivated anus, I shuddered as he forcefully drove the entire length of his solid penis deep into my anal canal. The delicate tissue of my bottom-hole rolling along his veined shaft as he arse-fucked me, I fingered Juliet's pussy and tongued her rectal duct, sustaining her orgasm as my clitoris swelled and pulsated.
Mick came quickly, his semen pumping deep into my hot bowels, lubricating his pistoning cock. I could hear the squelching sounds of sex, swinging balls slapping my vaginal cushions, the gasps and grunts of crude lust as we writhed in our three-way coupling. My naked body jolting with Mick's penile thrusts, my tongue embedded deep within Juliet's anal canal, I shook violently as my clitoris erupted in orgasm and my juices of carnal desire spewed from my gaping cunny hole. Reaching between my thighs, I massaged my pulsating sex nodule, licking Juliet's rectal canal as she masturbated. Mick's spunk oozing from the inflamed eye of my bottom-hole, coursing over the small bridge of skin dividing my lust holes and running along my yawning vaginal valley, I decided to have my sex slave cleanse me there with her tongue. Once we were alone, I'd order her to tongue-bath my arse, my cunt.
Never had I dreamed that, at eighteen years old, I'd have my own cottage, earn money from prostitution, indulge in crude and illicit sexual acts with both men and women... I'd come a long way since my stepfather had driven me through the gates of the nunnery and along the drive to meet the Mother Superior. Had I known that he'd sold me to the Mother and the monk, had I known what horrors lay ahead... I'd get evil with all three, I swore. The day would soon come when my stepfather would pay for his crime.
"That's it," Mick murmured, his spent shaft leaving my spunked bottom-hole with a sucking sound. Slipping my tongue out of Juliet's anal canal as I massaged the last of my orgasm from my palpitating clitoris, I finally sat on my heels and licked my sex-wet lips. Mick began dressing as Juliet lay gasping into the sofa cushion. He had to get back to his wife, I mused. Run to her with his lies to cover his adultery. Would she like me to suck her clitoris to orgasm? I wondered. Perhaps she'd enjoy a lesbian anal tonguing.
"I'll see you again," Mick grinned, brushing his hair back with his fingers as he moved to the door. "Very soon, I would imagine."
"I hope so," I replied, clambering to my feet and swaying on my trembling legs. "We'll always be here, wet and ready for you."
"Ready to take my money, you mean," he chuckled.
"We all have to earn a living, Mick."
"True. OK, I must go."
Filling the kettle as Juliet lay on the sofa recovering from her massive orgasm, I again looked at the wimple lying on the table. Had the monk sent it? I wondered for the umpteenth time. What would be the point, other than to frighten me? That was the point. Wondering whether David had been to the nunnery with the lorry, I imagined him driving through the wrought iron gates. The monk would dash down the drive, followed by the Mother. Had they discovered the smashed doors of the old church? They'd be going mad by now.
The monk had been right, I was nothing but trouble. Reckoning that he was wishing he'd never set eyes on me, I poured two cups of coffee and took them into the lounge. Juliet was sleeping after exhausting ordeal, which didn't surprise me. She was going to have a pretty good life, I reflected; not having to go out to work, living in a beautiful cottage, good food, more than enough sex... a very good life. Frowning as the doorbell rang, I slipped into my clothes. It would be David, I was sure as I walked through the hall. Or Richard calling in for another session of crude sex.
"We meet again," the monk grinned as I opened the door.
"No," I breathed shakily. "Go away."
"We've come for you, Mary. We've come to take you home."
"The old church... the girls have escaped, it's all over."
"Escaped? What do you know about the old church?"
"Everything," David said, walking up the path.
"Oh, er..." the monk murmured.
"I've just come from the nunnery," David said. "I had a slight accident, I'm afraid. I drove a lorry through the gates. Needless to say the gates were closed at the time. I also backed your Mercedes through the church doors. I really should take some driving lessons."
"Come in," David," I beamed as the monk scurried down the path and dived into his van. "You've saved my life, and I want to repay you."
Walking into the lounge, he stared open-mouthed at Juliet's young naked body sprawled out on the sofa. Slipping out of my clothes, I reclined in the armchair with my thighs wide apart, the well-juiced crack of my pussy gaping. David's eyes darting between Juliet and me, he obviously didn't know what to do. Instructing him to remove his clothes, I massaged my solid clitoris, inducing my cunt milk to flow in torrents. Hurriedly tugging his jeans down, his penis standing to attention, David stood before me.
"Are you going to fuck me?" I asked unashamedly.
"Who's she?" he whispered, looking at Juliet.
"My live-in lesbian sex slave," I giggled. "You can fuck her after you've fucked me."
"God," he breathed, obviously unable to believe his luck. "How old is she?"
"Young. She was at the nunnery with me."
"I've never seen her there. This cottage, is it yours?"
"I rent it."
"It's great. So, that's the end of the monk's games. I wonder what he'll do."
"I don't know and I don't really care."
"Perhaps he'll..."
"David, are you going to stand there with an erection and talk about the monk? Or are you going to push your beautiful cock deep into my cunt and fuck me?"
Kneeling between my feet he drove the solid bulb of his magnificent penis deep into my hungry sex sheath. Closing my eyes, my naked body rocking with the beautiful fucking, I wondered what would become of the monk and the Mother Superior. They'd run, that was for sure. Although I'd sworn to get even with the wicked pair, I really wasn't bothered about them. Was there a so-called organization? I doubted it. What would Carole do now that she couldn't play her sex games in the dungeon? I wasn't bothered about her, either. The only person I wanted to get even with was my stepfather. And that would be easy enough.
"God, you're tight," David gasped, his pistoning cock squelching my sex juices.
"And you're big," I gasped, watching my hairless outer lips rolling along his veined shaft.
"Oh," Juliet smiled, leaping off the sofa and standing by my chair. "May I play?"
"Of course," David grinned.
"Juliet, I want you to kneel on the arms of the chair and push your little pink cunt hard against my mouth," I said, eyeing the dripping pink slit of her pussy.
Following my instructions, she took her position and peeled the fleshy pads of her cunny lips wide apart. Grinding her wet inner flesh against my mouth, she breathed deeply in her lesbian pleasure. She tasted beautiful. Her girl juice mingling with Mick's sperm... she tasted heavenly. Drinking from her open cunt as David fucked me, his swollen knob battering my ripe cervix, I drifted through clouds of sexual euphoria. I was in my sexual heaven, I knew as my clitoris pulsated against David's thrusting cock shaft.
I'd grown up, I reflected as Juliet's girl-juice trickled down my chin. I'd learned a lot, experienced more crude sex that most women do in a lifetime. But I still had my life ahead of me. I was young and free. And yet I was my own prisoner. My craving for crude sex was my master. I was a slave to myself. But I liked that.