1. What was your favorite part of the novel? Why?
2. Which character did you identify with the most? Why?
3. The Amish in the novel celebrate Christmas. How is their celebration similar to yours? How is it different?
4. How is Chloe’s relationship with her father similar to Lambright girls’ relationship with their father?
5. Who is your favorite character and why?
6. What’s your take on Billy from Uncle Billy’s Budget Autos?
7. Of the antagonists in the novel, which did you dislike the most? Why?
8. Did you learn anything new about Amish culture from reading this novel?
9. In this novel, you finally meet Chloe’s best friend Tanisha. What does Tanisha bring to the story?
10. Before the end of the novel, who did you think the murderer was? Were you right?
11. What are your thoughts on Becky and Aaron’s relationship?
12. What are your thoughts about Curt Fanning and Brock Buckley after reading the third book in the series?
13. What do you hope for Chloe in the future?
14. What do you hope for Becky in the future?
15. What plotline would you write if you were writing an Amish mystery?