An International Mail-order Source for Recordings in the UK

Readers are urged to support a local dealer if he is prepared and able to give a proper service, and to remember that obtaining many CDs involves expertise and perseverance. However, in recent years many specialist sources have disappeared; for that reason, if any difficulty is experienced in obtaining the CDs you want, we suggest the following mail-order alternative, which offers competitive discounts in the UK but also operates world-wide. Through this service, advice on choice of recordings from the Editor of the The Penguin Guide to the 1000 Finest Classical Recordings is always readily available to mail-order customers:

Squires Gate Music Centre Ltd (PG Dept)

615 Lytham Road

Squires Gate, Blackpool

Lancashire FY4 1RG


Tel./Fax: (+44) (0) 1253 405599

Website Address:

Email Address:

This organization can supply any recording available in Britain and patiently extends CD and DVD orders until they finally come to hand. A full guarantee of safe delivery is made on any order undertaken. Please write or fax for further details, or make a trial credit-card order, by fax, email or telephone.

Squires Gate also offers a try-before-you-buy weekly loan service (within the UK only) so that customers can try out recordings at home for a small charge, without any obligation to purchase. If a recording is subsequently purchased, it will be discounted and the trial charge waived. Full details sent on request.

Squires Gate Music Centre also offers a simple two- or three-monthly mailing, listing a hand-picked selection of current new and reissued CDs, chosen by the Editor of the Penguin Guide, Ivan March. Customers of Squires Gate Music Centre Ltd, both domestic and overseas, can receive the bulletin as available, and it is sent automatically with their purchases.