
Chapter 24

The Bandit


Detective Rebecca Watson of the Eugene Falls Police Department sat at her desk watching a video. A man of average height and build pointed a gun at the teller of Eugene Bank. The man wore a ski mask and a trench coat. She’d watched the video so many times, her eyes started to burn.

Rebecca contemplated calling it quits. A good night’s sleep might help her see something she was overlooking.

There had been a recent rise in bank robberies over the past three weeks. Five banks had been robbed by a man wearing a ski mask, and a trench coat. In each robbery, the suspect rubbed his thumb along the tips of his index finger before writing the note for the teller stating this was a stick-up and he wanted the money from the till.  

So far, no usable forensic evidence or witness statements had led to an arrest of what the media called the Bandit. And the twenty-five-thousand-dollar reward had only complicated matters. Witnesses seemed to come out from everywhere to claim they had information on the identity the Bandit. As it turned out, none of them had.

Everyone in the homicide division had already left for the day. And the on-call detective had decided to forward all the phones to his mobile. It seemed everyone had someone or something to go home to.

She’d just powered-down her laptop and stood to leave when the watch commander, Sergeant Dan Reeves, entered the bullpen. The tall man scanned the cubicles until his gaze met hers. “Oh, good,” Reeves said. “I was afraid everyone had left for the day.”

Rebecca sighed, knowing she wouldn’t be going home anytime soon. She didn’t have to be a detective to know something was wrong. Otherwise, the watch sergeant wouldn’t be here.

She yawned. “How can I help you, Dan?”

“I have a guy in the lobby who says he knows who the Bandit is.”

“Think he might be telling the truth?”

“Let me consult my crystal ball.” Reeves smiled. “Ah, says here, you’re the detective.”

Rebecca shook her head. “You’re a wealth of knowledge, Dan.”

“That’s what I keep telling my wife, but she doesn’t believe me.”

“Smart woman.”

They both laughed.

“Want me to escort him up here or do you want me to tell the guy to come back tomorrow.”

“I’m here, so you may as well bring him in.”

When Reeves left, Rebecca powered her laptop back up and waited for the witness to arrive.    

Dan reentered the squad room with a man in his early thirties, with cropped, blond hair. He was of average height and build. Reeves introduced the man as Caleb Knight. Caleb shook her hand and then took a seat next to Rebecca’s desk.

“You have information that can identify the Bandit?”

“You get straight to the point, huh detective?”

“Isn’t that why you’re here? To provide information?”

“Well, yeah. I guess so. But if I, like, provide information that leads to the Bandit, I get the reward money. Right?”

She simply nodded.

“Okay,” Knight began, “so here’s what I know. The Bandit has a tattoo under his right eye.”

“What kind of tattoo?”

“A permanent one.”

“What does the tattoo look like?”

“Oh, right. ‘W T F’ is tattooed under the Bandit’s right eye. I don’t know what it means, but I think they’re initials.”

Rebecca started doubting her decision to take this guy’s statement now. The man had a weird sense of humor. She could be at home instead of being here with Captain Idiot.

When she didn’t respond, he said, “Can I get a Coke?”

“Is there anything else you can provide?”

“A coke might jog my memory.”

“Sure.” Rebecca grabbed a form and pen from her desk. “How about you give me your personal information to start with while I get that soda.”

Knight rubbed his thumb along the tip of his index finger. Then he began to jot information on the form.

Rebecca stood to leave the room, when she realized the man not only lied to her about the tattoo, but he might also be the Bandit.

Why did Rebecca believe Caleb Knight lied about the tattoo? What led her to believe he might be the Bandit?

Hint: Ski mask.

Caleb Knight stated the Bandit had a tattoo with ‘W T F’ under his right eye. How could he see a tattoo when the Bandit’s head was covered by a ski mask?

Caleb rubbed his thumb along his fingerprints before writing anything on the form Rebecca gave him. The Bandit did the same thing before robbing each bank. Therefore, she thinks Caleb Knight could be the Bandit.


No writer can complete a book on their own without getting some help. I’m truly humbled by everyone who helped me turn my idea of Couch Detective into a reality.

The Panhandle Writers Group provides much needed feedback every Thursday. My editor, who wishes to remain anonymous continues to teach me. Also, my beta readers. You continue to keep me honest.

My wife is my biggest supporter and inspiration for all my projects. Without her, writing would be a dream, not a reality.

Finally, I’d like to thank you, the reader. I hope you enjoyed solving the cases and earning your title as Couch Detective. But if you didn’t solve all of them before the end of each chapter, no worries. The next installment of Couch Detective is in the works.

About the Author

James Glass achieved the rank of Command Master Chief before retiring after 22 years in the United States Navy.

After retiring from the Navy, he exchanged his rifle for a pen. He and his family moved back to Florida.  

James is also the President of the Panhandle Writers Group.

Checkout his website at and discover his other books.