This list includes all texts referred to in chapters 1–9. A specific edition of a literary source is provided only when the source has been directly quoted. Films are listed separately at the end.
Books and Articles
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Young, Karl. 1933. The Drama of the Medieval Church. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Zola, Émile. 1928. Oeuvres complètes. Ed. Maurice Le Blond. Paris: Bernouard.
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——. La Faute de l ’abbé Mouret.
——. Germinal.
——. Nana.
——. Le Roman expérimental.
——. Son Excellence Eugène Rougon.
——. Thérèse Raquin.
——. Le Ventre de Paris (The Fat and the Thin).
Antonioni, Michelangelo. Zabriskie Point (MGM, 1970).
Buñuel, Luis. Viridiana (José Esteban Alenda Distribución, 1961).
Cameron, James. Titanic (Twentieth Century Fox / Paramount, 1997).
Chaplin, Charles. The Great Dictator (United Artists, 1940).
Cooper, Merian C., and Ernest B. Schoedsack. King Kong (RKO, 1933).
Coppola, Francis Ford. The Rain People (Warner Bros, 1969).
Davies, Andrew. Pride and Prejudice (BBC, 1995).
De Mille, Cecil B. Unconquered (Paramount, 1947).
De Sica, Vittorio. The Garden of the Finzi-Contini (Central Cinema Company, 1970).
Douglas, Gordon. Them! (Warner Bros., 1954).
Eisenstein, Sergei. Battleship Potemkin (Goskino, 1925).
Fellini, Federico. La Dolce Vita (Cineriz, 1960).
——. I Vitelloni (ENIC, 1953).
Ford, John. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (RKO, 1949).
——. Wagonmaster (Argosy, 1950).
Freeland, Thornton. Flying Down to Rio (RKO, 1933).
Fuller, Sam. The Big Red One (United Artists, 1980)
Garnett, Tay. Bataan (MGM, 1943).
Griffith, D. W. The Birth of a Nation (Epoch, 1915)
——. The Cricket on the Hearth (Biograph, 1909).
——. Enoch Arden (Biograph, 1911).
——. Intolerance (Triangle Corporation, 1916).
——. Judith of Bethulia (American Mutoscope & Biograph, 1913).
——. The Lonedale Operator (Biograph, 1911).
——. The Lonely Villa (Biograph, 1909).
——. Ramona (Biograph, 1910).
Guillermin, John. Death on the Nile (EMI, 1978).
——. The Towering Inferno (Twentieth Century Fox /Warner Bros., 1974).
Hitchcock, Alfred. Notorious (RKO, 1946).
Hopper, Dennis. Easy Rider (Columbia, 1969).
Julian, Rupert. The Phantom of the Opera (Universal, 1925).
Leonard, Robert Z. New Moon (MGM, 1940).
Ludwig, Edward. The Fighting Seabees (Republic, 1944)
Mamoulian, Rouben. Silk Stockings (MGM, 1957).
Meyer, Nicholas. The Day After (ABC, 1983).
Milestone, Lewis. All Quiet on the Western Front (Universal, 1930).
Minnelli, Vincente. An American in Paris (MGM, 1951).
——. The Band Wagon (MGM, 1953).
——. Gigi (MGM, 1958).
Penn, Arthur. Bonnie and Clyde (Warner Bros., 1967).
Renoir, Jean. La Grande Illusion (Cinédis, 1937).
——. La Règle du jeu (Rules of the Game) (Pathé, 1939).
Robson, Mark. Earthquake (Universal, 1974).
Seaton, George. Airport (Universal, 1970).
Spielberg, Steven. Saving Private Ryan (Paramount, 1999).
Truffaut, François. The Bride Wore Black (Les Artistes Associés (UA), 1968).
Van Dyke, W.S. Sweethearts (MGM, 1938). Werker, Alfred L. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Twentieth Century Fox, 1939).
Wise, Robert. West Side Story (United Artists, 1961).
Wyler, William. The Best Years of Our Lives (RKO, 1946).
Zinnemann, Fred. Oklahoma! (Todd, 1955).