Building a pipeline with AWS CodePipeline

Finally, we have reached the last stage of AWS Developer Tools. Let's perform the following steps to build a pipeline using the AWS CodePipeline service:

  1. Sign in to your AWS account and open the AWS Developer Tools at
  1. From the Developer Tools menu, expand the Pipeline menu and click on Pipelines.
  2. Enter a pipeline name.
  3. Select New service role and click on Next.
  1. Now, we will set the primary source of the pipeline. Select AWS CodeCommit as a source provider. Select the repository you created in the Creating an AWS CodeCommit code repository recipe. Click on the Next button to confirm these changes. The following screenshot shows that, in our example, the source is k8sdevopscookbook:

  1. Select AWS CodeBuild as the Build provider. Select the project name you created in the Building projects with AWS CodeBuild recipe (or create a new project). Click on Next to confirm these changes. The following screenshot shows that, in our example, the region is US West and that the project name is DevOpsCookbookExample:

  1. Click on Skip deploy stage. As a deployment alternative, you can invoke a Lambda function to call the CloudFormation template and deploy a Kubernetes cluster. You can find the AWS CodeSuite example that shows how to do this in the See also section.
  2. Click on Create Pipeline.
  1. When the pipeline has been executed, you will see a build similar to the following:

With that, you have successfully built a pipeline using the AWS CodePipeline service.