Enabling quality profiles

To be able to analyze a project, first, you need to install specific programming language plugins. Let's perform the following steps to install Java plugins that we'll use in the next recipe, Adding a project:

  1. Click on Quality Profiles. If you see a message saying There are no languages available, then you need to install the language plugins:

  1. Click on the Administration menu and switch to the Marketplace tab:

  1. On the Marketplace search field, search for the language you would like to enable. For this recipe, this is java :

  1. Add Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) rules for SonarQube, Checkstyle, Findbugs, Java i18n rules, Programming Mistake Detector (PMD), and SonarJava plugins by clicking on the Install button next to the respective plugins:

  1. This action requires a restart. Click on Restart Server and log in to the Dashboard after it's restarted:

  1. Once you've logged back into the Dashboard, click on Quality Profiles. This time, you should see Java profiles:

Repeat steps 1 to 5 for any other languages you want to install.