
I wish to thank the many people who assisted me in bringing this volume to print. Research was facilitated by the cheerful and helpful response I always received at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, the Legislative Assembly Library in Fredericton, the Harriet Irving Library at the University of New Brunswick, and the Archives and Research Library at the New Brunswick Museum. Special thanks go to Janice Cook, Provincial Archivist, who never failed to produce yet another list of documents for perusal, and to Gary Hughes, Curator at the New Brunswick Museum, who willingly shared his knowledge and collection. In researching events in northern Maine, I developed wonderful relationships with Wayne Wilcox of Eastport, Alice Hawes of Hampden, and Bob Fraser of Belfast. Their enthusiasm for the subject and their willingness to share knew no bounds. R. Wallace Hale again came to my support by providing his excellent transcription of the Black Refugees, as did Valerie A. Teed of Ancestors New Brunswick, who provided information on the 104th Regiment’s dependants. Thanks also go to the Niagara Falls Museum for copies of the correspondence of Lieutenant Thomas Leonard, 104th Regiment. Major (Retired) Gary Campbell, PhD, rendered great assistance throughout by sharing his extensive research and particularly by engaging in lively debates that were always beneficial. Once again, many thanks go to my friend of long standing, Colonel (Retired) Roger Acreman, who patiently endured repeated accounts of the War of 1812 and still cheerfully critiqued the draft manuscript. Without the faith displayed in me by Dr. Marc Milner, director of the Gregg Centre, and Brent Wilson, director of the New Brunswick Military Heritage Project, nothing would have been possible. Thanks also to the editorial and design staff at Goose Lane Editions, particularly Angela Williams, Barry Norris, and Julie Scriver. Finally, my wife Sharon, at the critical times, provided the support and encouragement needed to keep me focused.