Let it hurt then let it go

The waning Moon is the time to weed out anything that isn’t working for you, such as any limiting beliefs, relationships or situations. Work with this Moon phase to declutter and create space for more of what you truly want.

Cord-cutting Ritual

If you’ve been trying to move forward but someone or something keeps dragging you back, this ritual may help you release yourself from the attachment. It can be used for cutting the cord and letting go of an ex, a frenemy, situations from your past, comparisons, limiting beliefs or behaviours, so that you can feel lighter and be free.

You need to do this ritual only once for a specific situation; even if you don’t notice immediate results, trust that the healing is in action. When we repeatedly do a cord-cutting ritual because we think it isn’t working, we’re actually reinforcing the belief that the connection is still there, which is the last thing you want if you’re trying to detach. Trust the process.

You will need:

What to do:

Space-clearing Ritual

Think of the way that a fragrance can awaken your senses. Choose a candle that inspires you in some way. When you use candles in rituals, the flame ignites your intention and symbolizes transformation. It can be a simple act that opens you to new perspectives, experiences and opportunities. Decide which room to use to perform the ritual: it could be your bedroom if you’re focusing on relationships and intimacy, your workspace for business goals, your bathroom or dressing-table for body positivity, wherever you feel called to make some magic happen.

You will need:

What to do:

If you’re using a small candle, like a tealight, allow it to burn to the end, as long as it’s safe to do so. When using a large candle, let it burn for as long as you want; each time you relight it, say your intention.

Social Media Detox

We’re spending more and more time on social media, and the accounts that we follow can impact our mental health, whether we realize it or not. For example, if you scroll first thing in the morning, you have no control over what you’re going to see and it can set the tone for your day ahead. The worst-case scenario is that you see something that’s like a dagger through your heart or nails scraping down a chalkboard, and it puts you in a funk that you can’t shake. Nobody wants that.

My friend Lucy Sheridan is a comparison coach and she talks about the ‘House Party Rule’ when it comes to who we follow (or don’t) on social media. The criteria are:

If you wouldn’t allow the person, brand or thing to come into your home or inner circle, then you should review whether or not they stay in your social media feed.

Would you invite them to your house party? Flood your feed with the things that nourish you, make you feel good, entertain you and challenge you in all the right ways.

It’s not about creating echo chambers and wrapping ourselves in cotton wool. Although there will be times when we need to take extreme self-care and be very careful about the stimuli we’re accessing. If we’re feeling steady with our mental health, though, social media can be a fantastic source of education and understanding of what’s going on in the world.

Call back your power and curate a feed that aligns with your highest self. If you don’t want to follow Karen down the road talking about her new eyelashes, it’s cool. It isn’t personal. We’re all entitled to autonomy over who we subscribe to. Use this as an opportunity to cut ties with exes, past soul-sucking jobs and frenemies. Stop cyberstalking people who aren’t in your life any more. This waning Moon ritual is simple and you could do it in your lunch break or while you’re commuting on public transport.

You will need:

What to do:

Optional: After your unfollowing session, replace the existing phone cover with a new one. Choose it to represent how you want to feel when you’re using your phone.

Burn, Baby, Burn

Don’t put your life on hold for someone who won’t or can’t give you the answers you want. Instead of waiting for closure, close the door yourself. Write to them. This letter isn’t for anyone’s eyes but yours. Write your heart out, say anything that you need to get off your chest and let it go. Burn it, bury it or shred it to be recycled. No matter how tempting it is: DO NOT SEND THIS LETTER. It’s time to let go of believing that this experience defines you or is holding you back.

You will need:

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