Be Your Own Oracle

Working with Tarot or oracle cards is a form of divination (the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means). These tools have been shrouded in mystery and misconception for long enough. Perhaps you were fooled into thinking that only ultra-spiritual types and hipsters who possess magic powers are capable of using them, but these practices are for everyone. Especially you.

Some people may shy away from them: ‘What if it tells me something I don’t want to know or gives me bad news?’ Well, the cards won’t sugar-coat the truth (the Tarot especially), but they’re only telling you what you already know deep down. Each card acts as a mirror: it’s a reflection of your subconscious. It can shine a light on what’s influencing you, holding you back, and what will support you to step into your highest potential.

The cards are a tool for personal development and transformation, like a portable cosmic adviser that’s on call 24/7. We can ask them for daily guidance, and they can help us to see the bigger picture so that we can gain a fresh perspective when we’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed. One of my favourite side effects of working with the cards is clarity.

You’ve already got the answers you’re looking for, but the cards can support you in excavating them from the noise and confusion of daily life.


A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which are divided into the Major Arcana (22 cards) and Minor Arcana (56 cards); ‘arcana’ means mystery, or secret. Each deck is unique and creators will depict the cards in their own way, but the fundamental elements are the same. The Major Arcana represent pivotal moments in our lives. It begins with the ‘Fool’ and takes us on a journey through to the ‘World’; each card tells a story and has something to teach us about the human experience as we evolve. The Tarot is steeped in symbolism, with cards like the ‘Devil’, ‘Death’ and the ‘Tower’, which can be intimidating at first glance, but when you understand them, they aren’t as scary as you initially thought. The Minor Arcana represents all the everyday details that are demanding our attention: each card indicates a situation, person, belief or behaviour that’s influencing circumstances, and what can be done to help us step into our power. It has a similar format to a deck of playing cards: it’s divided into four suits, ace through ten, with court cards for each suit, page, knight, queen and king. Each suit represents an element: swords = air; cups = water; wands = fire; pentacles (also represented as coins or crystals) = earth.


The difference between Tarot and oracle cards is that oracle cards don’t necessarily have a particular structure. They’re often an intuitive/creative expression of the artist and author inspired, for example, by unicorns, goddesses, angels, animals, plants, crystals, mermaids, astrology, food … Oracle cards can be more accessible than the Tarot; the messages may seem more light-hearted and encouraging. The Tarot may come across as tough love because it can be so specific as to what it’s addressing.


Myth says you should be given your deck, and as thoughtful as that may be, my friend, you could end up waiting a long time for that to happen. Unless you choose a deck and put the link on your birthday wishlist.

Whether it’s a Tarot or oracle deck you go for, it’s important to choose one with imagery you like and are drawn to. You can buy Tarot and oracle decks from bookshops, boutiques and the most mystical place you can think of: scroll through Instagram to see what your favourite mystics are working with. Some incredible artists/intuitives self-publish their own decks, which can usually be found online.


Ideally, I’d recommend getting comfortable in a place where you won’t be disturbed, but don’t let that hold you back if you want to check in with the cards. You could do a meditation or simply take a few slow, deep breaths, to quieten your mind and get into the mood, before you pick up the deck.

Start by shuffling the cards. You don’t need to do your best impression of a Las Vegas casino croupier to get a golden answer from your deck. There’s no such thing as being ‘bad’ at shuffling when you’re doing this. Use it as an act of mindfulness to help you feel connected with the present moment and tune into the situation that you’re seeking guidance with.

Before you choose a card, think of the question you’d like to ask. The key to getting the most insightful answers from the cards is asking a question that’s expansive rather than looking for a definitive answer. Expecting yes or no is limiting and can make the answer tricky to read.

Suggested questions:

If you keep asking your friends for advice about a particular issue, try it out on the cards.

Some people like to cut the deck in a particular order with the left hand; others like to spread the cards (with the backs facing upwards) in front of them on the table, or create a fan with them before choosing the card they are drawn to. Certain cards may catch your eye or you can run your fingers over the deck until you feel a magnetic pull towards one. Perhaps you’re the kind of person who always goes for the card at the top of the deck or for the one that’s hidden behind a cluster. One of my friends chooses a card that ‘jumps’ out while she’s shuffling. You do you: pull the cards however you like.

As long as you have a clear intention with the question you’re asking before you pull the card, it doesn’t matter how you shuffle or choose them.

Hold tight. I know it will be tempting to dive straight to the index of the guide book or consult Google to find out what your card is saying, but slow down and take time to look at the card: what’s happening in the image? Does it have a message or a title that’s thought-provoking? What are your first impressions? Does it relate to anything specific that’s been happening for you? Use this as an opportunity to flex your intuition, write some notes, then see what the card is ‘officially’ saying. Chances are, it won’t be far from what you’ve already noted.

Considering how many cards there are in a Tarot or oracle deck, it’s likely that over time you’ll have a few familiar cards that keep popping up for you ‒ a.k.a. stalker cards. Ugh, that one again? The cards that make you roll your eyes are usually enforcing a message you aren’t acting on (deep down you know you need to) or affirming where you are at the moment. We don’t really choose the cards: the cards choose us. If you put back a card because you don’t understand or like what it was saying, get it out again and let its message simmer. There’s a reason why it came up for you. Journal about it and what it brings to mind. The more challenging cards are an opportunity to go deeper, to where we really get to know ourselves. When it’s a card that resonates or we like what it’s saying because it’s giving us a cosmic high-five, we tend to bypass the depth of the message. It’s like, ‘Yeah, I get it,’ and you move on without any reflection. We always benefit from reflecting, even when it feels as if we’re in the flow lane.

How Often Should You Use Them?

In this book, you’ll find lunar-inspired spreads for the Moon phases to help you reflect and process what’s coming up for you. Use the cards as part of your Moon rituals so that you can tune into what the Moon is trying to show you. Use the cards to find your own answers. I also recommend pulling a daily card to ask: what will support/ground/inspire/empower me today? Keep your card of the day or a stalker card on your altar (see page 224) or somewhere you’ll see it frequently as a friendly reminder.


No two Moons are ever the same. What we experience is also influenced by the other planetary transits, like retrogrades, eclipses or astrological aspects (the angles between the planets). It’s easy enough to check in with your horoscopes and see what your favourite astrologers are saying about the cosmic weather but they’re often generalized for the collective. If you want something more personal, to find out what each Moon phase is saying for you, grab your Tarot or oracle deck and flex your intuition with these layouts to get a personal lunar reading

How To Use These Spreads

You can use oracle spreads, according to the current Moon phase. You can do them on their own as a Moon ritual or alongside other Moon rituals (see pages 213‒256) in this book. Sit somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed or distracted, and create a sacred space (page 17) for yourself. You can do a meditation before using the spread or simply take a few slow, deep breaths to help you feel more relaxed and quieten your mind for the reading. Shuffle your deck, and before you pull each card, ask the questions according to the spread you’re working with. Place the cards in the order and positions that are illustrated in the following diagrams. Turn the cards over and have them face up as you put them down so that you can see them all together. When you pull cards individually, as a daily single card, you may see a snapshot of a situation; with more than one card, you can start to see a bigger picture and the various influences at play. Spend some time reflecting on the messages from the cards and your first impressions of what they may mean for you. Journal about the cards and how they may apply to your situation; this can help if you’re confused by your interpretation. You’ll be keen to look up the cards’ meanings but, first, try to use your intuition to feel into what the cards are saying to you; then look up the cards if you need to. Use these Moon phase spreads on your own or with friends so that you can share perspectives on the interpretations of the cards’ messages; sometimes the answers are clearer after we’ve talked about how they could apply to us.


New Moons are all about new beginnings and setting intentions; you can use this spread to tune into what you need to know about the new cycle to align with it.

Card 1. What is this new Moon opening/awakening for me?

Card 2. What will support me during this Moon cycle?

Card 3. How can I stay open to receiving fresh opportunities?


Waxing Moons can be about taking action. Use this spread to clarify what you need to focus your attention on and the steps you could take to help things move forward in your life.

Card 1. What do I need to focus on?

Card 2. How am I holding myself back?

Card 3. What action do I need to take?

Card 4. How can I make space for what will support me?

Card 5. What will make things flow more easily?


Full Moons can be an intense time as certain aspects in your life become hard to ignore. Use this spread to understand what’s culminating and how to surrender to what it brings up for you.

Card 1. Which area of my life is this full Moon illuminating for me?

Card 2. What intention has manifested with this full Moon?

Card 3. Where can I invite more love, pleasure and fun into my life?

Card 4. What’s been triggering me?

Card 5. How can I stay grounded?

Card 6. How am I being supported?

Card 7. What do I need to stop trying to control?

Card 8. How can I embrace change?

Card 9. A message from my higher self?


Waning Moons are an opportunity to release and make space for something new, as the Moon wanes towards the new Moon. Use this spread to tune into what it’s time to let go and how to use what you’ve learnt during this Moon cycle to make you wiser and stronger.

Card 1. What habit/belief/relationship/situation am I ready to let go?

Card 2. What has this experience taught me?

Card 3. What do I need to forgive?

Card 4. How can I be kinder to myself (and others)?

Card 5. What can I do to heal myself?

Card 6. What will support me to move forward?


The dark Moon is like the space between an ending and a new beginning; it’s a time for stillness and reflection rather than taking specific action. Use this spread to help you reflect on the messages that this Moon phase has for you.

Card 1. What have I achieved?

Card 2. What do I need to press pause on?

Card 3. How can I surrender to the unknown?

Card 4. A message from my inner high priestess?