at way-too-early o’clock, I stumbled down the stairs, trying to figure out why the dogs weren’t barking at the racket from the front of the house. I finally realized the thumping came from the door and threw it open to find my cousin Daisy on the porch, nearly hidden by the big cardboard box in her arms.

“You look awful,” she said, hardly glancing at me as she breezed in. With my rumpled pajamas and bleary eyes, I didn’t exactly make her a liar. “Clearly I’ve arrived just in time.”

I closed the door and followed her into the living room, where she set the box on the coffee table. Daisy was a lot to take, even on a good day. She was a high school senior, but she’d skipped a grade, so she wasn’t quite seventeen yet. With her very red hair, black tee, short plaid skirt, and platform Mary Jane shoes with knee socks, not to mention all the spikes, she looked like the Goth love child of a Catholic schoolgirl and Lucille Ball.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night,” I said. “Also, Phin’s furious with me.”

“Are you sure you didn’t have a sleepless night because Phin is furious with you?”

I considered the question. Was Phin capable of doing some hoodoo to make me toss and turn like the princess and the pea all night, my brain spinning like a corrupted hard drive?

Absolutely. Would she?

When I did doze, the luminous specter waited, then turned into La Llorona, dragging me underwater, where I froze and couldn’t breathe, until I jolted awake, huddled in the middle of my bed, bones aching, teeth chattering.

If not for the physical misery, I might not put it past her. But Phin was never petty.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, following Daisy again, this time into the kitchen.

“Delivery service,” she said, rooting around in the refrigerator. “Your mom said you needed those books. Also, you should call her, because she’s getting some intermittent heebs and jeebs, and it’s rocking the vibe in the store. That’s my message, because I’m working there this summer and I need the commission.”

She emerged with a Dr Pepper and a handful of baby carrots. “Why’s Phin mad at you?”

“Because I wouldn’t let her do experiments on me last night.”

“Hmm.” Daisy contemplated my face as she cracked the top on the bottle of DP. “That’s either rather wise or extremely foolish.”

“Why?” I asked, because I knew perfectly well that she hadn’t driven an hour and a half out here, leaving before the sun was up, just to bring me books and tell me to call my mother.

Phin picked that moment to appear from the workroom. She already looked thunderous, but at the sight of Daisy, she clouded even darker. “Great. That’s all we need. A psychic.”

“Hey, Phin. How are things in the laboratory?” She said it like Boris Karloff, with an emphasis on the bore.

“Have you been up all night?” I asked my sister.

“Of course not.” She went to the cabinet and got down a pottery mug with a black cat on it, then put the kettle on to boil. “I got my usual four hours.”

Daisy munched on a carrot. “Don’t people who don’t get enough sleep eventually snap? I’d lock up the axes and knives if I were you, Amy.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ll snap first,” I said dryly. In fact, I was pretty sure what would make it happen, too.

“So, why does Phinster want to do experiments on you?” Daisy asked.

Phin folded her arms and raised her brows. “You mean you don’t know already? What kind of clairvoyant are you?”

“One who works best with dead people,” said Daisy, popping another carrot into her mouth.

Another sardonic look from Phin. “Which is, I assume, why you’re here. Because of Amy’s ghost.”

I didn’t need a road map to see where this was going, so I took a shortcut. “How can I be haunted?” This was the argument we’d had the night before. “The ghost was around before I got here. Hell, the ghost was here before I was even born.

“If you don’t believe me,” Phin said, “ask Daisy. You don’t really think she drove all the way out here on whatever flimsy excuse she gave, do you?”

I looked up at Daisy. She wrinkled her nose in apology. “Sorry, Am. It wasn’t just your mom with the heebie-jeebies. And now that I’m here, I’m definitely getting a vibe. The dead are sort of my thing, so as much as I hate to say it, Phin is right.”

Phin snorted but didn’t gloat. I looked from one implacable face to the other and felt the sand shift under my arguments. Which, to be honest, weren’t built on certainty so much as hope.

“I think it’s extremely unfair of the two of you to gang up on me this way.”

Daisy took my shoulders and bent to look me in the eye. “We’re doing it because we love you, Amaryllis. The first step to solving your problem is admitting you have a problem.”

“Very funny.”

She grinned and dropped her hands. But I noticed she shook them at her side, like shaking the feeling back into cold fingers. A small movement, tactfully hidden, but in its way, the most convincing argument of all.

“What about the people who say they’ve seen the Mad Monk?” I said. “That would mean it’s not just me who’s haunted.”

“Unless they haven’t really,” said Phin. “You said it yourself, the McCulloch Ranch ghost might be legend based on another ghost, shored up by accidents and imagination.” She paused. “Actually, you didn’t say that last bit, but you know it’s true.”

“Or,” said Daisy, “it’s appeared to other people before. Or it’s a separate entity to worry about. The important thing is, you have to deal with the one attached to you, whether it’s the Mad Monk of legend or something else.”

I went to the kitchen table and sat down before my knees could give out. “You’re saying that this thing is tied to me and … what? It’s not going to go away? Ever?”

They exchanged looks of rare agreement. It figured they would finally see eye to eye when it meant that I was screwed.

“So, what do I do?”

“Well,” said Phin, “you told me last night that all these people—Mac McCulloch and the girl at the bar—want you to find out about the Mad Monk. So … maybe you should listen.”

Commit to the ghost hunt. My heart started pounding and a cold sweat prickled my skin. Defy Deputy Kelly and Steve Sparks and Ben. Go look for the freezing specter in the middle of the night—

Daisy interrupted my spiraling panic as if she could read it on my face. “Start small. What were you going to do today?”

“Go to the dig. Excavate some bones that might be related to the ghost.” The skull was found near where it had appeared, after all.

“That’s a start.” She downed the last of her Dr Pepper. “I can’t tell you how much I wish I could stay. I’ll come back as soon as I can. But right now I’ve got to get to San Antonio or the police are going to come after me.”

Daisy consulted for various police departments, something everyone kept on the QT. For some reason the local and federal law enforcement didn’t like it getting around that they occasionally called in a sixteen-year-old psychic for help solving crimes.

“Wait,” I said, following her to the living room. “You’re coming back?”

“Don’t bother on our account,” Phin called from the kitchen.

Daisy paused in the doorway. “Oh, from the look of things out on the highway, it’s about to get really interesting. I wouldn’t want to miss it.”

Then she was gone, scratching the dogs’ heads on the way to her Prius, parked just outside the gate.

I turned to Phin, who had come into the room when Daisy left. “What did she mean, the look of things on the highway?”

“How should I know? I’m not the clairvoyant.”

Phin liked things measurable and predictable—or as predictable as anything supernatural ever was. Spells and potions were chemistry and physics to her. And even though it wasn’t as simple as she liked to think, her way of doing things was less influenced by factors like emotions, bias, expectations … things that make us human.

I went to the box on the coffee table and pulled open the flaps. Inside were all the books and videos that I’d boxed up after the incident in Goliad. On the top was a trade paperback I didn’t recognize. Haunts of the Hill Country, by Dorothea Daggerspoint.

Fourth in the table of contents was “The Mad Monk of McCulloch Ranch.” This must be the book Mac had mentioned, the source of the nickname. The author did love alliteration. And purple prose—the chapter wouldn’t be quick to scan.

“You see?” said Phin, reading over my shoulder. I hadn’t heard her come over. “Even Mom thinks you ought to be investigating this ghost.”

I fanned the pages and dropped the book into the box to look at later. “Do you think Daisy could be right about its being two different events?”

She snorted. “Psychics.” Then, more helpfully, she told me, “The monk story and the bones in the pasture are what you have to go on. So that’s the best place to—”

The dogs interrupted her from out in the yard, barking to scare off the devil.

“Now what?” I groaned. With leaden feet I went to see who was at the gate. I really hoped it wasn’t Deputy Kelly. Or any Kelly at all, really.

But it was worse. It was the press.

I stood on the porch in my boxer short pajamas and bare feet, staring into a television camera. Long-distance, fortunately, since the crew didn’t want to come into the yard with the dogs going crazy and all. A woman with a big fat microphone yelled at me over their noise, “Miss Goodnight! Care to comment on your exciting find yesterday?”

“No!” Oh my God, Ben was going to kill me. And so was Dr. Douglas.

“Would you call off your dogs so we can talk to you?”


“Would you care to tell us about finding the severed head?”

“For crying out loud,” I snapped. “It was a skull, not a severed head.”

Aw, hell. I’d gone and confirmed something. The reporter looked amazingly smug, even from far away.

“What about the rumor going around that you’ve found an Indian burial ground?” she asked.

“I don’t know anything about a Native American burial ground. But I do know this is private property!”

I stepped back and slammed the door, breathless with indignation. I wished I had the nerve to sic Uncle Burt on them, but a paranormal event on the evening news was exactly the kind of thing I lived to prevent.

Phin watched me from beside the door. I told her, “We’d better get to the dig site and warn Mark.”

“Oh,” she said, with remarkable calm, “chances are, he already knows.”