1: This Is the Name of This Chapter
2: My American Home
3: The Peasant and the Sausage
4: Stars ’n’ Bars
5: Godzilla Meets the Toad Man
6: The Central Teachings of Mysticism
7: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000
8: Magic Doors
9: Looking-Glass World
10: God’s Laws
11: cushion
12: Midnight Rambler
13: Porkchop Bushes and Fritter Trees
14: Wanted
15: Welcome, Joseph Fletcher
16: Blue Gluons
17: Sit on My Butt
18: Why Things Exist
19: I Wish I Had a Wish
20: God Goes Trans-Sex
21: Men Are People Too
22: Strictly from Detroit
23: Way Uptown
24: Spacetime Plumbers
25: Levels of Uncertainty
26: I Do It
27: Nancy’s Wish
28: Earthly Delights
29: Rudy Rucker Is Watching You
30: Can It Ever Be Over?