Creating a pipeline using a QuickStart application

If you don't have a project to import, then you can create a new app from QuickStart and import the newly generated code into Git and Jenkins for CI/CD by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a build from a standardized template. This command will show you application templates that you can use to create a new application:
$ jx create quickstart
  1. Select your GitHub username and organization:
? Git user name? 
? Which organisation do you want to use?
  1. Enter a new repository name. In this recipe, this is chapter2-jx-tutorial :
Enter the new repository name: chapter2-jx-tutorial
  1. Select the QuickStart example you wish to create. In our recipe, this is golang-http.
  2. Specify Yes to the following question:
Would you like to initialise git now? (Y/n) y
  1. The pipelines will take some time to complete. List the available pipelines with the following command:
$ jx get pipelines